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Almas, Lal K.; Lust, David G.; Brooks, Kathleen R.; Girase, J.R.. |
The potential of three feedstocks: grain sorghum, sweet sorghum, and switchgrass for ethanol production in the top 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle Region is analyzed using yield and production costs of feedstock, processing cost of feedstock, final demand for ethanol, farm to wholesale marketing margin, and the derived demand price of feedstock. The calculated economic returns per acre of grain sorghum, sweet sorghum, and switchgrass are -$45.37, -$410.19, and -$150.17 respectively under irrigated condition and -$38.25, -$145.09, and -$29.04 respectively under dryland condition. The evaluation in this study demonstrates that ethanol production from grain sorghum, sweet sorghum, and switchgrass in the Texas Panhandle Region is not economically... |
Tipo: Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Ethanol production; Texas Panhandle; Grain sorghum; Sweet sorghum; And Switchgrass; Feedstock; Crop Production/Industries; Production Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q16; Q25; Q27; And Q42. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/119723 |
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Tolentino, Daniella Cangussú; Rodrigues, José Avelino Santos; Pires, Daniel Ananias de Assis; Veriato, Florence Taciana; Lima, Luciana Oliva Barbosa; Moura, Marielly Maria Almeida. |
The objective was to select from among 24 sorghum genotypes the superior ones for silage production. The study was conducted in the experimental field of Embrapa Maize & Sorghum, in the municipality of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais State. It used 24 forage sorghum genotypes, 21 being hybrids from the crossing of grain sorghum females and forage males (12F38019, 12F38006, 12F40006, 12F40005, 12F40019, 12F37016, 12F37005, 12F37043, 12F39006, 12F39005, 12F39019, 12F38005, 12F38007, 12F37007, 12F39007, 12F40007, 12F38014, 12F37014, 12F39014, 12F40014 e 12F38009) and three witnesses: BRS 610, BRS 655 and Volumax. It estimated productivity per area, in vitro dry matter digestibility, and assessed the bromatological and fermentation characteristics of sorghum... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Zootecnia ( digestibility; Grain sorghum; Hybrids; Fermentation quality; Nutritional value.. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ActaSciAnimSci/article/view/29030 |
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