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Cost-Effective Farm-Level Nitrogen Abatement in the Presence of Environmental and Economic Risk AgEcon
Ekman, Sone.
This paper evaluates the consequences of considering environmental and economic risk in the analysis of cost-effective nitrogen abatement options in crop production. A farm-level mathematical programming model incorporating nitrogen leaching variability, field time variability, yield variability, and output price variability is developed. The empirical results reveal that requiring a high reliability with respect to a desired abatement target can be extremely costly, due to the high variability of nitrogen emissions. It appears to be sufficient to reduce average nitrogen load in order to reduce the environmental risk associated with nitrogen leaching variability, since a change to crops with lower average load also results in lower variability of nitrogen...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Nitrogen abatement; Risk aversion; Diversification; Chance constraints; Discrete stochastic programming; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Cotton Price Policy and New Cereal Technology in the Malian Cotton Zone AgEcon
Coulibaly, Jeanne Y.; Sanders, John H.; Preckel, Paul V.; Baker, Timothy G..
During the last decade, cotton production and area have been declining as a result of depleting soil nutrients and low cotton prices in the cotton zone of Mali. This paper shows that the Malian government’s 2011 policy to increase the farm gate cotton price as a response to world cotton price increase enhances farm income but has less impact on cotton than on maize production. A complementary policy of introducing new sorghum technologies would have an equal impact on farmers’ incomes in the cotton zone of Mali.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cotton prices; Improved sorghum technology; Discrete stochastic programming; Mali; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; International Development; Production Economics; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Johnson, D. Demcey; DeVuyst, Eric A.; Nganje, William E..
U.S. production of six-rowed malting barley has declined sharply over the last several years. Further, the quality of U.S. malting barley has suffered repeatedly due to disease. This has left the U.S. malting industry dependent on a single-desk seller of malting barley, the Canadian Wheat Board. In this paper, we develop a discrete stochastic programming model to analyze the procurement and storage decisions of the U.S. malting industry. We employ the model to investigate the impact that various sources of risk have on the industry's reliance on imported barley. The results indicate strategies that mitigate dependence on imports.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Barley; Discrete stochastic programming; Risk; International trade; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Betubiza, Eustacius N.; Leatham, David J..
A discrete stochastic, programming model is formulated to study the gains from diversification when farming operations are augmented with off-farm financial assets that are not highly correlated with returns from farming. We extend past research by considering the dynamics of accumulating these financial assets and the farm's leverage and tenure position. Results show that farmers' income level and stability can be improved by including nonfarm financial assets in their portfolios.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural finance; Certainty equivalents; Discrete stochastic programming; Land investments; Off-farm investments; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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The persistence of drought impacts across growing seasons: a dynamic stochastic analysis AgEcon
Peck, Dannele E.; Adams, Richard M..
Agricultural producers throughout much of the United States experienced one of the most severe droughts in the last 100 years during the years 1999-2006. The prolonged nature of this drought highlights a need to better understand the impacts and management of drought across growing seasons, rather than just within a growing season. Producers express specific concern about the tendency of drought impacts to persist even after drought itself has subsided. The persistence of drought impacts has received limited attention in the economics literature. The objectives of this study are two-fold: 1) to determine whether inter-year dynamics, in the form of agronomic constraints and financial flows, can cause persistence of a drought's impact in years subsequent...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Drought; Preparedness; Response; Uncertainty; Dynamics; Discrete stochastic programming; Agriculture; Irrigation; Eastern Oregon; Row crops; Crop rotation; Crop Production/Industries; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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