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A comparative analysis of the purchase motivations of Fair Trade products: the impact of social capital 31
De Devitiis, Biagia; D'Alessio, Massimiliano; Maietta, Ornella Wanda.
Objective of this paper is to analyse the motivations in the purchase of Fair Trade (FT) food products sold in the World Shops (WS) in order to characterize WS consumer profiles according to the ethical content of their motivations. A questionnaire has been distributed, at this end, to a sample of consumers in Emilia Romagna, Puglia and in Campania. A principal component analysis has been performed in order to identify the main motivations in the purchase. On the basis of these results, consumers have been classified, by applying a cluster analysis, in homogenous segments. The cluster analysis reveals that 76% of consumers in Emilia Romagna buy FT products for an ethical motivation, 56% of consumers in Puglia and 43% of consumers in Campania buy these...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Ethical consumer; Fair trade; Social capital; Demand and Price Analysis; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A proposal to correct external effects in the coffee market: a tax on regular coffee and tea to subsidise the fair trade coffee 31
Galarraga, Ibon; Markandya, Anil.
This paper justifies the need to introduce a tax on regular coffee drinkers in the UK to subsidise the fair trade/organic coffee production. This policy will allow to take full account of the negative external effect of regular coffee production while internalising the positive effect of fair trade initiatives. Designing such a policy is possible and the benefits of it can be calculated. This paper shows how. Propuesta para corregir las externalidades en el mercado de café: un impuesto sobre el te y el café regular y una subvención sobre el café de Comercio Justo. El presente artículo justifica la necesidad de introducir un impuesto sobre los consumidores de café y té en el Reino Unido para subvencionar la producción de café orgánico y de Comercio Justo....
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Coffee market; Fair trade; International Relations/Trade; Q18; H23.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Characteristics and organization of the Fairtrade market in Brazil 31
Valentini, Elena.
Fair Trade is defined as a set of socio-economic activities which are alternative to traditional and international trade. It began from the belief that the principal market's laws tend to cause serious damage to the South, and especially to the many workers devoted to 'agriculture'. The concept of Fair Trade is very important and powerful because it states that all trades should follow right principles; this statement highlights the importance of the movement as a regulatory model for all the incorporation models of trade regulations[1]. In this paper, with both historical and analytical approaches, we will try to analyze the economic paradigms which are taking place in the South and to highlight the importance, sometimes forgotten by stakeholders in the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Fair trade; Solidarity economy; Local development; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Machado, Melise Dantas; Paulillo, Luiz Fernando; Lambert, Annie.
This paper is a preliminary analysis of the governance structure of the faire trade of orange juice between Brazil and France. Fair trade is an organizational field composed of complex organizational networks that maintain relations of mutual dependence and share the same values system. As fair trade is a subject that has received relatively little study and presents many particularities, an exploratory study was considered appropriate. Primary and secondary data were collected. In the case of the trade of orange juice between Brazil and France, two commercial networks were identified. The integrated network is constituted by professionals who specialize in fair trade, while the certified network includes more conventional commercial organizations, such as...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Transaction costs; Governance structures; Networks; Fair trade; Orange juice.; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Conflict, Food Insecurity, and Globalization 31
Messer, Ellen; Cohen, Marc J..
We explore how globalization, broadly conceived to include international human-rights norms, humanitarianism, and alternative trade, might influence peaceful and food-secure outlooks and outcomes. The paper draws on our previous work on conflict as a cause and effect of hunger and also looks at agricultural exports as war commodities. We review studies on the relationships between (1) conflict and food insecurity, (2) conflict and globalization, and (3) globalization and food insecurity. Next, we analyze country-level, historical contexts where export crops, such as coffee and cotton, have been implicated in triggering and perpetuating conflict. These cases suggest that it is not export cropping per se, but production and trade structures and food and...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Hunger; Conflict; War; Globalization; Export cropping; Coffee; Cotton; Sugar; Human-rights; Right-to-food; Fair trade; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Die Nachfrage nach Fair-Trade-Produkten in Deutschland - Eine empirische Untersuchung unter Berücksichtigung von Präferenzen für Bio-Produkte 31
Henseleit, Meike.
Der folgende Beitrag befasst sich mit der Nachfrage nach Fair-Trade-Produkten in Deutschland unter besonderer Betrachtung der Mehrzahlungsbereitschaft für Produkte mit dem Fair-Trade-Logo. Empirisch untersucht wurde dies unter Anwendung eines Experiments im Rahmen einer Konsumentenbefragung, in dem das Wahlverhalten und die Zahlungsbereitschaft für Schokolade mit unterschiedlichen Herstellungsstandards erfasst wurden. Ziel war es, einen Eindruck davon zu bekommen, in wieweit Verbraucher sich in ihrer Nachfrage hinsichtlich von Bio- und Fair-Trade-Produkten unterscheiden, welchen Wert Produkte mit beiderlei Kennzeichen haben und welche Gründe hierfür jeweils eine Rolle spielen. Mit Hilfe inferenz- und kausalanalytischer Methoden wurden Einflussfaktoren der...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Fair Trade; Bio; Schokolade; Empirische Erhebung; Zahlungsbereitschaft; Fair trade; Organic; Chocolate; Survey; Willingness to pay; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Gender Differences in Pro-social Behaviour: The Case of Fair-trade Food Consumers 31
De Devitiis, Biagia; De Luca, Anna Irene; Maietta, Ornella Wanda.
Objective of this paper is to analyse the presence of gender differences in the purchase motivations of Fair Trade (FT) food products sold in the Italian World Shops (WS). At this end, a questionnaire has been distributed to a sample of consumers in four Italian regions. A bivariate ordered probit analysis has been performed in order to identify the determinants of the two main ethical motivations in the purchase: worker guarantees and solidarity. The variables used as determinants are individual and municipal characteristics. Among individual characteristics, gender is significant; among the municipal characteristics, the rate of female job market participation is also significant. These results give evidence of a gender gap in the preferences for public...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Ethical consumerism; Gender preferences; Fair trade; Consumer/Household Economics; Labor and Human Capital; D12; I31; L31; Z13.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Irrigação e certificação da cafeicultura na Região Centro-Oeste de São Paulo 53
Perdoná,Marcos José; Soratto,Rogério Peres; Martins,Adriana Novais; Suguino,Eduardo; Mancuso,Mauricio Antonio Cuzato.
Rentabilidade insatisfatória tem provocado diminuição paulatina do parque cafeeiro no Estado de São Paulo. Entre as alternativas para a solução deste problema, duas se destacam: a irrigação das lavouras e a certificação das propriedades. Mesmo em regiões consideradas aptas à cultura do café arábica (Coffea arabica L.), o uso da irrigação pode promover, na média dos anos, aumento de produtividade de grãos. Além disso, a certificação do produto favorece sua diferenciação no mercado e pode melhorar os resultados econômicos da atividade. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento e a produtividade de cafeeiros submetidos a sistemas irrigados ou não, comparando os dados econômicos na comercialização do café certificado ou não, nas condições da...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coffea arabica L.; Deficiência hídrica; Gotejo; Fair trade; Lucratividade.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Politics in food markets: alternative modes of qualification and engaging 123
Rezende,Daniel Carvalho de.
Consumers are increasingly practicing an alternative model of politics when they make food choices influenced by civic concerns. The new markets that emerge in this context carry specific modes of qualification that makes food products valuable not only for their intrinsic properties, but also for features associated with their production and distribution. This paper aims to describe the different modes of political qualification and consumer engagement that operate in food markets based on secondary data collected in papers, books, certification norms, and websites. Three distinct "political food markets" are identified: a) Fair Trade; b) sustainable agriculture; and c) vegetarian. Whilst the latter is based on a boycott of "bad" products, the other two...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Political markets; Food markets; Food politics; Market devices; Organic food; Fair trade; Vegetarianism.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Propuesta de un esquema económico-administrativo para la consolidación de los agronegocios en el estado de Oaxaca : caso café orgánico. 32
Gutiérrez Díaz, Ester.
La producción de café es una actividad estratégica y fundamental en México, el sector mexicano es un excelente productor de Coffea arábica, caracterizado por su especialidad vocacional de cultivo bajo sombra y la presencia de pequeños productores minifundistas de zonas rurales. La liberación del mercado mundial y nacional, afronta al sector café con la incertidumbre de fijación de precios, provocando que el productor decida retirarse o disminuir su presencia en el sistema de mercadeo de materias primas, una alternativa para enfrentar la crisis, es integrarse a la red de comercio justo y en particular al de cafés especiales. La historia del café orgánico oaxaqueño tiene su origen y desarrollo con la llegada del padre Frans VanderHoff en 1973, fundador de la...
Palavras-chave: Café orgánico; UCIRI; Comercio justo; Costos de producción; Mixe; Organic coffee; Fair trade; Production costs; Economía; Maestría.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The impact of Fair Trade on banana producers in northern Peru 31
Fort, Ricardo; Ruben, Ruerd.
This study provides one of the first detailed analyses of the impact of Fair Trade (FT) banana certification at the household level. With a careful selection of treatment and control farmers (through their associations) and the use of a propensity score matching technique, we were able to construct an appropriate counterfactual for the situation of FT farmers prior to their involvement in this supply chain. Due to the fact that all sales of banana FT in the Chira Valley also have an organic certification, and to be able to distinguish the effects of FT involvement from the effects of participating in the organic market, we compared the outcomes of organic farmers which belong to a FT association with the outcomes of two different types of farmers: (a)...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Fair trade; Impact evaluation; Peru; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The Impact of Social Capital on the Implicit Price Paid by the Italian Consumer for Fair Trade Coffee 31
Bosbach, Moritz; Maietta, Ornella Wanda.
Consumers in developed countries are increasingly interested in the consumption of food products incorporating ethical aspects, particularly fair trade products. These products are usually distributed in a network of World Shops and, more recently, in supermarkets and shopping centres. The fair trade product with the highest market share is coffee. This study aims to ascertain the implicit price paid by Italian consumers for the fair trade content of coffee and how this implicit price is influenced by the level of social capital of the territory where consumers live. The data utilised are scanner data, based on the purchase at supermarkets and shopping centres observed from 2005 to 2007, referred to a territorial unit that is the province. Since scanner...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Hedonic price; Coffee; Fair trade; Scanner data; Italian consumers; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; C50; D12; L66; Z13.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Using a Modified Payment Card Survey on Chinese Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Fair Trade Coffee: Would the Starting Point Matter 31
Yang, Shang-Ho; Hu, Wuyang.
Coffee consumption in China is increasing rapidly over the recent years. This study offers one of the few initial attempts to not only understand general consumption behavior associated with Chinese coffee, but to explore the viability of niche markets for coffee with the credence attribute “fair trade”. A modified payment card approach was adopted as the consumer willingness to pay elicitation method. Survey results of 564 consumers from the city of Wuhan, China suggest a positive attitude toward coffee as an alternative drink and a willingness to pay a premium for “fair trade” coffee. This study also explores and describes the potential impact of starting point bias, which has been relatively well documented in the dichotomous choice literature but has...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Coffee; Fair trade; Payment card; Starting point bias; Willingness to pay; Agribusiness; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Security and Poverty; International Development; Marketing; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; D12; Q13.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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