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EMODnet marine litter data management at pan-European scale ArchiMer
Molina Jack, Maria Eugenia; Chaves Montero, Maria Del Mar; Galgani, Francois; Giorgetti, Alessandra; Vinci, Matteo; Le Moigne, Morgan; Brosich, Alberto.
Marine litter is a growing problem for environmental and human health and policies have included monitoring as an important tool to evaluate both trends and the efficiency of reduction measures. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive is the main driver in Europe for the monitoring of the marine environment; it has included the evaluation of marine litter in order to support policies and achieve good environmental status. This assessment depends on the availability of robust, homogeneous data-sets at the European scale. A data management plan for marine litter has been developed at European level within the existing EMODnet network to collect, homogenise and provide access to standardised data-sets and data products that may be used as a basis for marine...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine litter; Plastic; Beaches; Seafloor; Micro-litter; Micro-plastics; Floating litter.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Global Distribution, Composition and Abundance of Marine Litter ArchiMer
Galgani, Francois; Hanke, Georg; Maes, Thomas.
Marine debris is commonly observed everywhere in the oceans. Litter enters the seas from both land-based sources, from ships and other installations at sea, from point and diffuse sources, and can travel long distances before being stranded. Plastics typically constitute the most important part of marine litter sometimes accounting for up to 100 % of floating litter. On beaches, most studies have demonstrated densities in the 1 item m−2 range except for very high concentrations because of local conditions, after typhoons or flooding events. Floating marine debris ranges from 0 to beyond 600 items km−2. On the sea bed, the abundance of plastic debris is very dependent on location, with densities ranging from 0 to >7700 items km−2, mainly in coastal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine litter; Plastic; Distribution; Beaches; Seafloor; Microplastics; Floating litter.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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