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Use of dynamic energy budget and individual based models to simulate the dynamics of cultivated oyster populations 5
Bacher, Cedric; Gangnery, Aline.
We successfully tested a Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model of the oyster Crassostrea gigas using published environmental data and growth data collected in Than lagoon (France). Estimates of most DEB parameters were based on independent datasets and only two parameters were calibrated using our datasets: the shape parameter, which was used to convert body volume into shell length, and the half-saturation coefficient, which controlled the functional response of assimilation to food concentration, represented by chlorophyll-a concentration. The DEB model proved to be robust and generic: it was able to reproduce oyster growth in Than lagoon and other ecosystems. We also assessed population dynamics by coupling DEB equations and an Individual Based Model (IBM)...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thau Lagoon; Growth variability; Harvested production; Dynamic Energy Budget; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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