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Adoption of Environmental Management Systems by Farmers: An Empirical Application to ISO 14001 AgEcon
Grolleau, Gilles; Thomas, Alban.
This article undertakes an empirical investigation of the determinants of voluntary adoption of the ISO 14001 environmental management system by French farmers. The adoption model incorporates the expected profitability of implementing the standard and investigates the impact of prior knowledge on the probability of adopting. Two information measures are considered: a “reported information” indicator and an “estimated knowledge” score. The probit parameter estimates reveal that, while the expected profitability of implementing the standard is a significant determinant of adoption, real and perceive prior knowledge measures play a significant but potentially counterintuitive role.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Environmental management system; ISO 14001; Management-based approach; Probit model; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; O33; Q16; Q29.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Evaluation of Internalisation Processes in Environmental Management Systems: Aquaculture and Offshore Mussel Farming AgEcon
Malorgio, Giulio.
In recent years, particular attention has been paid to fishing activities, and more specifically to aquaculture, a production process whose environmental impact at present is not being adequately submitted to any sort of serious assessment and control. The impact of aquaculture on the environment has nonetheless become an important issue for both potential customers and public opinion. The purpose of this study is to appraise environmental protection costs if and when a certified program of environmental management is put into effect in an attempt to change the present situation in which firms only comply with minimum environmental standards. A survey was conducted of all relevant information regarding production, organization, and budgetary aspects at...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental management system; Aquaculture farming; Economic sustainability; Green accounting; International Relations/Trade; Livestock Production/Industries; Q220; Q120.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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The Choice of Management Practices: What Determines the Design of an Environmental Management System? AgEcon
Anton, Wilma Rose Q..
This paper examines whether differential incentives exist in the adoption of environmental management practices (EMPs) with varying features that often make up the design of environmental management systems implemented by firms. Estimation of multivariate probit models reveals that greater consumer, regulatory and investor pressures are positively related to the adoption of EMPs that directly enhance a firm's green image. In addition, potential liability costs are positively associated with adopting broad-based EMPs while regulatory pressures are not generally found to have any significant relationship with environmental efforts that improve and address compliance issues. Results also reveal that competitive pressures arising from environmental efforts by...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental management system; Environmental management practice; Environmental self-regulation; Voluntary adoption; Multivariate probit; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q5; L5 –; L1 –; Q28.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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