Registros recuperados: 11 | |
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Olper, Alessandro; Raimondi, Valentina. |
The objective of this study has been to analyze the sensitivity of trade flow to trade barriers from gravity equations, using different econometric techniques recently highlighted in the literature. Specifically, we compare a benchmark OLS fixed effects specification a la Feenstra (2002), with three emerging estimation methods: the standard Heckman correction for selection bias, to account for zero trade flow; its extension, recently proposed by Helpman et al. (2008), to control for firm heterogeneity; and, finally, the Poisson pseudo-maximum-likelihood (PPML) technique to correct for the presence of heteroskedasticity, first proposed by Santos Silva and Tenreyro (2006). Our gravity model includes trade among 211 exporter and 104 importer countries, in 18... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Gravity model; Trade Elasticity; Food trade; International Relations/Trade. |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/44119 |
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Peter, Erzsebet. |
Megállapítható, hogy a Balatonnál a kis- és közepes vállalkozások csak úgy képesek felvenni a versenyt a globalizáció következtében piacot hódító multina-cionális vállalatokkal, hogy üzlethálózatokba tömörülnek. A kis- és középvállal-kozásoknak kínálnak megoldást a szövetkezetek, amelyek üzletláncok kiépítésé-vel, az ország egészére kiterjedő élelmiszer-kiskereskedelmi hálózattal rendel-keznek. Az azonos logo már maga is forgalomstabilizáló tényező, az egységes ár-politika, az országosan és regionálisan összehangolt árengedményes akciók hoz-zájárulnak a forgalom növekedéséhez, igazodva a magyarországi fogyasztói pi-achoz és vásárlási szokásokhoz. Tulajdonosi és szerkezeti viszonyait illetően sajá-tos kettősség jellemzi a kereskedelmet. Az egyik oldalon a... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Élelmiszer-kereskedelem; Koncentráció; Kisvállalkozások; Lehetőségek; Food trade; Concentration; Small enterprises; Facilities; International Relations/Trade. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/57655 |
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Ulas, Dilber. |
Licensed warehousing system plays a very important role in all transfers of food products from the place of origin to ultimate users in developed countries. Public warehouses, operated as an independent business offering a range of services, such as storage, handling and transportation. Licensed Warehousing Law, was accepted on 10.02.2005 and this is a new subject in Turkey. In this research, the licensed warehousing system in Turkey is evaluated from the point of view of industrial and agriculture officials. Confidential face to face interviews were held with the authorities of Industry and Trade Ministry in Ankara. The very new licensed warehousing law connote many questions. Who will be getting the benefits of qualified storing, small-sized... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Licensed warehousing; Agriculture; Food produce; Food trade; Agribusiness; International Relations/Trade. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/7860 |
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Olper, Alessandro; Raimondi, Valentina. |
Starting from a theoretically consistent gravity model, this paper first provides estimates of bilateral 'border effects' in food trade among Quad countries (Canada, USA, Japan and EU) at the ISIC 4-digit level. Then, it investigates the underlying reasons of border effect, assessing the role played by policy barriers (tariffs and non-tariff barriers) with respect to barriers unrelated to trade policy, such as information related costs and cultural proximity. In contrast with several previous findings, we show that policy barriers are part of the story in explaining the strong trade reduction effect induced by national borders, and this is especially true when we control for the endogeneity of trade policy to imports, as suggested by political economy... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Border effect; Food trade; Market access; Gravity; QUAD countries; International Relations/Trade; F13; F14; Q17. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/25467 |
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Kasza, Gyula; Feher, Orsolya; Kispal, Judit; Ozsvari, Laszlo. |
A kutatás célja az, hogy áttekintést adjunk a magyarországi eredetű élelmiszertermékek piaci részesedéséről a hazai kiskereskedelemben. A Magyarországon tevékenykedő legnagyobb – három hazai és kilenc nemzetközi tulajdonú – kiskereskedelmi lánc egy-egy véletlenszerűen kiválasztott kereskedelmi egységében 2010 októberében lefolytatott, egyszeri állapotfelvételben 10 termékcsoport (húskészítmény, tálcás baromfihús, tálcás sertéshús, tojás, joghurt-kefir-tejföl, sajt-sajtkészítmény-túró, tej, zöldség-gyümölcs – szezonális minta –, méz, lekvár) magyarországi beszállítói részarányát mértük fel. A termékcsoportok kiválasztásánál meghatározó szempont volt, hogy az idetartozó élelmiszerek Magyarországon előállíthatók legyenek. A felmérés eredménye szerint minden... |
Tipo: Article |
Palavras-chave: Magyarországi élelmiszer; Piaci részesedés; Élelmiszer-kiskereskedelem; Hungarian foods; Market share; Food trade; Agribusiness; International Relations/Trade; Marketing. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/119896 |
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Olper, Alessandro; Raimondi, Valentina. |
This paper uses a gravity-like structure derived from a monopolistic competition model to measure market access among Canada, USA, Japan and EU Quad countries over the 1996-2001 period. We explore the overall asymmetry and 18 food industrial-level asymmetries of bilateral trade openness. Using actual bilateral estimates of tariffs and nontariff barriers, we investigate their role in explaining the trade reduction effect of national borders. A representative estimate of market access shows that higher asymmetries exist in USA, Canada and EU trade with Japan. Quite surprisingly, the last country is always more open than the reverse. Finally, we found that tariffs and NTBs explain a significant part of the border effects and that the NTB role is often... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Market access; Food trade; Asymmetry; Gravity; QUAD countries; International Relations/Trade; F13; F14; Q17. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/24596 |
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Regmi, Anita; Gehlhar, Mark J.; Wainio, John; Vollrath, Thomas L.; Johnston, Paul V.; Kathuria, Nitin. |
Market access remains a major impediment for expansion of global trade in high-value foods, particularly processed foods. Countries use tariffs and other measures that effectively stimulate imports of relatively unprocessed agricultural commodities at the expense of processed products. Tariff escalation, in which tariffs rise with the level of processing, discourages trade in high-value foods, and trade remedy measures, such as antidumping duties, are concentrated among high-value products. Globalization has provided countries with easier access to capital and technology needed to produce processed food, further affecting trade patterns and markets for high-value foods. A uniform cut in tariffs increases trade in high-value foods more than trade in raw... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Food trade; Processed food; High-value foods; Tariff; Tariff escalation; Trade remedy measures; Sanitary and phytosanitary measures; Safeguard measures; Revealed comparative advantage; Trade complementarities; International Relations/Trade. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/33999 |
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Registros recuperados: 11 | |