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Caractérisation numérique et expérimentale des effets d'interaction entre une hydrolienne et le milieu marin ArchiMer
Maganga, Fabrice.
This work aims to characterise by the means of expérimental and numerical modeling, the behavior of marine current turbine and the characteristics of the wake generated under realistic inflow conditions. For that purpose, we used a tri-bladed horizontal axis turbine of 0.7 m of diameter. Particular attention is paid to the flow characteristic effects on the efficiency of the turbine, but also on the generated wake. Tests are carried out in the Ifremer wave and current flume tank in Boulogne-sur-Mer and in the towing tank of Brest, taking into account current profils, upstream turbulence intensity level and disturbances generated by wave/current interaction. The development of a three-dimensional software based on vortex methods, taking into account the non...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrodynamique; Essais expérimentaux; Méthodes Vortex; Hydrolienne; Sillage.; Hydrodynamic; Experimental trials; Vortex Methods; Marine Current Turbine; Wake..
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Étude expérimentale de la turbulence dans les zones à forts courants et de son impact sur les hydroliennes ArchiMer
Ikhennicheu, Maria.
French waters have a strong potential for tidal turbines applications. In these areas of strong currents, intense velocity fluctuations are observed in the water column. They ultimately come from variations in seabed bathymetry and can have a strong impact on tidal turbine energy production and fatigue. In order to understand the turbulent structures generation in the wake of obstacles and to build a data base for future numerical studies, the Alderney Race conditions are reproduced experimentally, in a wave and current tank, in Froude similitude and with a Reynolds number as high as possible. In this study, real bathymetric variations are represented using canonical elements : a cube, a cylinder, an inclined plane or a combination of all three. Cases with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbulence; Essais expérimentaux; Hydroliennes; Obstacles; Sillage; PIV; LDV; POD; Turbulence; Experimental trials; Tidal turbines; Obstacles; Wake; PIV; LDV; POD.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Étude expérimentale des performances d’une hydrolienne, soumise aux effets de la turbulence et de l’interaction houle-courant ArchiMer
Gaurier, Benoit.
In the context of global warming, the extraction of energy by tidal turbines from marine currents must be integrated into the future energetic mix. Being confronted with a difficult marine environment, it is required to know the turbines’ behaviour when they are submitted to realistic solicitations to guarantee an optimal use. In this work, the marine turbine performance is studied when the machine is submitted to a turbulent current or a combined wave-current effect. The physical representation of trials at reduced scale is first described focusing on the incoming flow characterisation and its effects on a turbine model at 1:20 scale. The location and measurement type of the upstream velocity are discussed to accurately define its performance and its...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrolienne; Énergie marine renouvelable; Essais expérimentaux; PIV; LDV; Turbulence; Interaction houle-courant; Horizontal axis tidal turbine; Renewable energy; Experimental trials; PIV; LDV; Turbulence; Wave-current interaction.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Étude numérique et expérimentale du comportement d’hydroliennes ArchiMer
Mycek, Paul.
This manuscript deals with the numerical and experimental characterisation of the behaviour of marine current turbines. In the experimental part, trials were run at IFREMER’s wave and current flume tank in Boulogne-Sur-Mer, on prototypes of three-bladed horizontal axis turbines. Configurations with one single turbine on the one hand, and two turbines aligned with the incoming flow on the other hand, were considered for a large range of TSRs and, when relevant, of inter-device distances. The behaviour of the turbines is analysed in terms of performances (power and thrust coefficients) and development of the wake. The effects of the ambient turbulence intensity rate are also considered. Besides, numerical computations, obtained from a tridimensional unsteady...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydroliennes; Interactions; Essais expérimentaux; Simulation numérique; Méthode particulaire; Méthode Vortex.; Marine current turbines; Interactions; Experimental trials; Numerical computation; Particle method; Vortex method.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Experimental analysis of the floor inclination effect on the turbulent wake developing behind a wall mounted cube ArchiMer
Ikhennicheu, Maria; Gaurier, Benoit; Druault, Philippe; Germain, Gregory.
The present study aims at investigating turbulence characteristics in high flow velocity areas like those suitable for marine energy application. The Reynolds number, based on the rugosity height and mean flow velocity, is rather high: . For that purpose, experiments are carried out in a flume tank with as high as achievable in Froude similitude (in the tank: and ). Obstacles are canonical wall-mounted elements chosen to be representative of averaged bathymetric variations: a cube and a cube followed by an inclined floor. First, the wake topology past a canonical wall-mounted cube is illustrated from PIV measurements. Results show a flow behaviour already observed in the literature but for different upstream conditions ( and turbulence intensity). Second,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbulence; Experimental trials; Wall-mounted obstacles; PIV; POD; Quadrant method.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Experimental analysis of the shear flow effect on tidal turbine blade root force from three-dimensional mean flow reconstruction ArchiMer
Gaurier, Benoit; Druault, Ph.; Ikhennicheu, Maria; Germain, Gregory.
In the main tidal energy sites like Alderney Race, turbulence intensity is high and velocity fluctuations may have a significant impact on marine turbines. To understand such phenomena better, a three-bladed turbine model is positioned in the wake of a generic wall-mounted obstacle, representative of in situ bathymetric variation. From two-dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry planes, the time-averaged velocity in the wake of the obstacle is reconstructed in the three-dimensional space. The reconstruction method is based on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and enables access to a representation of the mean flow field and the associated shear. Then, the effect of the velocity gradient is observed on the turbine blade root force, for four turbine locations...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tidal turbine; Blade force; Turbulent wake; Experimental trials; PIV; POD.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Experimental investigation of the turbulent wake past real seabed elements for velocity variations characterization in the water column. ArchiMer
Ikhennicheu, Maria; Germain, Gregory; Druault, Philippe; Gaurier, Benoit.
In high flow velocity areas like those suitable for marine energy application, bathymetry variations create strong velocity fluctuations in the water column. It is therefore essential to characterize the turbulence evolution in the wake of seabed elements which may impact the loads on tidal turbines. For that purpose, experiments are carried out in a flume tank with Re as high as achievable in Froude similitude, with bathymetry variations experimentally represented with various wall-mounted square elements of height H: a cylinder or a cube as unitary obstacles and combinations of these elements followed by an inclined floor to resemble smooth bathymetry changes. The onset flow is a simple boundary layer profile with height 1.3 H and a low turbulence...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbulence; Experimental trials; Wall-mounted obstacles; PIV; LDV; Marine energy.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Experimental study of bathymetry generated turbulence on tidal turbine behaviour ArchiMer
Gaurier, Benoit; Ikhennicheu, Maria; Germain, Gregory; Druault, Philippe.
In high flow velocity areas like those suitable for tidal applications, turbulence intensity is high and flow variations may have a major impact on tidal turbine behaviour. A three-bladed horizontal axis turbine model (scale 1:20) is positioned in the wake of a square wall-mounted cylinder, representative of specific in situ bathymetric variation, to experimentally study these effects in a current flume tank. Local and global loads are acquired in synchronization with velocity measurements to study the turbine response to flow fluctuations. Velocity measurements need to be obtained close to the turbine, contrary to what is commonly considered, to properly correlate velocity and loads fluctuations. Results show that the loads phase average and their...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbulence; Experimental trials; Wall-mounted cylinder; PIV; LDV; Horizontal axis tidal turbine.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Experimental study of bubble sweep-down in wave and current circulating tank: Part I—Experimental set-up and observed phenomena ArchiMer
Delacroix, Sylvain; Germain, Gregory; Gaurier, Benoit; Billard, Jean-yves.
Bubble sweep-down is a significant issue for the oceanographic vessels, which affect the acoustic surveys. Experimental trials, carried out in the Ifremer wave and current circulating tank on a 1/30 model of the Pourquoi pas?, are presented. The results demonstrate that this kind of experimental facility is well suited to study the phenomenon of bubble sweep-down encountered around the bow of a ship under specific conditions. From these results, two kinds of bubble clouds formation have been observed and analysed: bubble clouds generated by vortex shedding and breaking waves. The vortex shedding bubble clouds appear randomly in all the configurations tested, even without waves or motions. This phenomenon is due to the interaction between the turbulent flow...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bubble sweep-down; Experimental trials; Ship motions; Bow waves.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Experimental study of bubble sweep-down in wave and current circulating tank: Part II—Bubble clouds characterization ArchiMer
Delacroix, Sylvain; Germain, Gregory; Gaurier, Benoit; Billard, Jean-yves.
In this second part, images acquired from the specific trials developed in order to study the phenomenon of bubble sweep-down are analysed. A post-processing method has been developed to analyse the two air entrainment mechanisms described in the first part, for several test configurations. Bubble clouds are described in terms of depth, area and velocity for both vortex shedding and breaking wave bubble clouds. A parametric study is also performed to calculate the influence of each test parameter on the frequency of bubble generation. It is demonstrated that the occurrence of bubble clouds is proportional to the wave height, with a considerable influence of the phase shift between waves and motions. The overall results provide new elements for the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bubble sweep-down; Experimental trials; Ship motions; Bow waves.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Experimental study of coherent flow structures past a wall-mounted square cylinder ArchiMer
Ikhennicheu, Maria; Germain, Gregory; Druault, Philippe; Gaurier, Benoit.
In high flow velocity areas like those suitable for tidal applications, turbulence intensity is high and flow variations may have a major impact on tidal turbines behaviour. Large boils that can be observed at the sea surface are emitted from the sea floor and may interact with the tidal turbines. These boils have then to be characterized. The Reynolds number, based on the rugosity height and the mean flow velocity, is rather high in this context: Re ¼ 2:5 107. For that purpose, experiments are carried out in a flume tank with Re as high as achievable in Froude similitude (in the tank: Re ¼ 2:5  105 and Fr ¼ 0:23) in order to study coherent flow structures emitted behind seabed obstacles. The obstacle is here a canonical square wall-mounted cylinder chosen...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbulence; Experimental trials; Wall-mounted cylinder; PIV; LDV; POD; Lamb-Oseen.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Experimental study of the bubble sweep-down phenomenon on three bow designs ArchiMer
Mallat, Bachar; Germain, Gregory; Gaurier, Benoit; Druault, Philippe; Billard, Jean-yves.
The bubble sweep-down phenomenon around the oceanographic research vessels generates acoustic perturbations. A specific experimental protocol has been developed in a wave and circulating tank to study this phenomenon. This protocol is used to carry out trials on three different ship models in order to study the influence of the bow geometry on the bubble generation. For different test configurations, bubble clouds are described and compared in terms of area, maximal depth and vertical velocity to highlight bubble cloud dynamics surrounding the three ship models. The relation between the hydrodynamic flow field and the bubble generation is studied by means of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements to study the phenomenon by the use of phase averaged...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bubble sweep-down; Experimental trials; Bow geometry; Bubble cloud dynamics; PIV.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Flume tank characterization of marine current turbine blade behaviour under current and wave loading ArchiMer
Gaurier, Benoit; Davies, Peter; Deuff, Albert; Germain, Gregory.
The long term reliability of tidal turbines is critical if these structures are to be cost-effective. Optimized design requires a combination of material durability models and structural analyses which must be based on realistic loading conditions. This paper presents results from a series of flume tank measurements on strain gauged scaled turbine blades, aimed at studying these conditions. A detailed series of tests on a 3-blade horizontal axis turbine with 400 mm long blades is presented. The influence of both current and wave-current interactions on measured strains is studied. These tests show that wave-current interactions can cause large additional loading amplitudes compared to currents alone, which must be considered in the fatigue analysis of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Experimental trials; Wave and current effects; Marine current turbine; Blade deformations; Hydrodynamic.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Numerical and experimental characterisation of interactions between two marine current turbines ArchiMer
Mycek, Paul; Gaurier, Benoit; Germain, Gregory; Lothode, Corentin; Pinon, Gregory; Rivoalen, Elie.
The implantation and deployment of marine current turbine arrays depend on the understanding of their interactions. Based on a priori suggestions about the layout of marine energy converter arrays, we propose to highlight interactions effects between two horizontal axis marine current turbines, in open water. experimental trials were run in IFREMER’s wave and current flume tank in Boulogne-sur-Mer (France), on marine current turbine models. Our study focuses on setups were the second turbine is axially aligned, at different distances, in the wake of the first one. Interaction effects are pointed out both in terms of performance and wake characterisation by means of a comparison with results on a single turbine. This study shows that the downstream turbine...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine energy; Horizontal axis marine current turbine arrays; Experimental trials; Laser Doppler velocimetry; Numerical simulation; Vortex method.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Simulation du comportement d’hydroliennes : modélisation de l’influence de la turbulence ambiante et des effets d’interaction ArchiMer
Carlier, Clement.
The development of marine current turbines arrays has been an active research topic for some years. However, many studies are still necessary in order to fully understand the behaviour of such arrays. One of these studies is the impact of the ambient turbulence on the behaviour of marine current turbines. Indeed recent studies have shown that ambient turbulence intensity highly modifies the behaviour of horizontal axis marine current turbines. Consequently numerical simulations have to represent the ambient turbulence or at least its effects on the performance and wake of the turbines. An other one of these studies is the assessment of interaction effect between turbines in close proximity. In order to highlight these interaction effects, experiments were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Simulation numérique; Hydrolienne; Turbulence ambiante; Synthetic-Eddy-Method; Hydroliennes en interaction; Essais expérimentaux; Sillage; Performance.; Numerical computations; Marine current turbine; Ambiant turbulence; Synthetic-Eddy- Method; Interacting turbines; Experimental trials; Wake; Performence.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Wave and current flume tank of IFREMER at Boulogne-sur-mer. Description of the facility and its equipment ArchiMer
Gaurier, Benoit; Germain, Gregory; Facq, Jean-valery; Bacchetti, Thomas.
This document presents the wave and current flume tank of IFREMER at Boulogne-sur-mer. This facility is unique in Europe because of its size and capabilities. The experimental working section is 4m wide by 2m deep and 18m long. Two pumps with a total power of 500kW enable the 700m3 of fresh water to move with a maximum velocity of 2.2m/s. Wave can be superimposed to the current using a dedicated wavemaker. It can be located at an upstream of downstream surface position in order to generate wave propagating with or against the current. Additional specific experimental devices are used in the laboratory as well, such as: Laser Doppler Velocimeter, Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter, Particles Image Velocimetry, underwater and aerial Qualysis Motion Tracking system...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fluid mechanics; Hydrodynamics; Experimental trials; Wave and current flume tank; Ifremer; Boulogne-surmer.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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