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An undescribed lobate ctenophore, Lobatolampea tetragona gen. nov. & spec. nov., representing a new family, from Japan Naturalis
Horita, T..
Lobatolampea tetragona gen. nov. & spec. nov. was collected from coastal waters of Ise Bay, near Toba, Pacific coast of middle Japan. It assumes a medusoid bell-shape when floating, but is nearly discshaped when resting on the bottom. It is characterized by four C-shaped gonads present on the distal part of the subpharyngeal meridional canals, beyond the oral end of the comb rows. “Primitive” oral lobes are also formed and ctenes are found at the site of the presumptive auricles. The morphology of this species differs from any previously described larval or adult form, and is intermediate between the orders Cydippida and Lobata. The larvae are of the cydippid type.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Ctenophora; Lobatolampeidae fam. nov.; Lobatolampea tetragona gen. nov. & spec. nov.; Lobate; Medusoid; Japan; 42.79.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Medusivorous fishes, a review Naturalis
Ates, R.M.L..
A preliminary review is presented of fish species having consumed pelagic Cnidaria (Scyphozoa and Hydrozoa) as well as Ctenophora. Quantitative data are scarce. Knowledge of morphological and physiological adaptations of fishes foraging on gelatinous plankton is almost non-existent. Many fish species consume medusae and some reasons to suspect that there are even more that do so, are discussed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Hydromedusae; Scyphozoa; Ctenophora; Jellyfish; Fishes; Prey; 42.81.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Minictena luteola, genre et espèce nouveaux de cténophore Cydippida méditerranéen a cinq types de colloblastes Naturalis
Carré, C.; Carré, D..
Minictena luteola gen. and sp. nov, is a small and unusual Cydippida ctenophore, found in the Mediterranean. Its general form and gastrovascular system with stomodeal canals, are similar to those of juvenile Pl.eurobrachiidae. It is characterised by: body semitransparent, yellowish; comb rows equal in length, in pairs from the tip to about the 2/3 of the body length; two apical and unequal pairs of rounded processes; tentacular sheaths of large size apposed to the infundibulum, opening aborally; tentacles with filiform tentilla bearing five types of colloblasts: three of them have a layer of refractive vesicles and a filament with only 1 or 2 spiral turns, the two others have no refractive vesicles and a filament with numerous spiral turns. This...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Ctenophora; Cydippida; Minictena luteola; Nouveau; Méditerranéen.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Retracing the path of planar cell polarity ArchiMer
Schenkelaars, Quentin; Fierro-constain, Laura; Renard, Emmanuelle; Borchiellini, Carole.
Background: The Planar Cell Polarity pathway (PCP) has been described as the main feature involved in patterning cell orientation in bilaterian tissues. Recently, a similar phenomenon was revealed in cnidarians, in which the inhibition of this pathway results in the absence of cilia orientation in larvae, consequently proving the functional conservation of PCP signaling between Cnidaria and Bilateria. Nevertheless, despite the growing accumulation of databases concerning basal lineages of metazoans, very few information concerning the existence of PCP components have been gathered outside of Bilateria and Cnidaria. Thus, the origin of this module or its prevalence in early emerging metazoans has yet to be elucidated. Results: The present study addresses...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Planar cell polarity; Van Gogh; Multigene families; Porifera; Placozoa; Ctenophora; Wnt signaling; Metazoan phylogeny.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Время переваривания и интенствность питания лопастного гребневика Mnemiopsis leidyi в онтогенезе IBSS Repository
Финенко, Г. А.; Дацык, Н. А.; Романова, З. А.; Аболмасова, Г. И..
Effect of some factors (food type, size of predator and prey) on the feeding characteristics (digestion time, ingestion and clearance rates) in ontogenesis of ctenophore invader to the Black Sea Mnemiopsis leidyi were studied both in the laboratory experiments and in nature. Similarity and differences of these indices are analyzed in larvae and adult Mnemiopsis leidy.
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Ctenophora; Time overcooking; Speed feed; Volume water.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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