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A New Photobioreactor for Continuous Microalgal Production in Hatcheries Based on External-Loop Airlift and Swirling Flow ArchiMer
Loubiere, K; Olivo, Erell; Bougaran, Gael; Pruvost, J; Robert, Rene; Legrand, J.
This study deals with the scale of a new photobioreactor for continuous microalgal production in hatcheries. The combination of the state-of-art with the constraints inherent to hatcheries has turned the design into a closed, artificially illuminated and external-loop airlift configuration based on a succession of elementary modules, each one being composed of two transparent vertical interconnected columns. The liquid circulation is ensured pneumatically (air injections) with respect to a swirling motion (tangential inlets). A single module of the whole photobioreactor was built-up to scale its geometry (diameter and length) and to optimize its design (air sparger, tangential inlets). The volumetric productivities were predicted by modeling radiative...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Isochrysis affinis galbana; Swirling flow; Airlift; Hatchery; Continuous photobioreactor.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Optimizing conditions for the continuous culture of Isochrysis affinis galbana relevant to commercial hatcheries ArchiMer
Marchetti, Julie; Bougaran, Gael; Le Dean, Loic; Megrier, Cyril; Lukomska, Ewa; Kaas, Raymond; Olivo, Erell; Baron, Regis; Robert, Rene; Cadoret, Jean-paul.
Optimal culture conditions were investigated for the continuous culture of Isochrysis affinis galbana (T-Iso) by assessing the effects of irradiance, temperature, pH and nitrogen and phosphorus requirements. Assessment of the growth rate-irradiance relationship in a turbidostat experiment highlighted that an optimum irradiance efficiency for growth (E-mu) occurred at irradiance much lower than the saturating level. Furthermore, our modeling approach for productivity pointed out that an optimal set of irradiance and dilution rate could be achieved in order to maximize irradiance efficiency. Optimal conditions for growth were assessed for temperature, pH and irradiance by means of a factorial design experiment. The resulting model predicted that optimal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Isochrysis affinis galbana; Irradiance efficiency; Factor interaction; Nutrient limitation; Microalgae cultures.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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