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Capacidad de dilución del Río Guayas para contrarrestar el impacto por vertientes industriales terrestres 20
Suárez, P..
Una de las principales y mayores causas de la contaminación marina, es la falta de tratamiento de efluentes industriales antes de verterlos en los ríos, mares u océano, bajo este contexto, los ríos operan como verdaderos filtros y emplean sus características hidráulicas para tratar de diluir las aguas residuales de las industrias. Se considera entonces como área de estudio el Parque industrial Río Guayas sur de la ciudad de Guayaquil, tomando dos decargas industriales de considerable magnitud analizando tanto del Río Guayas como de estos efluentes industriales la DBO, DQO, OD, pH y Microbiología. Se correlaciona los valores resultado de los ensayos para evaluar la contaminación. Entonces se pone a consideración un Modelo de Calidad de Agua en el que se...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Waste water; Industrial wastes; Environmental impact; Freshwater pollution; River water; Water analysis; Waste water; Environmental impact; Industrial wastes; Water analysis; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Efecto de la temperatura y el período de oxidación sobre la demanda bioquímica de oxígeno de aguas residuales pesqueras 20
Suárez Álvarez, G.; Valdés Herrera, R.; Romero López, T..
This report intend to know, if BOD5 of fishing industry waste waters,follows a similar and proportional behavior to different temperatures and from incubation times, where the oxidative processes of organic matter are experimentally developed and to obtain a mathematical equation that allows us to know the job stream necessary, when diminishing the experimental time, if we accelerated the processes by means of thermal increases; besides to determine which of the propose methodologies in the bibliography, is the one that explains better the phenomenon of the BOD completes and the deoxygenating constant, important parameters to design any type of system of treatment to the liquid waste waters of the fishing industry. Finding this relation, will be able to be...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Waste water; Industrial wastes; Fishery industry; Waste water; Industrial wastes; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Impact of agro-industrial activities on the water quality of River Nyando, Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya 20
Raburu, P. O.; Okeyo-Owuor, J.B..
The impact of agro-industrial activities on the water quality within River Nyando, Lake Victoria Basin (Kenya) was studied at different hierarchical levels between August 1997 and June 1999. Triplicate water samples were collected on a monthly basis from various stations ranging from the source to the mouth of the river and analyzed for selected physical and chemical water quality parameters using standard analytical methods. Statistical analysis was performed using MINITAB and STATISTICA computer packages. Agricultural land use was found to be the major factor contributing to changes in water quality. Salinity and pH varied at river basin scale, turbidity, TDS and conductivity at catchment scale, while DO, alkalinity and pH at subcatchment and river reach...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Water quality; Environmental impact; Industrial wastes; Inland waters; Rivers; Anthropogenic factors; River basin management; Statistical analysis; Physicochemical properties; Land use; Limnological data; Environmental monitoring; Resource management; Environment management; Agricultural pollution; Water quality; Environmental impact; Rivers; Statistical analysis; Land use; Environmental monitoring; Industrial wastes; Inland waters; Anthropogenic factors; Physicochemical properties; Resource management; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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