Delgado, Christopher L.; Narrod, Clare A.; Tiongco, Marites M.; Barros, Geraldo Sant'Ana de Camargo; Catelo, Maria Angeles; Costales, Achilles; Mehta, Rajesh; Naranong, Viroj; Poapongsakorn, Nipon; Sharma, Vijay Paul; de Zen, Sergio. |
he rapid growth in consumer demand for livestock offers an opportunity to reduce poverty among smallholder livestock farmers in the developing world. These farmers’ opportunity may be threatened, however, by competition from larger-scale farms. This report assesses the potential threat, examining various forms of livestock production in Brazil, India, the Philippines, and Thailand. Findings show that the competitiveness of smallholder farms depends on the opportunity cost of family labor and farmers’ ability to overcome barriers to the acquisition of production- and market-related information and assets. Pro-poor livestock development depends, therefore, on the strengthening of institutions that will help smallholders overcome the disproportionately high... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Developing countries; Economic aspects; Industrialization; Profit efficiency; Environmental externalities; Smallholder competitiveness; Livestock productivity; Livestock Industrialization; Scaling up; Livestock Production/Industries. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/92804 |
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Iglesias, Eva. |
RESUMEN: En este artículo se aborda la problemática que plantea la recuperación del acuífero Mancha Occidental en el que existe una importante externalidad ambiental que se deriva de la relación entre las reservas de agua existentes en el acuífero y los humedales Tablas de Daimiel. Para ello, se desarrollan varios modelos de programación matemática que permiten evaluar distintos instrumentos de gestión para guiar la recuperación del acuífero a un estado sostenible. Los resultados obtenidos permiten al menos cuestionar la extendida regla de Gisser-Sánchez y revelan que las ganancias derivadas de la gestión óptima pueden ser significativas. En segundo lugar, las cuotas constantes por explotación se revelan como el instrumento menos eficiente tanto desde la... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Groundwater management; Environmental externalities; Water bank; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q25. |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/28755 |
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