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Anti-predator response of Haliotis tuberculata is modified after only one generation of domestication 5
Roussel, Sabine; Bisch, T; Lachambre, S; Boudry, Pierre; Gervois, Jl; Lambert, Christophe; Huchette, S; Day, R.
Domestication of Haliotis tuberculata has only recently begun. During the process, we expect that behavioural and physiological traits may evolve to become more adapted to their captive environment. These modifications may result from intentional selection of production traits or unconscious and unintentional selection due to conditions experienced in the farm environment. To study this process at the earliest stage, the progeny of 3 different broodstocks obtained from wild parents, selected farmed abalone and randomly sampled farmed abalone, were studied. After rearing for 16 mo in separate tanks, offspring from the 3 progenies were placed together in sea cages at the same density. After 3 yr, behavioural traits were studied, and the immune status after a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Predation; Hiding behaviour; Haliotis tuberculata; Domestication; Selection; Captive; Abalone.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Characterization of abalone Haliotis tuberculata-Vibrio harveyi interactions in gill primary cultures 5
Pichon, Delphine; Cudennec, Benoit; Huchette, Sylvain; Djediat, Chakib; Renault, Tristan; Paillard, Christine; Auzoux-bordenave, Stephanie.
The decline of European abalone Haliotis tuberculata populations has been associated with various pathogens including bacteria of the genus Vibrio. Following the summer mortality outbreaks reported in France between 1998 and 2000, Vibrio harveyi strains were isolated from moribund abalones, allowing in vivo and in vitro studies on the interactions between abalone H. tuberculata and V. harveyi. This work reports the development of primary cell cultures from abalone gill tissue, a target tissue for bacterial colonisation, and their use for in vitro study of host cell—V. harveyi interactions. Gill cells originated from four-day-old explant primary cultures were successfully sub-cultured in multi-well plates and maintained in vitro for up to 24 days....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haliotis tuberculata; Vibrio harveyi; Gill cell culture; Pathogenicity; Phenoloxidase; Phagocytosis.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Development of culture techniques for new bivalve species 5
Bodoy, Alain; Mercer, J. P..
Were are two main reasons for the development of cultivation techniques of new bivalve species. First, the risk exists that traditionally reared species may be ereadicated or severely depleted by pathogenic agents. For example the Portuguese 0yster Crassostrea angulata. disapeared from the French coasts in the early 1970's and worldwide production of the flat oyster, Oslrea edulis has been dramatically reduced by the effects of Bonamia. Secondly, in some countries production may he self-Iimiting by the size and availabilily of national and international markets and a wider species range could offer some promising new economic opportunities for aquaculturists. In particular this applies to species where there are identifiable market shortfalls.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haliotis tuberculata; Ostrea edulis; Placopecten magellanicus; Scallops; Ruditapes philippinarum; Manila clam; Molluscs; Cultivation techniques.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Development of TaqMan real-time PCR assays for monitoring Vibrio harveyi infection and a plasmid harbored by virulent strains in European abalone Haliotis tuberculata aquaculture 5
Schikorski, David; Renault, Tristan; Paillard, Christine; Bidault-toffin, A.; Tourbiez, Delphine; Saulnier, Denis.
The Gram-negative bacterium Vibrio harveyi is known to be highly pathogenic for the European abalone Haliotis tuberculata, which is a gastronomically important marine gastropod with a high commercial value. Since 1998, some particular bacterial strains are described as implicated in recurrent mortality outbreaks in French farm and field stocks of abalone. Recently, a 9.6kb plasmid named pVCR1, was shown to be harbored by one highly V. harveyi virulent ORM4 strain suggesting its involvement in virulence phenotype. Thus, we have developed in the present study two TaqMan real-time PCR assays allowing to (i) rapidly and specifically detect, by a duplex procedure and in less than 2 h, both V. harveyi and the presence of plasmid pVCR1 from unidentified bacterial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vibrio harveyi; Haliotis tuberculata; Real-time PCR; Plasmid; Marine pathogen; Molecular diagnostic.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Estimation du stock naturel d'ormeaux (Haliotis tuberculata) dans la region de Saint-Malo. 5
Clavier, J; Richard, O.
Abundance and biomass of an unexploited ormer population in the vicinity of Saint-Malo (northern Brittany) are estimated using a stratified sampling technique. Examinations are made be diving at 200 sites. The mean biomass of the population is about 400 tons but the stock is not evenly distributed over the studied area: the greatest densities are observed on schist substrate. Size and weight frequency distribution reveal a "top-heave" structure due to an accumulation of old individuals with low production.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haliotis tuberculata; Marine mollusks; Length weight relationships; Potential yield; Stock assessment.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Interaction de la bactérie Vibrio harveyi avec son hôte, l'hormeau Haliotis tuberculata : approches physiologiques, cellulaires et moléculaires 5
Travers, Marie-agnes.
Abalone aquaculture only recently developed in western Europe, but already it has to face numerous pathologies. Since 1998, the natural and farm stocks of Haliotis tuberculata suffer regularly high mortalities, mainly due to the pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio harveyi. The vibriosis of the European abalone, in particular its macroscopic signs, and the conditions necessary for its development have been studied in detail by field and laboratory experiments. We have been able to show the importance of the interplay between water temperature (>17°C), animal physiology (reproduction period) and a pathogenic strain (harbouring the plasmid pVCR1) for the development of this abalone disease. A limited localisation study of the abalone target tissues (gills, muscle...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ormeau; Haliotis tuberculata; Bactéries; Vibrio harveyi; Vibriose; Température; Immunité; Reproduction; Hémocytes; MAP Kinases; Plasmide; Virulence; GFP; Abalone; Haliotis tuberculata; Bacteria; Vibrio harveyi; Vibriosis; Temperature; Immunity; Reproduction; Haemocytes; MAP Kinases; Plasmid; Virulence; GFP.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Les mortalités d'ormeaux en Bretagne et Normandie : mise en évidence de l'agent causal 5
Basuyaux, Olivier; Nicolas, Jean-louis; Mazurie, Joseph; Thebault, Anne.
In summer 1997, massive abalone Haliotis tuberculata mortalities are monitored on the coast of Brittany, near Concarneau. They then spread out to the north of Brittany (1998) and to the Norman-Breton Bay in 1999. 60 to 80 % of the abalone populations died without any noticeable symptoms. In 1999, these mortalities reached cultivated abalones at the SMEL hatchery (Blainville). A septicemic bacteria was isolated from every organ (muscle, mucus gland, haemolymph ...) collected from abalones that had just died.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haliotis tuberculata; Ormeaux; Pathologie; Mortalités.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Module Argenton : écloserie - nursery. Bilan 1976 5
Flassch, Jean-pierre; Aveline, Charles.
Les travaux commencés en 1973 avec la collaboration de Y. Koike sur la production artificielle d'Haliotis tuberculata devaient définir les aspects scientifiques et technologiques liés à l'obtention de juvéniles d'un an, non pas dans un but de repeuplement comme dans le contexte japonais, mais de promotion d'un élevage contrôlé en milieu naturel dans la zone de battement de marées. La volonté d'un contrôle systématique des élevages, d'une part, et l'utilisation éventuelle d'algues macrophytes, d'autre part, grâce aux immenses possibilités de production naturelle d'algues macrophytes dans la zone de battement des marées ont été les deux moteurs de l'orientation suivie dans le cadre de ce programme ormeaux. Les résultats obtenus depuis 1973 en laboratoire au...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecloserie; Elevage; Production; Installation; Techniques; Fécondation artificielle; Haliotis tuberculata.
Ano: 1976 URL:
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Production artificielle de naissain de mollusques, Ostrea edulis, Haliotis tuberculata 5
Flassch, Jean-pierre; Koike, Y.; L'Herroux, Michel; Aveline, C..
Ce problème pouvait être abordé de deux façons différentes; il était en effet possible soit de s'orienter vers les technIques Japonaises (expérimentations en semi-intensif avec utilisation de grands volumes supérieurs au m3 , procédés donnant des résultats Immédiats mais à reproductivité incertaine, emploi d'une main-d'oeuvre nombreuse et peu spécialisée), soit d'adopter pour le système clos à forte production contrôlée (mis en oeuvre assez longue, investissement immédiat plus important, utilisation en série de petits volumes à forte concentration, nourriture naturelle produite artificiellement et donnée en quantité connue, main-d'oeuvre peu abondante mais très spécialisée) . Pour une meilleure connaissance des problèmes et pour une adaptation future plus...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Reproduction artificielle; Naissain; Larves; Molluques; Ostrea edulis; Haliotis tuberculata; Artificial production; Larvae; Mollusca; Ostrea edulis; Haliotis tuberculata.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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Relationships between growth, survival, physiology and behaviour — A multi-criteria approach to Haliotis tuberculata phenotypic traits 5
Lachambre, Sebastien; Huchette, Sylvain; Day, Rob; Boudry, Pierre; Rio-cabello, Antoine; Fustec, Timothee; Roussel, Sabine.
Abalone growth rate is often identified among important traits to improve through selective breeding. However, the rapid success of some selective breeding plans has sometimes led to negative effects in some aquaculture species due to trade-offs. One of them is the loss of homeostasis of selected animals which results in the inability to resist the stress experienced during the rearing process. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the phenotypic relationships between growth, and physiological and behavioural traits in Haliotis tuberculata under stressful conditions. Eleven traits related to growth, immunity, reproduction and behaviour were recorded under laboratory conditions. A total of 120 adults from wild or farm origin were first monitored...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haliotis tuberculata; Growth; Behaviour; Physiology; Multivariate analysis; Phenotyping.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Seasonal variation in the antivibrio activity of two organic extracts from two red seaweed: Palmaria palmata and the introduced Grateloupia turuturu against the abalone pathogen Vibrio harveyi 5
Garcia-bueno, Nuria; Dumay, Justine; Guerin, Thomas; Turpin, Vincent; Paillard, Christine; Stiger-pouvreau, Valerie; Pouchus, Yves-francois; Aitor Marin-atucha, Arnaldo; Decottignies, Priscilla; Fleurence, Joel.
The wide polarity range and highly polar compounds of two selected red seaweed, Grateloupia turuturu and Palmaria palmata were extracted using two different types of solvent, dichloromethane/methanol and methanol/water. Monthly in vitro antibacterial activities were studied using the microplate method against the marine bacteria Vibrio harveyi strain ORM4, known to infect abalone. Inhibition, slowdown and delay of Vibrio harveyi growth were investigated. Polar compounds of seaweed showed an activity against the abalone pathogen. The best activity was recorded from P. palmata collected in spring, with an inhibition of 7.9% of the bacterial growth. Preliminary 1H NMR profiles identified the differences between the extracts.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Antibacterial activity; Abalone disease; Haliotis tuberculata; Red seaweed; Vibrio harveyi.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Suivi des gisements naturels de mollusques dans le cadre du réseau Repamo 5
Garcia, Celine; Francois, Cyrille; Arzul, Isabelle; Miossec, Laurence; Joly, Jean-pierre; Robert, Maeva; Chollet, Bruno; Ferrand, Sylvie.
A monitoring of the natural and high density populations of commercial molluscs is performed on an annual basis within the scope of the Repamo mollusc pathology monitoring network The aim of this surveillance is (1) to monitor the health status of the molluscs along the French coast and to produce a reference picture, and (2) to study the evolution of the noticeable pathogenic agents existing on the national territory. Different sampling strategies have been introduced for the past 15 years; each strategy is based on an active monitoring including the systematic study of natural mollusc deposits. Indeed, the natural and high density mollusc populations are interrelated and pathogenic agents can be and have been exchanged between these populations with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haliotis tuberculata; Ostrea edulis; Population sauvage; Elevage; Mollusques; REPAMO; Réseau surveillance.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The growth of the abalone Haliotis Tuberculata L. in Bay of Brest 5
Cochard, Jean-claude.
The growth of H. tuberculata L. was studied by analysing the distribution of the growth checks on the shell of 640 individuals. The average lengths of the seven first rings including the first one appear to fit weIl to the Von Bertalanffy model. The value of the growth parameter K = 0,33 is rather similar to those cited in Litterature for the same species but the average attainable size L%= 97,5 seems to be low in this area.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Growth rings; Growth; Abalone; Ormer; Haliotis tuberculata.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Vibrio carchariae, a pathogen of the abalone Haliotis tuberculata 5
Nicolas, Jean-louis; Basuyaux, Olivier; Mazurie, Joseph; Thebault, Anne.
Since 1997, mass mortality of the abalone Haliotis tuberculata L. has occurred in the natural environment along the French coast. The outbreak of disease started on the south coast of Brittany near Concarneau in 1997, then spread to the north of Brittany (in 1998) and the west coast of Normandy (Golfe de St. Malo in 1999). Between 60 and 80% of the abalone died. In 1999, mortality also affected a land-based abalone farm in Normandy during the summer. At this farm, a Vibrio sp. was isolated in abundance from abalone that had just died. The disease was experimentally reproduced by inoculation or by introducing the pathogen into the surrounding water. This vibrio, identified by genotypic and phenotypic characters, is related to V carchariae. It is similar to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pathogenicity; Bacterial epizootic; Vibrio carchariae; Haliotis tuberculata.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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