Registros recuperados: 10 | |
Orea, Luis; Pinilla, Antonio Alvarez. |
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar, desde el punto de vista primal, la eficiencia técnica de una muestra de barcos dedicados a la pesca de merluza en Asturias. Un rasgo característico de esta actividad es la importancia que tienen las capturas de otras especies distintas de la merluza. La naturaleza multiproducto de esta actividad plantea distintas alternativas de modelización. En este trabajo se comparan los resultados obtenidos a partir de la estimación de una función de producción agregada, una función de producción multiproducto y una función de distancia. Los tres modelos se estiman utilizando el estimador intragrupos. En una segunda etapa, los índices de eficiencia se calculan a partir de los efectos individuales una vez eliminada la... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Efficiency; Distance function; Multiproduct; Fisheries; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q22; P11. |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/28758 |
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Gonzalez, Maria A.; Lopez, Rigoberto A.. |
This paper estimates farm household levels of technical efficiency and their determinants in Colombia, with particular reference to political violence (i.e., guerilla fronts, assassinations, kidnappings, and displaced population). An input-oriented stochastic frontier is estimated simultaneously with a technical inefficiency model that incorporates violence at the local level, using survey data from 822 farm households. The findings show that household productivity is lower in areas of high political violence, particularly with high incidence of guerrilla fronts and kidnappings. Should political violence be eliminated, the average Farrell's technical efficiency index of farm households in the sample would increase by an average of 6.4%, favoring households... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Distance function; Farm efficiency; Colombia; Violencia; Consumer/Household Economics; Q74; O13; O54; D24. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/19528 |
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Aye, Goodness C.; Mungatana, Eric D.. |
The current food crisis all over the globe has necessitated alternative policy actions by various stakeholders in almost all countries of the world. Consequently, efforts are focused on increased investment in agricultural research and development. The study evaluates impact of technological innovations on estimates of technical, allocative and cost efficiency from a parametric stochastic and non-parametric distance functions. Inefficiency effects are modelled in a second stage endogeniety-corrected Tobit regression model as a function of technological innovation and other policy variables. The results from both approaches show there is substantial technical, allocative and cost inefficiency in maize production and that analysis of technical, allocative... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Technology; Efficiency; Maize; Parametric; Non-parametric; Distance function; Nigeria; Crop Production/Industries. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/95965 |
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Registros recuperados: 10 | |