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Advanced Biofuel Production in Louisiana Sugar Mills: an Application of Real Options Analysis 31
Darby, Paul M.; Mark, Tyler B.; Detre, Joshua D.; Salassi, Michael E..
In order to more fully study the risks and uncertainty involved in cellulosic ethanol production, we examine a simulated plant in South Louisiana using Real Options Analysis
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Real options; Risk; Uncertainty; Cellulosic ethanol; Energy cane; Sorghum; Bagasse; Simulation; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Production Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Risk and Uncertainty; Q42; Q14; Q16; D81; G31.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Breaking into the Cellulosic Ethanol Market: Capacity and Storage Strategies 31
Darby, Paul M.; Mark, Tyler B.; Salassi, Michael E..
This paper examines the possibilities of breaking into the cellulosic ethanol market in south Louisiana via strategic feedstock choices and the leveraging of the area’s competitive advantages. A small plant strategy is devised whereby the first-mover problem might be solved, and several scenarios are tested using Net Present Value analysis.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cellulosic ethanol; Sugarcane; Energy cane; Sweet sorghum; Bagasse; Ethanol; Biofuel; Bioethanol; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Crop Production/Industries; Production Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cultivating biomass locally or importing it? LCA of biomass provision scenarios for cleaner electricity production in a small tropical island 5
Chary, Killian; Aubin, Joel; Guinde, Loic; Sierra, Jorge; Blazy, Jean-marc.
Biomass is a promising renewable alternative to decarbonize and to secure energy production on small islands, as most insular power generation systems rely heavily on imported fossil fuels. Feedstock procurement is a key aspect of bioenergy chain sustainability, and local resources as well as imported biomass can be considered if the electricity generated presents environmental benefits. We used Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impacts of 1 kWh of electricity produced in Guadeloupe from the combustion of locally grown energy cane and imported wood pellets. The energy cane agricultural supply was simulated using a bio-economic model to elaborate and analyze five scenarios involving different biomass mixes and geographical areas of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: LCA; Electricity; Energy cane; Wood pellet; Islands; Saccharum sp..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Determining the Optimal Location for Collocating a Louisiana Sugar Mill and a New Cellulosic Ethanol Plant 31
Darby, Paul M.; Mark, Tyler B..
This paper examines the possibility of collocating a cellulosic ethanol processing plant with certain Louisiana sugar mills, chosen based on their strategic locations and cane grinding capacity. The prospective plants are compared based on transportation costs and overall economic performance.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Cellulosic ethanol; Advanced biofuels; Sugarcane; Energy cane; Bioenergy; Agribusiness; Production Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q16; Q42.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Optimization of RT-PCR reactions in studies with genes of lignin biosynthetic route in Saccharum spontaneum 42
ABSTRACT Saccharum spontaneum has been used for the development of energy cane a crop aimed to be used for the production of second-generation ethanol, or lignocellulosic ethanol. Lignin is a main challenge in the conversion of cell wall sugars into ethanol. In our studies to isolate the genes the lignin biosynthesis in S. spontaneum we have had great difficulty in RT-PCR reactions. Thus, we evaluated the effectiveness of different additives in the amplification of these genes. While COMT and CCoAOMT genes did not need any additives for other genes there was no amplification (HCT, F5H, 4CL and CCR) or the yield was very low (CAD and C4H). The application of supplementary cDNA was enough to overcome the non-specificity and low yield for C4H and C3H, while...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biomass; Cell wall; Energy cane; Lignin; Lignocellulosic ethanol; Sugarcane.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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What does the introduction of energy crops mean for the crop mix and cellulosic ethanol plant location in Louisiana? 31
Mark, Tyler B.; Darby, Paul M.; Salassi, Michael E..
This paper examines the introduction of energy cane and switchgrass in the available crops for production in the Louisiana Sugarcane Belt. Employing an optimal crop mix model net returns over variable costs for each county is maximized. Furthermore, this paper determines the optimal processing plant location based upon transportation of the biomass produced to one central location for processing.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Energy cane; Switchgrass; Biofuels; Transportation; Crop mix; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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