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Policy responses to invasive native species: issues of social and private benefits and costs 31
Farquharson, Robert J.; Kelly, Jason A.; Welsh, Pam; Mazur, Kasia; Bennett, Jeffrey W..
Farm and catchment managers in Australia face decisions about controlling invasive native species (or scrub) which may infest agricultural land. The treatment of this land to remove the infestation and re-establish native pastures is likely to be expensive for landholders. Yet there are potential social benefits from such remediation and so a policy question arises of what to do to about facilitating such change. New South Wales state government legislation addresses this issue through regulations, and the Catchment Management Authorities are responsible for administering public funds to achieve associated natural resource improvements. However, the extent of the private costs and social benefits associated with such changes are not known, which precludes...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Invasive native scrub; Environmental values; Choice modelling; Financial; Economic; Namoi catchment.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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