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Smagulova, Zubirash.
The paper discusses the ways to develop partnership between state and non-governmental organizations in Kazakhstan. It is argued that funding channels of NGO’s activity should be extended and their new services should be developed using international experience. Tax stimulus to business, state purchases of NGO’ social services, greater involvement of NGOs to provision of public services are recommendations put forward in the article.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Non-government organizations; Social partnership; NGO financial resources.; Community/Rural/Urban Development; L31.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Gender Differences in Pro-social Behaviour: The Case of Fair-trade Food Consumers AgEcon
De Devitiis, Biagia; De Luca, Anna Irene; Maietta, Ornella Wanda.
Objective of this paper is to analyse the presence of gender differences in the purchase motivations of Fair Trade (FT) food products sold in the Italian World Shops (WS). At this end, a questionnaire has been distributed to a sample of consumers in four Italian regions. A bivariate ordered probit analysis has been performed in order to identify the determinants of the two main ethical motivations in the purchase: worker guarantees and solidarity. The variables used as determinants are individual and municipal characteristics. Among individual characteristics, gender is significant; among the municipal characteristics, the rate of female job market participation is also significant. These results give evidence of a gender gap in the preferences for public...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Ethical consumerism; Gender preferences; Fair trade; Consumer/Household Economics; Labor and Human Capital; D12; I31; L31; Z13.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Individual and Corporate Social Responsibility AgEcon
Benabou, Roland; Tirole, Jean.
Society’s demands for individual and corporate social responsibility as an alternative response to market and distributive failures are becoming increasingly prominent. We first draw on recent developments in the “psychology and economics” of prosocial behavior to shed light on this trend, which reflects a complex interplay of genuine altruism, social or self image concerns, and material incentives. We then link individual concerns to corporate social responsibility, contrasting three possible understandings of the term: the adoption of a more long-term perspective by firms, the delegated exercise of prosocial behavior on behalf of stakeholders, and insider-initiated corporate philanthropy. For both individuals and firms we discuss the benefits, costs and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Corporate Social Responsibility; Socially Responsible Investment; Image Concerns; Shareholder Value; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; D64; D78; H41; L31.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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New responsibilities of agriculture: structural differences in stakeholder networks and intentions towards climate change abatement strategies in peatland AgEcon
Hübner, Rico; Kantelhardt, Jochen.
Agriculture is required to fulfil the needs and wants of society in a variety of fields: food supply, environmental services, landscape preservation and finally: climate mitigation. Using the example of land-use change in peatland in order to create possibilities for greenhouse-gas reduction, a survey about the intentions and future expectations of stakeholders was undertaken. The underlying network structure of these stakeholders in three representative peatland areas of Germany was determined and compared. The results show that considerable differences exist in the degree of knowledge about climate change and in the willingness to cooperate. Depending on the area studied, the most influential political entities are different and thus require different...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Land-use in peatland areas; Network analysis; Climate change mitigation.; Land Economics/Use; D83; D85; L31; Q54..
Ano: 2009 URL:
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R&D Collaboration Networks in Mixed Oligopoly AgEcon
Zikos, Vasileios.
We develop a model of endogenous network formation in order to examine the incentives for R&D collaboration in a mixed oligopoly. Our analysis reveals that the complete network, where each firm collaborates with all others, is uniquely stable, industry-profit maximizing and efficient. This result is in contrast with earlier contributions in private oligopoly where under strong market rivalry a conflict between stable and efficient networks is likely to occur. A key finding of the paper is that state-owned enterprises may be used as policy instruments in tackling the potential conflict between individual and collective incentives for R&D collaboration.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Networks; R&D Collaboration; Mixed Oligopoly; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; C70; L13; L20; L31; L32; O31; D85.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Targeting of and outreach to the poor by rural development nonprofit organizations in Cameroon AgEcon
Balgah, Roland Azibo; Buchenrieder, Gertrud.
The importance of nonprofit organizations such as rural development organizations, farmers associations and common initiative groups as drivers of change in rural areas has been generally recognized in the economics of nonprofit organizations. While the economic theories attempt to explain the formation and functioning of nonprofit organizations, the targeting and outreach performance of these organizations has received little attention and at best is empirically divergent. Using the example of a nonprofit rural development organization in North West Cameroon, this paper analyzes the relative poverty of beneficiaries and non beneficiaries of its small scale fish farming program as a proxy for targeting efficiency. Poverty is measured through multiple...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Nonprofit organizations; Targeting; Poverty; Cameroon; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Food Security and Poverty; L31; I30; O18.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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