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25 Years of Food Policy Research: Reflections by Per Pinstrup-Anderson 31
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per.
On the occasion of IFPRI's 25th anniversary, the author has selected a few subjects where the Institute has made an important and recognized contribution to food policy research, either by itself or, more frequently, with others. In each case the topic has broad application and the research includes innovative conclusions or methodology. This has necessarily meant looking more to the past than the present, although in many cases the work is continuing and promises a good deal more, in addition to what has already been achieved. He addresses IFPRI's accomplishments and the influence it has had on the development community’s views on policy issues and the nature of development in general. These areas are discussed: Global Food Trends, Food Subsidies, Markets...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: International Food Policy Research Institute -- History; Environmental policies; Globalization Food security; Subsidies; Trade; Food policies; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Liapis, Peter S..
A net trade model that includes environmental variables is used to analyze economic and environmental implications of various EC policies. There are environmental benefits from CAP reform, but a fertilizer tax results in greater nitrate and phosphate abatement. The input tax also results in smaller drops in EC farm income compared to CAP reform.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: CAP reform; Environmental policies; European Community; Fertilizer tax; Net trade model; Nitrate Directive; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Instrument Choice for Environmental Protection When Technological Innovation Is Endogenous 31
Fischer, Carolyn; Parry, Ian W.H.; Pizer, William A..
This paper presents an analytical and numerical comparison of the welfare impacts of alternative instruments for environmental protection in the presence of endogenous technological innovation. We analyze emissions taxes and both auctioned and free (grandfathered) emissions permits. We find that under different sets of circumstances each of the three policies may induce a significantly higher welfare gain than the other two policies. In particular, the relative ranking of policy instruments can crucially depend on the ability of adopting firms to imitate the innovation, the costs of innovation, the slope and level of the marginal environmental benefit function, and the number of firms producing emissions. Moreover, although in theory the welfare impacts of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Technological innovation; Externalities; Environmental policies; Welfare impacts; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q28; O38; H23.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Quand les politiques environnementales attisent les tensions interculturelles en Guyane française 5
Jacob, Théo; Palisse, Marianne; Aubertin, Catherine.
This paper shows, from three perspectives, how the environmental policies in French Guiana, trying to deal with the local cultural diversity, tend to ethnicize social relations. The Guiana Amazonian Park, which seems to be a reaffirmation of the state’s presence in the southern French Guiana, experiments modes of governance which increase interethnic competition. The implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization has introduced a difference between different categories of the population : some of them must be consulted whereas the others mustn’t. Finally, people from immigration are a blind-spot of these policies. Migrants do not have any facility to access...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Politiques environnementales; Interculturalité; Biodiversité; Savoirs locaux; Démocratie; Environmental policies; Inter-ethnicity; Biodiversity; Local knowledge; Democracy.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Redução dos desmatamentos na Amazônia: política agrícola ou ambiental? 14
HOMMA, A. K. O.; WALKER, R. T.; SCATENA, F. N.; CONTO, A. J. de; CARVALHO, R. de A.; FERREIRA, C. A. P.; SANTOS, A. I. M. dos.
Apresentado na 3. Conferencia Internacional de Integração de Sistemas - ICSI'94, São Paulo, 1994. Publicado também em: HOMMA, A. K. O. (Ed.). Amazônia: meio ambiente e desenvolvimento agrícola. Brasília, DF: EMBRAPA-SPI; Belém, PA: EMBRAPA-CPATU, 1998. p. 119-141.
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Brasil; Agricultural policies; Environmental policies; Desmatamento; Economia da Terra; Política Agrícola; Política Ambiental; Queimada; Sistema de Cultivo; Amazonia; Burning; Cropping systems; Deforestation; Land economics.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Stabilization of Upland Agriculture under El Nino-Induced Climate Risk: Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures in Thailand 31
Suwanabatr, Bhibhatra; Mekhora, Thamrong.
This study focused on the impacts on vulnerable areas in five provinces and five regions in Thailand. The findings indicated that events caused by El Nino induced weather changes had some impacts on the stabilization of upland agriculture in those vulnerable areas. Broadly speaking, severe drought and a long period of water shortages were experienced by some of the vulnerable areas in Northeast and Central Thailand. Some areas experienced a decrease of corn yield while others experienced complete failure of field corn, sorghum, sugarcane, peanut and mungbean. The impacts of El Nino on the social and economic conditions of Thailand's vulnerable areas were an occurrence of labour mobilization, and weaknesses in purchasing power and loan repayment abilities...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Climatic change; Upland areas; Environmental policies; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Tax Deductible Spending, Environmental Policy, and the "Double Dividend" Hypothesis 31
Parry, Ian W.H.; Bento, Antonio M..
A number of recent studies have shown that the general equilibrium welfare effects of externality-correcting policies depend importantly on pre-existing taxes in the economy, particularly those that distort the labor market. This paper extends the prior literature by allowing for consumption goods that are deductible from labor taxes. These "goods" represent medical insurance, other less tangible fringe benefits, mortgage interest, and so on. The initial tax system effectively subsidizes tax-favored consumption relative to other consumption, in addition to distorting the labor market. We find that incorporating tax-favored consumption may overturn key results from earlier studies. In particular, a revenue-neutral pollution tax (or auctioned pollution...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental policies; Distortionary taxes; Tax deductions; Welfare effects; Environmental Economics and Policy; H23; Q28; L51.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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