Dijkstra, H.H.. |
During the Indonesian-Dutch SNELLIUS -II Expedition (1984-1985) to the Indonesian Archipelago 46 pectinacean species were collected from the Flores Sea and Banda Sea (5°52'-9°57'S, 118°12'-123°58'E) at littoral to bathyal depth (835 m). One new pectinid genus, viz. Glorichlamys gen. nov., six new propeamussiids, viz. Parvamussium araneum spec. nov., Parvamussium carbaseum spec. nov., Parvamussium cassium spec. nov., Parvamussium undosum spec. nov., Parvamussium virgatum spec. nov., Cyclopecten cancellus spec. nov., and one new entoliid, viz. Pectinella aequoris spec. nov. are described. Twelve new records of Pectinacea for this region are mentioned. For Ostrea squamosa Gmelin, 1791 a lectotype is designated. In addition Pectinidae of the... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Mollusca; Bivalvia; Propeamussiidae; Entoliidae; Pectinidae; Taxonomy; Indonesia.; 42.73. |
Ano: 1991 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317854 |
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Dijkstra, H.H.; Maestrati, P.. |
Fifty-two deep-water species of Pectinoidea (37 Propeamussiidae, 1 Entoliidae, 14 Pectinidae) are listed from Norfolk Ridge (11 species), Loyalty Islands (4 species), Fiji Islands (30 species), Tonga (26 species), Solomon Islands (26 species) and the Marquesas archipelago (8 species). All species from Fiji, Tonga and the Marquesas are new records and six species of Propeamussiidae are new to science: Propeamussium boucheti (Fiji and Tonga), Parvamussium biformatum (Solomons), Parvamussium lozoueti (Fiji and Tonga), Parvamussium marquesanum (Marquesas), Parvamussium polynesianum (Marquesas) and Similipecten herosae (Tonga). Two new combinations (Hyalopecten tydemani, Talochlamys gladysiae) are introduced. |
Tipo: Article in monograph or in proceedings |
Palavras-chave: Bivalvia; Pectinoidea; Propeamussiidae; Entoliidae; Pectinidae; South Pacific; New species; 42.73. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/408514 |
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Dijkstra, H.H.; Maestrati, P.. |
Twenty-nine species of Pectinoidea (12 Propeamussiidae, 1 Entoliidae, 16 Pectinidae) are recorded from the Austral Islands, the southernmost archipelago of French Polynesia. One genus (Pectinidae: Lamellipecten n. gen.) and five species (Propeamussiidae: Parvamussium australanum n. sp., Cyclochlamys australensis n. sp., Cyclopecten ambiguus n. sp.; Pectinidae: Lamellipecten aduncus n. gen., n. sp., Mimachlamys erycina n. sp.) are new to science, and most others are new records for the archipelago. The near-shore fauna of Rapa has 12 species of Pectinidae, and half of these have narrow-range distributions. Such a remarkably high level of marine endemism is shared by other mollusc taxa on Rapa. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Mollusca; Bivalvia; Pectinoidea; Propeamussiidae; Entoliidae; Pectinidae; Austral Islands; Littoral; Bathyal; New genus; New species; 42.73. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/408509 |
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