Registros recuperados: 21 | |
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Liao, Yongsong; Gao, Zhanyi; Bao, Ziyun; Huang, Qingwen; Feng, Guangzhi; Xu, Di; Cai, Jiabin; Han, Huijing; Wu, Weifeng. |
Irrigation occupies a central position in China’s crop production. However, due to low per capita water resources, much worse, unevenly distributed over regions and time and the rapid increase of water diversions to non-irrigation sectors, irrigation water shortages have become a very serious problem. Without the adoption of effective measures this problem may even threaten China’s food security. Currently, irrigation efficiency is very low in general, irrigation water prices cannot fully recover water supply costs, and irrigation facilities are aging due to the lack of funding for O&M (operation & maintenance). Since water prices are regulated by the government, and not determined by the market, water prices did not work effectively in water... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Water rates; Pricing; Price policy; Cost recovery; Farmers attitudes; Water rights; Water market; Water supply; User charges; Irrigation water; Water allocation; Irrigation management; Participatory management; Water conservation; Institutions; Organizations; Water users associations; Cereals; Yields; Models; Labor; Cost benefit analysis; Irrigation requirements; Investment; Groundwater management; Wells; Irrigation canals; Food security; Legal aspects; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Food Security and Poverty; Production Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/91872 |
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Zorrilla, Pedro; Department of Geodynamics, Faculty of Geological Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain; pedro.zorrilla@geo.ucm.es; Carmona, Gema; Technical University of Madrid, Department of Agricultural Economics, Spain;; Varela-Ortega, Consuelo; Technical University of Madrid, Department of Agricultural Economics, Spain;; Bromley, John; Oxford University School of Geography and the Environment, Centre for Water Research, United Kingdom;; Henriksen, Hans Jorgen; Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Copenhagen, Denmark;. |
Stakeholder participation is becoming increasingly important in water resources management. In participatory processes, stakeholders contribute by putting forward their own perspective, and they benefit by enhancing their understanding of the factors involved in decision making. A diversity of modeling tools can be used to facilitate participatory processes. Bayesian networks are well suited to this task for a variety of reasons, including their ability to structure discussions and visual appeal. This research focuses on developing and testing a set of evaluation criteria for public participation. The advantages and limitations of these criteria are discussed in the light of a specific participatory modeling initiative. Modeling work was conducted in the... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports |
Palavras-chave: Bayesian networks; Decision support system; Evaluation; Groundwater management; Guadiana Basin; Participatory modeling; Spain; Water management; Water use conflicts. |
Ano: 2010 |
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Iglesias, Eva. |
RESUMEN: En este artículo se aborda la problemática que plantea la recuperación del acuífero Mancha Occidental en el que existe una importante externalidad ambiental que se deriva de la relación entre las reservas de agua existentes en el acuífero y los humedales Tablas de Daimiel. Para ello, se desarrollan varios modelos de programación matemática que permiten evaluar distintos instrumentos de gestión para guiar la recuperación del acuífero a un estado sostenible. Los resultados obtenidos permiten al menos cuestionar la extendida regla de Gisser-Sánchez y revelan que las ganancias derivadas de la gestión óptima pueden ser significativas. En segundo lugar, las cuotas constantes por explotación se revelan como el instrumento menos eficiente tanto desde la... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Groundwater management; Environmental externalities; Water bank; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q25. |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/28755 |
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Carmona, Gema; Varela-Ortega, Consuelo; Bromley, John. |
The Upper Guadiana basin, in Spain, presents important conflicts between the agricultural sector and the environment due to their competence for water resources. The high development of irrigation has led to the over-exploitation of the aquifers, which are the main source of water in the area, and to the loss of wetlands of high ecological value. The River Basin Authority (RBA) has recently designed a new water management plan which included a group of measures aimed at reducing water consumption. Our objective is the development, with the active participation of the stakeholders, of a decision support system composed of an economic model and an object-oriented Bayesian network, used to evaluate the trade-off between agricultural economy and the... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Bayesian networks; Groundwater management; Stakeholder participation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q15; Q25; Q56. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/49897 |
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Registros recuperados: 21 | |