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The meat market in Brazil: a partial equilibrium model AgEcon
Souza, Geraldo da Silva e; Alves, Eliseu Roberto de Andrade; Gazzola, Rosaura; Marra, Renner.
A partial equilibrium model for the meat market is fit to Brazilian data by three stages least squares. The model is consistent with the data and may be used for simulation purposes. In this context we compare model simulations for the near future with the OECD/ Aglink outlook. To illustrate using the model for simulations in policy assessments, we investigate the effect of a relative increase in corn price on the poultry and pork markets, coeteris paribus.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Meat markets; Elasticities; Three stage least squares; Simultaneous system of equations.; Agribusiness; C 32.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The meat market in Brazil: a partial equilibrium model Rev. Econ. Sociol. Rural
Souza,Geraldo da Silva e; Alves,Eliseu; Gazzola,Rosaura; Marra,Renner.
A partial equilibrium model for the meat market is fit to Brazilian data by three stages least squares. The model is consistent with the data and may be used for simulation purposes. In this context we compare model simulations for the near future with the OECD/ Aglink outlook. To illustrate using the model for simulations in policy assessments, we investigate the effect of a relative increase in corn price on the poultry and pork markets, coeteris paribus.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Meat markets; Elasticities; Three stage least squares; Simultaneous system of equations.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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