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Blood parameter analysis and morphological alterations as biomarkers on the health of Hoplias malabaricus and Geophagus brasiliensis BABT
Romão,Silvia; Donatti,Lucélia; Freitas,Matheus O.; Teixeira,Josiane; Kusma,Josiana.
This study aimed to assess the influence of the environment on fish health. Samples of Hoplias malabaricus and Geophagus brasiliensis, were collected from three different environments: area I was urban and areas II and III were rural. Analyses of red blood cell count, microhematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, white blood cell count and differential white cell count in blood smear were carried out. Mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were calculated. To analyze morphological alterations, gills, liver, kidney and gonads were submitted to routine histological processing. Individuals collected from area III had slightly lower blood indices than collected from area I . Severe kidney changes, degeneration of and crystallization...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fish; Bioindicators; Biomarkers; Morphological alterations; Hematology.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Structural and ecophysiological alterations of the water hyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms] due to anthropogenic stress in Brazilian rivers BABT
Vitória,Angela Pierre; Lage-Pinto,Frederico; Silva,Leonardo Bernardo Campaneli da; Cunha,Maura da; Oliveira,Jurandi Gonçalves de; Rezende,Carlos Eduardo; Souza,Cristina Maria Magalhães de; Azevedo,Ricardo Antunes.
In this work, the structural and ecophysiological alterations (chlorophyll a fluorescence and photosynthetic pigments), and quantification of Cr, Pb and Zn in the leaf limb, petiole and younger and older roots of water hyacinth from the lower, medium and upper Paraíba do Sul river (PSR) and Imbé river were evaluated. The plants from the medium and upper PSR (more industrialized and populated regions) exhibited lower turgid cell in the root cortex, less root hairs and leaf epidermis, chloroplasts with plastoglobules and increased stroma volume. Higher concentrations of metals were observed in the younger and older roots from the medium PSR plants. The results suggested that the plants from more anthropized regions were able to maintain the maximum quantum...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chlorophyll a fluorescence; Photosynthetic pigments; Energy dissipation; Morphological alterations; Metal evaluate.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Variações morfológicas dos estágios pós-marsupiais de Sunampithoe pelagica Milne-Edwards (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridea, Ampithoidae) da fauna de Sargassum cymosum C. Agardh Zoologia
Leite,Fosca Pedini Pereira; Güth,Arthur Ziggiatti.
The post-marsupial growth stages of the gammaridean ampithoid species Sunampithoe pelagica Milne-Edwards, 1830, six developmental stages for juveniles, three for females and at least seven for males, were described. The characterization was based on the increase of antennal article number, in the morphological modifications of gnathopods I and II, and on alteration of the number of setae.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ampithoidae; Sunampithoe pelagica; Morphological alterations; Growth stages.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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