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Biochemical and morphological responses to abiotc elicitor chitin in suspension-cultured sugarcane cells 52
Gallão,Maria Izabel; Cortelazzo,Ângelo Luiz; Fevereiro,Manuel Pedro Salema; Brito,Edy Sousa de.
Cells of Saccharum officinarum submitted to hydrolyzated chitin for 1 to 8h produced phenolic compounds. These alterations were observed through cytochemical methods using Toluidine Blue and Phloroglucinol/HCl. After 4 h, besides cell wall change, there was a change in nuclear pattern of chitin treated cells. There was a 96% increase in nuclear area in 6 h chitin treated material, as observed by Feulgen reaction. The treated cells showed chromatin compacted regions and a degeneration process of nucleoli. In the outer areas of cell wall, there was a polysaccharide desagregation, confirming results obtained for different plants with the use of other elicitors. Peroxidase activity was maximal after 4 h and decreased progressively. PAL activity started to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chitin; Elicitation; Peroxidase; PAL; Sugarcane; Tissue culture.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Effect of salicylic acid and silver nitrate on rutin production by Hyptis marrubioides cultured in vitro 65
Pedroso,Rita Cássia Nascimento; Branquinho,Núbia Angélica de Ávila; Hara,Alessandra Cristina Boffino de Almeida Monteiro; Silva,Fabiano Guimarães; Kellner Filho,Luis Claudio; Silva,Marcio Luís Andrade; Cunha,Wilson Roberto; Pauletti,Patricia Mendonça; Januário,Ana Helena.
ABSTRACT: Hyptis marrubioides (Lamiaceae) is a medicinal plant that is native from Brazilian Cerrado. In vitro propagation techniques make use of elicitors to alter metabolic pathways, affecting how molecules are produced both qualitatively and quantitatively. This research aimed to evaluate how abiotic elicitors salicylic acid (SA) and silver nitrate (SN) at concentrations of 30µM or 60µM influence Hyptis marrubioides seedling growth by two different in vitro culture methods. The rutin content was quantified by HPLC-DAD. Compared to an untreated culture, the H. marrubioides methanolic extracts cultured in MS medium for 10 days followed by culture in MS medium containing SN (30µM) for 20 days had 1.28 times higher rutin content. In a second experiment,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Salicylic acid; HPLC-DAD; Tissue culture; Silver nitrate; Elicitation; Plant growth regulators.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Elicitation Enhanced the Production of Phenolic Compounds and Biological Activities in Hairy Root Cultures of Bitter melon ( Momordica charantia L.) 52
Chung,Ill-Min; Thiruvengadam,Muthu; Rekha,Kaliyaperumal; Rajakumar,Govindasamy.
ABSTRACT Momordica charantia (Cucurbitaceae) is an important vegetable and also medicinal crop which produces the bioactive compounds for various biological activities with potential uses in human health. The present investigation relates to elicitors of jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) to enhance biomass accumulation and phenolic compound production in hairy root cultures of M. charantia. Hairy root cultures were elicited with JA and SA at 0, 25, 50 and 100 μM concentrations respectively. The adding of elicitation to the hairy root cultures on the 15th day of culture and the roots were harvested on day 25. Cultures supplemented with 100 μM JA and SA enhanced the phenolic compounds significantly compared to that of non-elicited hairy root...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anticancer activity; Antioxidant activity; Antimicrobial activity; Elicitation; Hairy root cultures; Phenolic compounds.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Eliciting Mental Models: a Comparison of Interview Procedures in the Context of Natural Resource Management 7
Jones, Natalie A; University of Queensland;; Ross, Helen; University of Queensland;; Lynam, Timothy; Reflecting Society;; Perez, Pascal; University of Wollongong;
The sustainable management of natural resources largely depends on people’s conceptions of environmental systems and how they function. The mental model construct provides an appropriate means to explore the cognitive dimension of people’s interactions with such systems. Mental models are cognitive representations of external reality that people use as the basis for acting with and within the world around them. We aimed to improve the application of the mental model construct to the field of natural resource management, with an emphasis on creek, i.e., stream, systems, by exploring how certain elicitation procedures may affect the mental models expressed. One of the initial hurdles that must be overcome is to work out how to effectively...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Drawing; Elicitation; Interview; Mental model; Method; Natural resource management; Oral; Transect.
Ano: 2014
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Mental Models: An Interdisciplinary Synthesis of Theory and Methods 7
Jones, Natalie A; School of Integrative Systems, University of Queensland;; Ross, Helen; School of Integrative Systems, University of Queensland;; Lynam, Timothy; CSIRO, Sustainable Ecosystems;; Perez, Pascal; CSIRO, Marine & Atmospheric Research; ANU, RMAP/RSPAS;; Leitch, Anne; CSIRO, Sustainable Ecosystems; ARC CoE Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University ;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Cognition; Elicitation; Mental model; Natural resource management.
Ano: 2011
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Methyl jasmonate induced overproduction of eleutherosides in somatic embryos of Eleutherococcus senticosus cultured in bioreactors 69
Shohael,Abdullah Mohammad; Murthy,Hosakatte Niranjana; Hahn,Eun-Joo; Paek,Kee-Yoeup.
This study was concentrated on the production of eleutherosides and chlorogenic acid in embryogenic suspension cultures of Eleutherococcus senticosus by exposing them to different concentrations (50-400 µM) of methyl jasmonate (MJ) during the culture period. In the bioreactor cultures, eleutheroside content increased significantly by elicitation of MJ, however, the fresh weight, dry weight and growth ratio of embryos was strongly inhibited by increasing MJ concentrations. The highest total eleutheroside (7.3 fold increment) and chlorogenic acid (3.9 fold increment) yield was obtained with 200 µM MJ treatment. There was 1.4, 3.4 and 14.9 fold increase in the eleutheroside B, E, and E1 production respectively with such elicitation treatment. These results...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Eleutherosides; Elicitation; Methyl jasmonate; Secondary metabolite; Siberian ginseng; Suspension culture.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Objective and subjective prior distributions for the Gompertz distribution 42
Abstract This paper takes into account the estimation for the unknown parameters of the Gompertz distribution from the frequentist and Bayesian view points by using both objective and subjective prior distributions. We first derive non-informative priors using formal rules, such as Jefreys prior and maximal data information prior (MDIP), based on Fisher information and entropy, respectively. We also propose a prior distribution that incorporate the expert’s knowledge about the issue under study. In this regard, we assume two independent gamma distributions for the parameters of the Gompertz distribution and it is employed for an elicitation process based on the predictive prior distribution by using Laplace approximation for integrals. We suppose that an...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gompertz distribution; Objective prior; Jeffreys prior; Subjective prior; Maximal data information prior; Elicitation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Peroxidase production from hairy root cultures of red beet (Beta vulgaris) 69
Rudrappa,Thimmaraju; Neelwarne,Bhagyalakshmi; Kumar,Vinod; Lakshmanan,Venkatachalam; Venkataramareddy,Sreedhar Reddampalli; Aswathanarayana,Ravishankar Gokare.
The genetically transformed roots of red beet have been shown, for the first time, to produce very high levels of peroxidase (POD; EC accounting for 1.21 x 10(6) Units L-1. Of the ten clones established using different strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes, one was that from the strain LMG-150, three each from A 2/83, A 20/83 and A4. All the clones showed true integration of T-DNA when tested by PCR and Southern hybridization methods. Each clone differed significantly from the others in growth, hormone dependency and POD production where LMG-150 produced highest biomass (140 g FW L-1) as well as POD (ranging from 8000-9000 U g-1 FW and 1.18 x 10(6) U L-1 with a specific activity of 600 U mg-1 protein) on hormone-free medium, both in shake-flask as...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Agrobacterium rhizogenes; Auxins; Elicitation; T-DNA; Thermostability; Transformation.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Response to chitin in suspension-cultured Citrus aurantium cells 61
Gallão,Maria I.; Cortelazzo,Angelo L.; Fevereiro,Manoel P. S.; Brito,Edy S. de.
Morphological changes and enzyme activity in suspension-cultured cells of Citrus aurantium were followed after chitin elicitation. Chitin oligomers presented a rapid effect with a maximum activity after 3 h followed by a gradual decrease to the original levels at 8 h of incubation. Cell walls presented a lignification process and the cytoplasmatic protein became less reactive to anionic stains. In the treated material a reduction in starch grain size, an increase in the number of autophagic vacuoles, deposition of secretion in the pericellular space and a defibrillation of the cell-wall polymers were observed. Chitin oligomers increased peroxidase and L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activities. Extracellular peroxidase activity increased from 0.20 U mL-1...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chitin; Citrus aurantium; Elicitation; L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase; Peroxidase.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Sustainable production of bioactive alkaloids in Psychotria L. of southern Brazil: propagation and elicitation strategies 39
Magedans,Yve Verônica da Silva; Rodrigues-Corrêa,Kelly Cristine da Silva; Costa,Cibele Tesser da; Matsuura,Hélio Nitta; Fett-Neto,Arthur Germano.
ABSTRACT Psychotria is the largest genus in Rubiaceae. South American species of the genus are promising sources of natural products, mostly due to bioactive monoterpene indole alkaloids they accumulate. These alkaloids can have analgesic, antimutagenic, and antioxidant activities in different experimental models, among other pharmacological properties of interest. Propagation of genotypes with relevant pharmaceutical interest is important for obtaining natural products in a sustainable and standardized fashion. Besides the clonal propagation of elite individuals, the alkaloid content of Psychotria spp. can also be increased by applying moderate stressors or stress-signaling molecules. This review explores advances in research on methods for plant...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abiotic stress; Alkaloids; Elicitation; Monoterpenes; Plant propagation; Psychotria; Southern Brazil; Sustainability.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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