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Eficiencia tecnica en pesquerias multiespecie: una aproximacion primal AgEcon
Orea, Luis; Pinilla, Antonio Alvarez.
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar, desde el punto de vista primal, la eficiencia técnica de una muestra de barcos dedicados a la pesca de merluza en Asturias. Un rasgo característico de esta actividad es la importancia que tienen las capturas de otras especies distintas de la merluza. La naturaleza multiproducto de esta actividad plantea distintas alternativas de modelización. En este trabajo se comparan los resultados obtenidos a partir de la estimación de una función de producción agregada, una función de producción multiproducto y una función de distancia. Los tres modelos se estiman utilizando el estimador intragrupos. En una segunda etapa, los índices de eficiencia se calculan a partir de los efectos individuales una vez eliminada la...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Efficiency; Distance function; Multiproduct; Fisheries; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q22; P11.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Environmental efficiency of small farms in selected EU NMS AgEcon
Suta, Cornelia Madalina; Bailey, Alastair; Davidova, Sophia.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the environmental efficiency and farm commercialisation in selected EU NMS (Bulgaria, Romania and Poland). Using a cross- section of agricultural households, environmental technical efficiency scores are calculated using hyperbolic distance function approach. The results indicate there is a negative relation between the increase in commercialisation of small farms and the production of negative externalities, like nitrogen surplus.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Distance function; Nitrogen surplus; Market integration; Stochastic frontier analysis; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Environmentally Adjusted Agricultural Productivity in the Great Plains AgEcon
Rezek, Jon P.; Perrin, Richard K..
This study adjusts 1960-1996 agricultural productivity gains in a panel of Great Plains states to account for the discharge of pesticide and nitrogen effluents into the environment. The agricultural-environmental technology is approximated with translog distance functions that allow us to contrast traditional versus environmentally adjusted productivity gains. Findings indicate technical change has been increasingly biased toward environmentally friendly production. While the environmental adjustment reduced overall productivity gains during the sample period, in recent years adjusted productivity outpaced the traditional measure, reflecting the pro-environment bias in technical change.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural productivity; Distance function; Environmental externalities; Nitrogen; Pesticides; Technical change bias; Environmental Economics and Policy; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Exploring the Role of Managerial Ability in Influencing Dairy Farm Efficiency AgEcon
Byma, Justin P.; Tauer, Loren W..
This paper explores the role of managerial ability in determining efficiency in New York dairy farms. Using an unbalanced panel of farm data from 1993 through 2004, we estimate output-oriented technical efficiencies using stochastic distance frontier functions. We find that both lagged net farm income and farmers’ own estimates of the value of their labor and management as proxies for managerial ability impact measured efficiency. Efficiency increases with operator education, farm size, and extended participation in a farm management program, but decreases with operator age.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Dairy farms; Distance function; Management and efficiency; Stochastic frontier analysis; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Policy Reform and Productivity Change in Chinese Agriculture: A Distance Function Approach AgEcon
Brümmer, Bernhard; Glauben, Thomas; Lu, Wencong C..
Agricultural policy reform has been an important source of change in the Chinese agricultural sector. The reforms led to productivity growth and helped China in pursuing its self-sufficiency goal especially in the grain sector. To analyse whether observable productivity growth stems from technologically induced components, or from the market induced parts, a multi-input-multi-output model is derived using an econometric distance function framework. A decomposition allows to distinguish allocative effects, scale effects, technological change, and technical efficiency change. Data on farms in Zhejiang from 1986 to 1999 are used to analyse the impact of policy reform.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Productivity growth; China; Policy reform; Distance function; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Political Violence and Farm Household Efficiency in Colombia AgEcon
Gonzalez, Maria A.; Lopez, Rigoberto A..
This paper estimates farm household levels of technical efficiency and their determinants in Colombia, with particular reference to political violence (i.e., guerilla fronts, assassinations, kidnappings, and displaced population). An input-oriented stochastic frontier is estimated simultaneously with a technical inefficiency model that incorporates violence at the local level, using survey data from 822 farm households. The findings show that household productivity is lower in areas of high political violence, particularly with high incidence of guerrilla fronts and kidnappings. Should political violence be eliminated, the average Farrell's technical efficiency index of farm households in the sample would increase by an average of 6.4%, favoring households...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Distance function; Farm efficiency; Colombia; Violencia; Consumer/Household Economics; Q74; O13; O54; D24.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Production Efficiency and Diversification in Mexican Coffee-Producing Districts AgEcon
Vedenov, Dmitry V.; Houston, Jack E.; Cardenas, Gabriela.
Coffee production system is analyzed for 24 municipios (districts) in Veracruz, Mexico, from 1997 to 2002. A stochastic frontier approach is used to estimate an input distance function and to evaluate production efficiency. Results show the production process to be stable over time despite global price fluctuations. Production of staple crop (corn) with either coffee or other cash crops results in increased efficiency as a result of the economies of complementarity, while production of coffee with other cash crops leads to lower efficiency. Factors contributing to higher efficiency included higher population density, road availability, and higher altitude, typically associated with production of higher-quality coffee.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Coffee production; Distance function; Mexico; Production systems; Stochastic frontier; Technical efficiency; L25; L79; O13; Q12.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Technical Efficiency, Environment Efficiency, Productivity and Beneficial Management Practices AgEcon
Lota, Tamini D.; Bruno, Larue; West, Gale E..
An input distance function (IDF) is estimated to empirically evaluate and analyze the technical and environmental efficiencies of 210 farms located in the Chaudière watershed (Quebec), where water quality problems are particularly acute because of the production of undesirable outputs that are jointly produced with agricultural products. The true IDF is approximated by a flexible translog functional form estimated using a full information maximum likelihood method. Technical and environmental efficiencies are disaggregated across farms and account for spatial variations. Our results show that there is a significant correlation between technical and environmental efficiencies. Farms that are technically efficient tend to be environmentally efficient. We...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environment efficiency; Distance function; Phosphorus runoff; Productivity; Profitability; Technical efficiency; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Technological Innovation and Efficiency in the Nigerian Maize Sector: Parametric Stochastic and Non-parametic Distance Function Approaches AgEcon
Aye, Goodness C.; Mungatana, Eric D..
The current food crisis all over the globe has necessitated alternative policy actions by various stakeholders in almost all countries of the world. Consequently, efforts are focused on increased investment in agricultural research and development. The study evaluates impact of technological innovations on estimates of technical, allocative and cost efficiency from a parametric stochastic and non-parametric distance functions. Inefficiency effects are modelled in a second stage endogeniety-corrected Tobit regression model as a function of technological innovation and other policy variables. The results from both approaches show there is substantial technical, allocative and cost inefficiency in maize production and that analysis of technical, allocative...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Technology; Efficiency; Maize; Parametric; Non-parametric; Distance function; Nigeria; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Technology Adoption in French Agriculture and the Role of Financial Constraints AgEcon
Blancard, Stephane; Boussemart, Jean-Philippe; Briec, W.; Kerstens, Kristiaan.
Successive CAP reforms have increased the exposure of European agriculture to market forces. As a result, farmers have become preoccupied with their competitiveness and have progressively adopted best practices. However, these long-run technological adjustments could be slowed down by eventual shortrun financial constraints. This contribution measures the role of these financial constraints on the catching-up component of total factor productivity for a panel of French farmers in Nord-Pas-de-Calais region during 1994-2001. For TFP estimates based on non-parametric distance functions, the second stage econometric results indicate that the technological adaptation is significantly conditioned by financial constraints.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: TFP catching-up; Distance function; Financial constraints; Agricultural Finance; Farm Management; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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