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Lapan, Harvey E.; Moschini, GianCarlo; Caruth, Brad.
Under current U.S. law, taxpayers can deduct up to 100 percent of their state income taxes from their adjusted gross income when calculating their federal income taxes. As a result, Iowans currently pay approximately $251 million less to the federal government than they would otherwise pay. There is, however, no equivalent stipulation allowing for the deduction of state sales taxes. Consequently, by eliminating the sales tax and replacing the lost revenue with an income-based tax, Iowans could save a substantial amount of money on their federal tax returns without any change in revenue for the Iowa government. Alternatively, by replacing the sales tax with an income-based tax, the State of Iowa could increase its tax revenue without increasing the total...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Federal itemized deductions; Income tax; Sales tax; State budget; Tax policy; Public Economics.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Durst, Ron L.; Monke, James D..
This report analyzes the effects of the current Federal tax code on farming and evaluates tax proposals to assist beginning farmers. Investment, management, and production decisions in agriculture continue to be influenced by Federal tax laws. Farmers continue to benefit from both Federal income and estate tax policies targeted to agriculture. These provisions exert upward pressure on farmland values and help support ongoing trends that increase the number of very small and large farms. However, the influence of the current tax structure with lower marginal tax rates and a broader income base is less than in earlier decades and may be small relative to government farm programs. Tax proposals to assist beginning farmers would likely increase the...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Federal tax policy; Income tax; Social security tax; Structure; Small farms; Estate and gift tax; Capital gains; Farm losses; Agricultural Finance; Public Economics.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Federal Tax Policies and Farm Households AgEcon
Durst, Ron L..
Significant changes in Federal individual income and estate tax policies have occurred over the last 10 years. Analysis suggests that changes in Federal tax provisions affecting both individual and business income taxes have reduced average tax rates for all farm households, resulting in the lowest tax burden on farm income and investment in a decade. Similarly, an analysis of the changes to Federal estate tax policies suggests that increases in the value of property that can be transferred to the next generation free of the estate tax, combined with special provisions for farmers and other small businesses, have greatly reduced the number of farm estates subject to the tax and the amount owed. While nearly 10 percent of commercial farm estates could owe...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Income tax; Estate tax; Tax rates; Estate; Federal tax policy; Farm losses; Commercial farms; Farm Management.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Gender and taxation: analysis of personal income tax (PIT) AgEcon
Bategeka, Lawrence; Guloba, Madina; Kiiza, Julius.
the paper examines the gender dimensions of personal income tax (PIT) in Uganda with an eye on the possible gender biases that may be embedded in the tax system. It further addresses the issues of Uganda achievement of substantive gender equality rather than formal equality as regards the impact of taxes from a gender perspective. This is in line with Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against all people as if they are the same and synonymous with equality of opportunity... we find that PIT paid by different household earning types increases gender inequality. We also find that some tax systems only worsens gender gaps and hardly is a useful tool that could be used to close the gender gaps. This paper proposes how PIT could be...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Gender equality; CEDAW; Taxation; Income tax; Kiiza; Bategeka; Guloba; Economic policy research center; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Financial Economics; Institutional and Behavioral Economics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Tax Rules, Land Development, and Open Space AgEcon
Simpson, R. David.
Concern about "open space" is growing. Conservation advocates worry that private land use decision-makers preserve too little open space. Yet private land developers are deciding on their own to preserve open space in new developments because it provides amenities to purchasers of lots. Moreover, tax provisions provide incentives for preserving more open space than would be privately optimal. Many jurisdictions have adopted "use-value assessment" standards granting favorable tax treatment to lands maintained in open space. Also, donations of open space can be deducted from income in computing tax liabilities. Both factors may be empirically important, although tax deductibility may have larger conservation effects than does use-value assessment. These...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Income tax; Property tax; Tax deductions; Use-value assessment; Ecosystem services; Open space; Conservation; Amenity value; Land Economics/Use; H23; H41; H71; R14.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The Comparison of Kibbutz Productivity to National Statistics: Analysis and Remarks AgEcon
Satt, Ehud.
This study examines conceptual problems in measuring product and disposable income of the kibbutz and in comparing them with the relevant national data. The inquiry was prompted by Kroll and Polovin’s paper in this Journal (1997), in which the authors found that per capita product and disposable income of the kibbutz are significantly lower than the national average in Israel. To carry out the analysis, we develop a formal-conceptual model of a national economy which consists of several sectors. Using this model it is shown that the “terms of trade” between the sectors – and the income transfers involved – have a marked effect on the per capita income in each sector, independent of its own productivity. In particular, two downward accounting biases may...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: National income and accounting; Interest payments and debt financing; Income tax; Kibbutz; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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