Cazedey,Henrique Pereira; Torres Filho,Robledo de Almeida; Fontes,Paulo Rogério; Ramos,Alcinéia de Lemos Souza; Ramos,Eduardo Mendes. |
ABSTRACT: Pork may be classified into quality categories according to its color, texture and exudation, though no international consensus criterion has been reached yet. Thus, the aim of the present paper was to examine the relation between important meat quality traits, evaluating pork quality classification of a same data by different criteria proposed in the literature. In 60 pork loins (Longissimus thoracis muscle), initial pH (pH45min) and R-value were evaluated after 45min post mortem between the 9th and 10th ribs, and ultimate pH (pH24h), objective color and water-holding capacity were evaluated 24h post mortem in two 2.54cm thick steaks cut between the 9th and 11th ribs to be classified into PSE (pale, soft and exudative), RSE (reddish-pink, soft... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: PSE; DFD meat; Color; Exudation; PH. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-84782016001202241 |
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Soares,Adriana Lourenço; Marchi,Denis Fabrício; Matsushita,Makoto; Guarnieri,Paulo Donizeti; Droval,Adriana Aparecida; Ida,Elza Iouko; Shimokomaki,Massami. |
The aim of this work was to study the influence of lipid oxidation on broiler breast meat (Pectoralis major m) color abnormalities. There were 27.0 % more lipid oxidation in PSE in relation to normal meat and 41.0 % more in relation to DFD-like meat (p<0.05). The fatty acid profile was also significantly different since the arachidonic acid (AA) fraction increased 38.6 and 70.5 % in PSE meat comparing to normal and DFD-like meats, respectively. The ratio PUFA/SFA changed in these three types of meat: 0.736, 0.713 and 0.694 for PSE, normal and DFD-like meat respectively, reflecting the highest production of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the PSE meat samples. Results indicated that phospholipase A2 enzyme activities played a relevant role towards the... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: PSE meat; DFD meat; Arachidonic acid. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-89132009000600023 |
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Rodrigues,D.R.; Café,M.B.; Jardim Filho,R.M.; Oliveira,E.; Trentin,T.C.; Martins,D.B.; Minafra,C.S.. |
ABSTRACT An investigation was made into the effects of different lairage times and the position of chicken crates during transport to the slaughterhouse on the biochemical and hematological profile and physical parameters of broilers, such as color and pH of their breast meat. The treatments were defined by the animals slaughtered after 0, 2, 4 and 6 hours of lairage time at the slaughterhouse, transported in crates located in the top and bottom layers of the truck. It was found that increasing the lairage time at the slaughterhouse to over two hours reduced the number of lymphocytes and increased the heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratio and the basophil count in the hemogram. In addition, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity and cholesterol levels increased... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Animal welfare; DFD meat; Fasting; Holding sheds; Pre-slaughter. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-09352017000300733 |
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Carvalho,Rafael Humberto de; Soares,Adriana Lourenço; Guarnieri,Paulo Donizete; Oba,Alexandre; Ida,Elza Iouko; Shimokomaki,Massami. |
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of Pale, Soft, Exudative (PSE) meat and to characterize the Dark, Fim, Dry (DFD) meat as well as the Dead on Arrival (DOA) index in a commercial turkey slaughterhouse in southern Brazil during the summer and winter seasons. The journeys (n=64) were over a distance of 36 ± 20 km and took approximately 95 ± 20 min. Color (L*) and pH distribution of turkey breast meat (n=5,352) were evaluated from different farms (n=64) during the 2015-2016 years. The pH, water-holding capacity, color (L*, a*, b*) were used to establish cutoff values for DFD meat (L* < 44.0 and pH > 5.90) and presented correlation among them. The L* value was the highest during the summer (P<0.01), indicating the... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Animal Welfare; Color Meat; DFD meat; PSE meat; Slaughterhouse. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-89132018000100505 |
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