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A simple empirical band-ratio algorithm to assess suspended particulate matter from remote sensing over coastal and inland waters of Vietnam: application to the VNREDSat-1/NAOMI sensor 5
Dinh Ngoc, Dat; Loisel, Hubert; Vantrepotte, Vincent; Chu Xuan, Huy; Nguyen Minh, Ngoc; Verpoorter, Charles; Meriaux, Xavier; Thi Minh, Hanh Pham; Le Thi, Huong; Le Vu Hong, Hai; Nguyen Van, Thao.
VNREDSat-1 is the first Vietnamese satellite enabling the survey of environmental parameters such as vegetation and water coverages, or surface water quality at medium spatial resolution (from 2.5 to 10 meters depending on the considered channel). The NAOMI sensor on board VNREDSat-1 has the required spectral bands to assess the suspended particulate matter concentration, SPM. Because recent studies have shown that the remote sensing reflectance, Rrs(ƒÜ), at the blue (450 ¡V 520 nm), green (530 ¡V 600 nm), and red (620 ¡V 690 nm) spectral bands can be assessed from NAOMI with a good accuracy, the present study is dedicated to the development and validation of an algorithm (hereafter referred to as V1SPM) to assess SPM from Rrs(ƒÜ) over inland and coastal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: VNREDSat-1/NAOMI; Landsat-8/OLI; Suspended particulate matter; Algorithm.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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