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Changes in tree species richness, stand structure and soil properties in a successional chronosequence in northern Chiloé Island, Chile 97
We studied a chronosequence of forest fragments in northern Chiloé Island, southern Chile, with the aim of assessing ecosystem recovery patterns following anthropogenic disturbance. Hypotheses regarding successional trends in tree species richness, the replacement of shade-intolerant by shade-tolerant species, and the impact of disturbance on soil properties were evaluated in nine forest stands. The chronosequence encompassed two early (minimum stand age <15 years), three mid-successional (30-60 years), three late-successional (129-134 years), and one old-growth stand (ca. 200 years). Stand ages were estimated by coring a minimum of 30 canopy trees in each stand. Early and mid-successional stands showed evidence of human disturbance by fire of moderate...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Forest succession; Fire disturbance; Biodiversity; Shade tolerance; Forest dynamics.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Morphological and physiological adjustments of Brazilwood (Caesalpinia echinata Lam.) to direct solar radiation 61
Mengarda,Liana Hilda Golin; Milanez,Camilla Rozindo Dias; Silva,Diolina Moura; Aguilar,Marco Antonio Galeas; Cuzzuol,Geraldo Rogério Faustini.
This study aimed to characterize the alarm and resistance phases of stress of Caesalpinia echinata under intense irradiance in order to better define its position on forest succession. The alarm phase was identified by rapid reduction in the maximum quantum yield of PSII primary photochemical reactions (ΦP0 = FV/FM) and Performance Index (PIABS) followed by total leaf abscission in the first week of exposure to direct sunlight. The new leaves grown showed recovery of chlorophyll a parameters, increase in blade thickness, elongation of the palisade and spongy parenchymas, higher water content, and reduction of specific leaf area. These changes were associated with the osmoprotector of sucrose and antioxidative of raffinose effects, which indicate an...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forest succession; Light stress; Photoinhibition; Leaf anatomy; Soluble carbohydrates.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Nutritional status and specific leaf area of mahogany and tonka bean under two light environments 36
Gonçalves,José Francisco de C.; Vieira,Gil; Marenco,Ricardo A.; Ferraz,João Baptista S.; Santos Junior,Ulysses Moreira dos; Barros,Francisco Cleber F..
Studies on nutritional status and leaf traits were carried out in two tropical tree species Swietenia macrophylla King (mahogany) and Dipetryx odorata Aubl. Willd. (tonka bean) planted under contrasting light environments in Presidente Figueiredo-AM, Brazil. Leaves of S. macrophylla and D. odorata were collected in three year-old trees grown under full sunlight (about 2000 µmol m-2 s-1) and natural shade under a closed canopy of Balsa-wood plantation (Ochroma pyramidale Cav. Ex. Lam.Urb) about 260 µmol m-2 s-1. The parameters analysed were leaf area (LA), leaf dry mass (LDM), specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf nutrient contents. It was observed that, S. macrophylla leaves grown under full sunlight showed LA 35% lower than those grown under shade. In D....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Tropical species; Leaf traits; Nutrients; Forest succession.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Photosynthetic responses of four tropical tree species grown under gap and understorey conditions in a semi-deciduous forest 88
Souza,Gustavo M.; Sato,Agnaldo M.; Ribeiro,Rafael V.; Prado,Carlos Henrique B. A..
Leaf CO2 assimilation (A) as a function of photosynthetic photon flux density (Q) or intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements were carried out on four tropical woody species growing in forest gap and understorey (Bauhinia forficata Link. and Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. as pioneers, and Hymenaea courbaril L. and Esenbeckia leiocarpa Engl. as non-pioneers). Chlorophyll fluorescence indicated similar acclimation capacities of photochemical apparatus to contrasting light environments irrespective to plant species. Maximum CO2 assimilation and quantum yield derived from A/Q curves indicated higher photosynthetic capacity in pioneer than in non-pioneer species in forest gap. However, the differences among species did not show a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acclimation; Chlorophyll fluorescence; Forest succession; Leaf gas exchange; Photosynthetic response curves.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Post-fire regeneration in seasonally dry tropical forest fragments in southeastern Brazil 42
ABSTRACT Seasonally dry tropical forest is one of the highly threatened biome. However, studies on the effect of fire on these tree communities are still scarce. In this context, a floristic and structural survey in three forest areas in the southeast of Brazil that were affected by fire between 14 and 25 years ago was performed with the objective of evaluating post-fire regeneration. In each site, five systematically placed plots (25 m x 25 m each) were established. The more recently burnt site had significantly lower values of richness and diversity than the other two sites. However, the sites did not differ in density and basal area. Annona dolabripetala, Astronium concinnum, Joannesia princeps and Polyandrococos caudescens were within the 10 most...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic forest; Fire ecology; Forest succession; Forest structure; Post-fire recovery.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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The seed bank of a gallery forest in Southeastern Brazil 52
Grombone-Guaratini,Maria Tereza; Leitão Filho,Hermógenes de Freitas; Kageyama,Paulo Yoshio.
The soil seed bank was studied in a gallery forest in Southeastern Brazil. Samples were collected from edge to edge along transects perpendicular to the river during the wet (December, 1990) and dry (August, 1991) seasons. The number of seeds found in the seed bank samples was greater in the dry season than in the wet season indicating that there was important variation in the seed stocks in these two periods. The similarity values between the seed bank and the community composition were low. The high density of weed species might be reflecting forest fragmentation and indicating a degree of perturbation.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forest regeneration; Forest succession; Gallery forest; Soil seed-bank.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Tree mortality, recruitment and growth in a bamboo dominated forest fragment in southwestern Amazonia, Brazil 49
Medeiros,Herison; Castro,Wendeson; Salimon,Cleber Ibraim; Silva,Izaias Brasil da; Silveira,Marcos.
Forest fragmentation affects the structure and dynamics of plant communities, leading to biodiversity loss in forest remnants. In this paper we show that in a bamboo (Guadua weberbaueri Pilger) dominated forest fragment in southwestern Amazonia edge effect may be confounded by bamboo effect, which also occur inside the forest. We measured growth, mortality and, recruitment rate of trees with DBH ≥ 10 cm, in a fragment of bamboo dominated open forest in southwestern Amazonia, state of Acre, Brazil, in 15 plots at the forest edge and 15 plots inside the forest fragment, 500 m away from the border. Time interval between censuses was 1.8 years. The average diameter growth rate differed significantly between edge (3.82 ± 0.10 mm a-1) and interior (2.39 ± 0.18...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forest fragmentation; Edge effect; Open forest with bamboo; Plant communities; Forest succession; Tropical forest dynamic.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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