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Evaluation of new agricultural tractors engines by using a portable dynamometer Ciência Rural
Farias,Marcelo Silveira de; Schlosser,José Fernando; Estrada,Javier Solis; Frantz,Ulisses Giacomini; Rodrigues,Fabrício Azevedo.
ABSTRACT: Official agricultural engineering testing aims to determine torque and power, which are important information for decision making when buying an agricultural tractor. In this research the torque and maximum power values provided by manufacturers with the dynamometer tests values, were compared. Forty new agricultural tractors commercialized in the brazilian market were used. Tractors were classified according to the power range in: Class I (less than or equal 22.1kW); Class II (between 22.1 and 51.5kW); Class III (51.5 and 73.5kW); Class IV (73.5 and 117.7kW); and Class V (117.7 and 183.9kW). Variables were analyzed with the statistic t-Student test (P≥0.05). Class IV tractors engines power is bigger in comparison to the values specified by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Diesel cycle; Torque; Power.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Performance of an agricultural engine using blends of diesel and ethanol Ciência Rural
Estrada,Javier Solis; Schlosser,José Fernando; Farias,Marcelo Silveira de; Rodrigues,Fabrício Azevedo; Martini,Alfran Tellechea; Santos,Gustavo Oliveira dos.
ABSTRACT: This research evaluated the performance of a diesel engine in an agricultural tractor, using Diesel S500 (B5) and mixture with 3% (ED3), 6% (ED6), 9% (ED9), 12% (ED12) and 15% (ED15) of hydrous ethanol. Variables evaluated were the power, torque, specific fuel consumption, torque reserve, speed reserve and elasticity index of engine. Results indicated that using B5 and ED3 the values of torque and engine power not differ, in addition, with the ED3 the fuel consumption was lower than 5.92%. Using ED12, power has reduced in 2.97%, compared with B5, while their fuel consumption had no difference. With ED15, the power was lower 6.30% and the fuel consumption increase 3.77%, both compared with B5. Torque reserve value was increased with increasing the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biofuel; Diesel cycle; Agricultural tractor; Brake dynamometer.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Performance of an agricultural engine using mineral diesel and ethanol fuels Ciência Rural
Farias,Marcelo Silveira de; Schlosser,José Fernando; Russini,Alexandre; Frantz,Ulisses Giacomini; Estrada,Javier Solis.
ABSTRACT: The global demand for alternatives for mineral diesel oil is growing due to the need for satisfying sustainability and environmental requirements, forcing industries and research institutions to develop new alternative fuels. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance parameters of an agricultural engine using two different fuels: mineral diesel oil and ethanol. The experiment was conducted on a dynamometric stand using two engines for agricultural use but with a modified fuel injection system, suitable for both diesel and ethanol, in the speed range 1200-2300rpm. The performance of the engines was analyzed considering the power take-off from the tractors for each fuel, as established in the standard NBR ISO 1585. The data...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alternative fuels; Diesel cycle; Agricultural tractor; Brake dynamometer.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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