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A new technique in the excavation of ground-nest bee burrows (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) Rev. Bras. entomol.
Marinho,Diego; Andrade,Juliana; Araujo,Rodrigo O.; Vivallo,Felipe.
ABSTRACT Bees have a diversified natural history, thus the methods applied to study such diversity are varied. When it comes to studies of nesting biology, bees which nest in pre-existing cavities have been reasonably well studied since researchers started using trap-nests. However, bees whose nests are built underground are poorly studied due to the difficulty of finding natural nesting areas and the absence of a method that facilitates bee nest excavation. The latter is evidenced by the lack of accurate descriptions in literature of how nests are excavated. In this study we tested cylindrical rubber refills of eraser pen as a new material to be used as a tracer of underground nest galleries in a natural nesting area of two species of Epicharis Klug, 1807...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Apidae; Apoidea; Brood cells; Methodology; Solitary bees.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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A Portfolio Approach to Analyzing Complex Human-Environment Interactions: Institutions and Land Change Ecology and Society
Young, Oran R.; University of California at Santa Barbara, Bren School;; Lambin, Eric F.; University of Louvain;; Alcock, Frank; New College of Florida;; Haberl, Helmut; Institute of Social Ecology;; Karlsson, Sylvia I.; Finland Futures Research Centre;; McConnell, William J.; LUCC Focus 1 Office;; Myint, Tun; CIPEC;; Polsky, Colin; Clark University;; Ramakrishnan, P. S.; Jawaharlal Nehru University;; Schroeder, Heike; University of California at Santa Barbara;; Scouvart, Marie; University of Louvain;; Verburg, Peter H; Wageningen University;
The challenge confronting those seeking to understand the institutional dimensions of global environmental change and patterns of land-use and land-cover change is to find effective methods for analyzing the dynamics of socio-ecological systems. Such systems exhibit a number of characteristics that pose problems for the most commonly used statistical techniques and may require additional and innovative analytic tools. This article explores options available to researchers working in this field and recommends a strategy for achieving scientific progress. Statistical procedures developed in other fields of study are often helpful in addressing challenges arising in research into global change. Accordingly, we start with an assessment of some of the enhanced...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Land change; Institutions; Methodology; Analysis; Socio-ecological systems; Statistical techniques.
Ano: 2006
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An automated method for the assessment of mercury adsorption rates on particulate suspended matter OMA
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L..
A continuous filtration system connected to a mercury auto-analyzer has been constructed for obtaining mercury adsorption rates on particulate suspended matter. The capabilities of this device have been demonstrated by carrying out a series of experiments under controlled physicochemical parameter conditions on samples of the Scheldt estuary. Duplicate measurements showed coefficients of variation ranging from 1 to 6 %. Depending on the physico-chemical conditions, the initial adsorption rate per unit of dissolved mercury concentration varied between 1.2 and 8.1 x 10<sup>-2</sup> mn<sup>-1</sup>.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Adsorption; Mercury; Methodology; Particulates; Suspended matter.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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An Integrated Approach to Analyzing (Adaptive) Comanagement Using the &#8220;Politicized&#8221; IAD Framework Ecology and Society
Whaley, Luke; Water Science Institute, Cranfield University;; Weatherhead, Edward K.; Water Science Institute, Cranfield University;
Scholars of comanagement are faced with a difficult methodological challenge. As comanagement has evolved and diversified it has increasingly merged with the field of adaptive management and related concepts that derive from resilience thinking and complex adaptive systems theory. In addition to earlier considerations of power sharing, institution building, and trust, the adaptive turn in comanagement has brought attention to the process of social learning and a focus on concepts such as scale, self-organization, and system trajectory. At the same time, a number of scholars are calling for a more integrated approach to studying (adaptive) comanagement that is able to situate these normative concepts within a critical understanding of how context and power...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis Palavras-chave: Comanagement; Adaptive comanagement; IAD Framework; Politicized IAD Framework; Methodology; Institutions; Power; Discourse; Resilience.
Ano: 2014
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Appreciative Inquiry: An approach for learning and change based on our own best practices AgEcon
Acosta, Anne Starks; Douthwaite, Boru.
Since it was conceptualized in the late 1980s as a research methodology and change paradigm, the technique of ‘appreciative inquiry’ (AI) has proved to be highly effective for capturing the positive features of an organization or social system and energizing the members to strive for higher levels of performance. This Brief outlines the basic principles and methods of AI, describes various domains in which it has been undertaken and provides a recent example of its use in a centre affiliated with the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Research; Methodology; Inquiry; Social systems; Agricultural and Food Policy; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Aproximación metodológica de arquitectura de paisaje para el estudio, diseño y construcción de senderos. Colegio de Postgraduados
Mendoza Olmos, Itzel.
Este trabajo se relaciona con los senderos como elementos para transcurrir a través de un paisaje determinado. Al recorrerlos, se aprecia e interpreta lo que se ve, se oye, se huele, se palpa e incluso, lo que se degusta. Este trabajo analiza los senderos de forma integral, por lo que en éste se encuentra información de paisaje, arquitectura de paisaje, escala, y turismo, entre otros aspectos relevantes. Se expone también aquí, una aproximación metodológica para el diseño y construcción de senderos a partir de la disciplina de la arquitectura de paisaje. En este trabajo se parte de los siguientes objetivos: a) conocer, revisar y proponer metodologías aplicables al diseño de senderos desde de la arquitectura de paisaje; b) plantear una aproximación...
Palavras-chave: Senderos; Paisaje; Arquitectura de paisaje; Metodología; Trails; Landscape; Landscape architecture; Methodology; Maestría Tecnológica; Arquitectura de paisaje.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Vedovoto, Graciela Luzia; Marques, Daniela Vieira; Avila, Antonio Flavio Dias; Souza, Mirian Oliveira De; Ribeiro, Luis Fernando Martins.
Este trabalho apresenta a experiência da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa na avaliação de impactos sobre o conhecimento, capacitação e político-institucional. O trabalho descreve a metodologia utilizada tomando como referência uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema e análisa documentos institucionais recentes e relatórios de avaliação disponibilizados pelas Unidades Descentralizadas da Embrapa. A metodologia utilizada para avaliação de impactos desta natureza é baseada na dimensão “capacitação” do método ESAC, criado pelo GEOPI/Unicamp. A Embrapa tem direcionado esforços no sentido de aprimorar a metodologia de avaliação de impactos sobre o conhecimento, capacitação e polítíco-institucional por considerar que os benefícios gerados...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Metodologia; Avaliação de impactos; Conhecimento; Methodology; Evaluation of impacts; Knowledge; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Bilan énergétique chez les mollusques bivalves : terminologie et méthodologie - Compte rendu du groupe de travail réuni au laboratoire national "Ecosystème conchylicole" de l'IFREMER La Tremblade (13 et 14 septembre 1984) ArchiMer
Heral, Maurice; Lucas, Albert; Deslous Paoli, Jean-marc; Goulletquer, Philippe; Masse, Henri; LABEIM (Laboratoire de Biologie et d'Ecologie des Invertébrés Marins).
En septembre 1984, MM. HERAL et DESLOUS-PAOLI organisèrent à La Tremblade, une "réunion méthodologie expérimentale mollusques". Cette rencontre faisait suite à un bref état qui s'était engagé au Congrès de Montpellier sur les "Bases biologiques de l'Aquaculture", où il était apparu que la terminologie et la méthodologie concernant le métabolisme des bivalves devaient être clarifiées. Grâce à une large information auprès des spécialistes français de la physiologie des bivalves, la réunion à La Tremblade a réuni un grand nombre de participants très motivés. Pendant 2 jours des discussions très animées ont permis de bien comprendre les échanges entre les bivalves et leur environnement et d'y jeter un regard neuf, ce qui impliquait une analyse critique du...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Terminologie; Méthodologie; Bilan d'énergie; Physiologie; Bivalve; Terminology; Methodology; Energy budget; Physiology; Bivalve molluscs.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Bonamia sp. (Protozoa, Haplosporidia) parásito de Ostrea puelchana D’Orbigny, (Mollusca, Bivalvia) en el Golfo San Matías (Patagonia Argentina): Histopatología, identificación e infección OceanDocs
Kroeck, M.A..
Los moluscos bivalvos son organismos sedentarios que establecen una relación íntima no sólo entre ellos, sino también con el espacio que ocupan y con sus condiciones fisicoquímicas. Sus poblaciones pueden ser hospedadoras de múltiples organismos patógenos (virus,bacterias, hongos, protistas y metazoos), cuya presencia es regulada eficazmente a niveles infra, meta y suprapoblacionales en ambientes silvestres, no provocando, salvo excepcionalmente, impactos severos. Los cultivos a escala comercial producen concentraciones de individuos, con la consiguiente alteración del medio y del equilibrio natural en la relación parásito-hospedador, generándose condiciones apropiadas para el desarrollo de enfermedades. Entre los años 1995 y 1996 se instala, en la zona...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fishery biology; Marine molluscs; Parasitology; Protozoan diseases; Histopathology; Spatial distribution; Environmental conditions; Methodology; Examinations.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Can Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Serve Complementary Purposes for Policy Research?: Evidence from Accra AgEcon
Maxwell, Daniel G..
Qualitative and quantitative methods in social science research have long been separate spheres with little overlap. However, recent innovations have highlighted the complementarity of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The Accra Food and Nutrition Security Study was designed to incorporate the participation of a variety of constituencies in the research, and to rely on a variety of approaches—both qualitative and quantitative—to data collection and analysis. This paper reviews the way in which qualitative and quantitative methods were used in the Accra study. The argument of the paper is that the complementary use of qualitative and quantitative approaches provides a greater range of insights and perspectives and permits triangulation or the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Nutrition; Research; Social Sciences; Methodology; Agricultural and Food Policy; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Changes in proximate composition and lipid quality of atherina atherina sp. during sun drying process OceanDocs
Selmi, S.; Bouriga, N.; Faure, E.; Trabelsi, M..
Dans le présent travail, l’effet du séchage solaire sur la composition biochimique et la qualité des lipides des athérines a été étudié. La teneur en lipides, protéines et en cendres dans l’athérine a augmenté significativement (p <0.05) après le séchage. Cependant, celle de l’humidité a montré une forte diminution pour atteindre 22.37% dans le produit final. D’autre part, l’étude des indicateurs d’altération des lipides (Oxydation et Hydrolyse) nous a montré que la qualité des lipides des athérines est affectée par ce type de traitement. En effet, les taux des hydropéroxydes et des acides gras libres ont augmenté significativement (p < 0.05) après le séchage pour atteindre respectivement 2.02 meq active O2/kg huile et 3.67%. La formation des...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Biochemical composition; Dried products; Drying; Hydrolysis; Methodology; Oxidation; Processing fishery products; Quality assurance; Atherina; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Comparison of methods for stock assessment of European hake Merluccius merluccius in the Gulf of Lions (Northwestern mediterranean) ArchiMer
Aldebert, Yvonne; Recasens, Laura.
European hake Merluccius merluccius is the main commercial demersal species in the Gulf of Lions (Northwestern Mediterranean). This fish is exploited by French and Spanish trawler fleets and by small-scale fisheries using gillnets and longlines. Data on landings and the demography of catches by type of gear are now available for the period 1988-1991. The assessment of the hake stock was carried out using methods of virtual population analysis (VPA), or cohort analysis, based respectively on mean pseudocohorts and cohorts by age. The results of these VPA were then analysed and compared from a methodological point of view. The general results have confirmed previous studies with regard to the level of exploitation of the species. The two methods gave quite...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Merluccius merluccius; Méditerranée; Méthodologie; Évaluation des stocks; Démographie des captures; Mortalité par pêche; Merluccius merluccius; Mediterranean Sea; Methodology; Stock assessment; Population structure; Fishing mortality.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Competing Claims on Natural Resources: What Role for Science? Ecology and Society
Giller, Ken E.; Wageningen University;; Leeuwis, Cees; Wageningen University;; Andersson, Jens A.; Wageningen University; University of the Witwatersrand;; Andriesse, Wim; Wageningen University;; Brouwer, Arie; Wageningen University;; Frost, Peter; University of Zimbabwe;; Hebinck, Paul; Wageningen University;; van Ittersum, Martin K.; Wageningen University;; Koning, Niek; ;; Ruben, Ruerd; ;; Slingerland, Maja; Wageningen University;; Udo, Henk; Wageningen University;; Veldkamp, Tom; Wageningen University;; van de Vijver, Claudius; Wageningen University;; van Wijk, Mark T.; Wageningen University;; Windmeijer, Pieter; Wageningen University;.
Competing claims on natural resources become increasingly acute, with the poor being most vulnerable to adverse outcomes of such competition. A major challenge for science and policy is to progress from facilitating univocal use to guiding stakeholders in dealing with potentially conflicting uses of natural resources. The development of novel, more equitable, management options that reduce rural poverty is key to achieving sustainable use of natural resources and the resolution of conflicts over them. Here, we describe an interdisciplinary and interactive approach for: (i) the understanding of competing claims and stakeholder objectives; (ii) the identification of alternative resource use options, and (iii) the scientific support to negotiation processes...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Agricultural science; Conflict; Ecology; Level; Methodology; Natural resource management; Scale; Social science; Sustainable agriculture.
Ano: 2008
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Contaminação por aflatoxinas em milho utilizado na alimentação de suínos. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Coleta de amostra; Ration; Método; Amostragem; Nutrição animal; Ração; Micotoxina; Fungo; Milho; Suíno; Contaminação; Methodology; Sampling; Animal nutrition; Mycotoxins; Fungi; Corn; Swine.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Controle de qualidade e conformidade de produtos e fermentados à base de Bacillus spp.: proposta metodológica. Infoteca-e
Resumo: Na presente obra é apresentado um método para análise da qualidade de produtos à base de Bacillus, tanto para os produtos registrados junto ao Mapa, como para obtidos via fermentação caseira ou "on farm", ou ainda para o controle de qualidade de novos produtos que estão sendo desenvolvidos em instituições públicas e instituições privadas. Essa metodologia de controle de qualidade pode ser utilizada em todas as etapas da cadeia de produção de Bacillus. A sua adoção contribuirá para que as empresas e os produtores privados mantenham a qualidade dos produtos à base de Bacillus produzidos no país, e consequentemente que os agricultores mantenham a confiança na eficácia dos produtos à base de Bacillus produzidos no país. Desta forma, também contribuirá...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Objetivo de desenvolvimento sustentável; Controle Biológico; Bactéria não Patogênica; Doença de Planta; Controle de Qualidade; Método; Análise de Laboratório; Biological control agents; Quality control; Product quality; Bacillus (bacteria); Methodology.
Ano: 2022 URL:
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Demand for High-value Secondary Crops in Developing Countries: The Case of Potatoes in Bangladesh and Pakistan AgEcon
Bouis, Howarth E.; Scott, Gregory.
Secondary crops are of increasing interest to policymakers and planners in developing countries because of a desire to diversify economic activities and because of their proven potential to raise farm incomes and rural employment. To assess this potential, basic information on the demand characteristics for these crops is required. But, given the large number of possible crops to be studied, policy analysts require an estimation procedure that is less data-intensive and time-intensive than standard econometric estimation procedures. In this paper, a relatively new, low-cost procedure, based on demand for food characteristics, is applied, illustrating its usefulness for analysis of demand for potatoes in Bangladesh and Pakistan. In Asia, the potato should...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Economics; Methodology; Pakistan; Potatoes; Economic aspects; Crop diversification; Price Maintenance; Asia; Bangladesh; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Desenvolvimento e validação de metodologia de moagem de amostras de solos para análise de carbono orgânico. Infoteca-e
SOUZA, A. M. de; GREGORIS, G.; ANDRADE, M. T. de; CORREA, J. C. de O.; INACIO, C. de T..
Este trabalho objetiva propor um método para moagem mecanizada em larga escala para atender às elevadas e crescentes demandas por amostras finamente moídas, como pré-requisito para análise SOC pelas metodologias tradicionais e inovadoras.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Método de Análise; Solo; Carbono; Soil; Carbon; Methodology.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Determination of nuclear transcription factor activity using a modified electrophoretic mobility shift assay BABT
Wang,Yong; Huang,Wenhua; Peng,Daizhi; Hu,Yuanbin.
In this work, several major procedures of the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) were modified including swift extraction of the nucleic protein, labeling of the probe and radioautography. The modified assay required shorter time, simplified the nucleic protein extraction, increased the radioactivity of the labeling probe, skipped the tedious process of gel drying, and produced clear images. Its results were comparable, reproducible and stable. It thus has merited for wide application.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nuclear transcription factor; Electrophoretic mobility shift assay; Methodology; Modification.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Developing a methodology for assessing the economic impacts of large scale environmental regulations AgEcon
Berck, Peter; Hess, Peter.
This paper explains the development and implementation of a methodology for assessing the economic impacts of large-scale environmental regulations. The development process began with a literature review surveying channels through which environmental regulations might influence economic performance. Avenues deemed suitable were incorporated into a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the California economy. This model is based on the California Department of Finance's Dynamic Revenue Analysis Model (DRAM). Modifications to DRAM for the current project include a revised sectoring scheme that features industries of particular regulatory interest, revamped data matrices that accommodate this new sectoring scheme, a new air pollution module,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Cge models; Environmental aspects; Environmental policy; Methodology; Regulations; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Developing Detailed Foresight Narratives: a Participatory Technique from the Mekong Region Ecology and Society
Foran, Tira; CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences;; Ward, John; CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences;; Kemp-Benedict, Eric J.; Stockholm Environment Institute;; Smajgl, Alex; CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Asia; Mekong; Methodology; Narrative; Participation; Scenario.
Ano: 2013
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