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A Generic Four-step Methodology For Institutional Analysis AgEcon
Herrera, Paul A.; Van Huylenbroeck, Guido; Espinel, Ramon L..
The central hypothesis of this paper is that there may be situations in which the traditional approach to institutional analysis is of limited applicability. Such an approach, which has been called 'comparative institutional analysis', consists of comparing institutional environments and institutional arrangements in terms of specific economic or other efficiency criteria to see which one performs better. However, because of limitations to accurately predict the future performance of alternative institutional settings, comparisons are not always possible. Furthermore, in most cases the only information available is the performance of the current institutional setting. To account for this methodological deficiency, a generic methodology for institutional...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: New Institutional Economics; Governance structures; Institutional Change.; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; B52; D02; Q25.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Can Co-Management Improve the Governance of A Common- Pool Resource? Lessons From A Framed Field Experiment in A Marine Protected Area in the Colombian Caribbean AgEcon
Moreno-Sanchez, Rocio del Pilar; Maldonado, Jorge Higinio.
Complexities associated with the management of common pool resources (CPR) threaten governance at some marine protected areas (MPA). In this paper, using economic experimental games (EEG), we investigate the effects of both external regulation and the complementarities between internal regulation and non-coercive authority intervention—what we call co-management—on fishermen’s extraction decisions. We perform EEG with fishermen inhabiting the influence zone of an MPA in the Colombian Caribbean. The results show that co- management exhibits the best results, both in terms of resource sustainability and reduction in extraction, highlighting the importance of strategies that recognize communities as key actors in the decision-making process for the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Common-pool resources; Governance; Co-management; Experimental economic games; Fisheries; Latin America.; Environmental Economics and Policy; C93; C72; D02; D70; Q01; Q22; Q28; C23; C25.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Computational Complexity in Additive Hedonic Games AgEcon
Sung, Shao Chin; Dimitrov, Dinko.
We investigate the computational complexity of several decision problems in hedonic coalition formation games and demonstrate that attaining stability in such games remains NP-hard even when they are additive. Precisely, we prove that when either core stability or strict core stability is under consideration, the existence problem of a stable coalition structure is NP-hard in the strong sense. Furthermore, the corresponding decision problems with respect to the existence of a Nash stable coalition structure and of an individually stable coalition structure turn out to be NP-complete in the strong sense.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Additive Preferences; Coalition Formation; Computational Complexity; Hedonic Games; NP-hard; NP-complete; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; C63; C70; C71; D02; D70; D71.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Does Scarcity Exacerbate the Tragedy of the Commons? Evidence from Fishers’ Experimental Responses AgEcon
Maldonado, Jorge Higinio; Moreno-Sanchez, Rocio del Pilar.
Economic Experimental Games (EEGs), focused to analyze dilemmas associated with the use of common pool resources, have shown that individuals make extraction decisions that deviate from the suboptimal Nash equilibrium. However, few studies have analyzed whether these deviations towards the social optimum are affected as the stock of resource changes. Performing EEG with local fishermen, we test the hypothesis that the behavior of participants differs under a situation of abundance versus one of scarcity. Our findings show that under a situation of scarcity, players over-extract a given resource, and thus make decisions above the Nash equilibrium; in doing so, they obtain less profit, mine the others-regarding interest, and exacerbate the tragedy of the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Tragedy of the commons intensified; Economic experimental games; Resource abundance; Resource scarcity; Dynamic effects; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Environmental Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Land Economics/Use; Public Economics; D01; D02; D03; O13; O54; Q01; Q22; C93; C72; C73; C23.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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How to Make Institutional Economics Policy-Relevant: Theoretical Considerations and an Application to Rural Credit Markets in Developing Countries AgEcon
Petrick, Martin.
Welfare economics as the traditional, prescriptive theory framework used in agricultural economics has been criticised by institutional economists as being largely irrelevant to real-world policy issues. We therefore ask how normative statements are possible within an economic theory framework that does recognise the importance of institutional arrangements. Instead of applying established outcome-oriented criteria of social welfare, we examine whether the rules of economic interaction allow the acquisition of gains from cooperation. We suggest to reconstruct any interaction as an existing or repealed social dilemma. This approach helps to identify common rule interests which create room for improvement of all parties involved, and to suggest desirable...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural Finance; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; D02; D63; D74; Q14.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Incentive Compatible Mechanism Design for Stated Choice Surveys: A Multiple Alternative Choice Case AgEcon
Das, Chhandita; Anderson, Christopher M..
Paper removed by author 02/04/09.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Stated choice survey; Mechanism design; Public goods experiment; Demand and Price Analysis; C42; C72; C92; D02; H41; Q51.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Institutional Impediments to Groundwater Trading: the case of the Gnangara groundwater system of Western Australia AgEcon
Skurray, James H.; Pandit, Ram; Pannell, David J..
The development of a market in groundwater usage rights can be inhibited by constraints arising from the institutional context. Such impediments may reduce the potential gains from trade and may generate high transaction costs for prospective traders. We analyse the regulations and policies influencing groundwater transfers in a case-study area -- the Gnangara groundwater system around Perth, Western Australia -- and identify significant impediments to a groundwater market. Property rights are found to be conditional, temporary, and vulnerable to amendment. Regulatory approval is required for all transfers. Facilitating infrastructure is lacking, and price information is unavailable. Management area boundaries reflect land ownership and use rather than...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Land Economics/Use; Political Economy; Public Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q15; Q25; Q28; Q38; Q56; Q57; Q58; D02; R52; H41; H23; H11; D23; D47; D78; H44.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Market Competition, Institutions, and Contracting Outcomes: Preliminary Model and Experimental Results AgEcon
MacDonald, James M.; Wu, Steven Y..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Contracts; Competition; Market Power; Enforcement; Institutions; Agribusiness; Industrial Organization; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Production Economics; C91; D02; D43; D86.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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On the Legitimacy of Coercion for the Financing of Public Goods AgEcon
Bierbrauer, Felix.
The literature on public goods has shown that efficient outcomes are impossible if participation constraints have to be respected. This paper addresses the question whether they should be imposed. It asks under what conditions efficiency considerations justify that individuals are forced to pay for public goods that they do not value. It is shown that participation constraints are desirable if public goods are provided by a malevolent Leviathan. By contrast, with a Pigouvian planner, efficiency can be achieved. Finally, the paper studies the delegation of public goods provision to a profit-maximizing firm. This also makes participation constraints desirable.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Public goods; Mechanism Design; Incomplete Contracts; Regulation; Public Economics; D02; D82; H41; L51.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Sovereign Wealth Funds: Form and Function in the 21st Century AgEcon
Clark, Gordon L.; Monk, Ashby H.B..
As representatives of nation-states in global financial markets, sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) share a common form and many functions. Arguably their form and functions owe as much to a shared (global) moment of institutional formation as they owe their form and functions to the hegemony of Anglo-American finance over the late 20th and early 21st centuries. We distinguish between the immediate future for SWFs in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, and two possible long-term scenarios; one of which sees SWFs becoming financial goliaths dominating global markets, while the other sees SWFs morphing into nation-state development institutions that intermediate between financial markets and the long-term commitments of the nation-state sponsors. If...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Sovereign Wealth Funds; Crisis; Market Performance; Long-term Investment; Financial Economics; D02; F36; G15.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The Effect of Spillovers and Congestion on the Segregative Properties of Endogenous Jurisdiction Structure Formation AgEcon
Oddou, Remy.
This paper analyzes the effect of spillovers and congestion of local public goods on the segregative properties of endogenous formation of jurisdiction. Households living in the same place form a jurisdiction and produce a local public good, that creates positive spillovers in other jurisdictions and suffers from congestion. In every jurisdiction, the production of the local public good is financed through a local tax on household's wealth. Local wealth tax rates are democratically determined in all jurisdictions. Households also consume housing in their jurisdiction. Any household is free to leave its jurisdiction for another one that would increase its utility. A necessary and sufficient condition to have every stable jurisdiction structure segregated by...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Jurisdictions; Segregation; Spillovers; Congestion; Environmental Economics and Policy; C78; D02; H73; R13.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Use of Coordination Fields in Food Economics AgEcon
Toth, Jozsef.
The coordination plays central role in the economics. The conventional economic theory looks at the market and enterprise (or hierarchy) as two different, separated manner of coordination of economic goods and services. However the modern organization theory, price theory and institutional economics show that different types (not only market and enterprise, but also several types of hybrid forms) of coordination (or governance structure) necessarily live together in the current economic system. Based on my previous research on the field of regional clusters in the food industry I came to the conclusion that the cluster is one of the spheres where economic coordination can occur. At the same time I pointed out that the ways of coordination can be ordered...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Exchange; Coordination; Institutions; Governance structure; Agricultural and Food Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Political Economy; A11; D01; D02; L14.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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