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Nectar ecology of the endemic epiphytic hummingbird-pollinated bromeliad Vriesea altodaserrae: secretion dynamics and pollinator visitation pattern 39
Nunes,Carlos E. P.; Briet,Joseildo; Galetto,Leonardo; Sazima,Marlies; Amorim,Felipe W..
ABSTRACT Hummingbirds are the main pollinators of most bromeliad species, whose nectar traits usually respond to the selective pressures imposed by pollinators. Considering the specialization of hummingbird-pollinated bromeliads, we expect a close relationship between nectar ecophysiology and the needs of the main pollinators. In this sense, we studied the nectar ecology of the endemic epiphytic bromeliad Vriesea altodaserrae by assessing its nectar traits to address the following questions: i) do flowers respond to successive experimental removals of nectar? ii) is hummingbird visitation frequency related to nectar secretion pattern? We found that V. altodaserrae depended completely on hummingbirds for sexual reproduction, and nectar composition was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bromeliaceae; Nectar traits; Phaethornithinae; Trochilidae; Specialized pollination system; Sugar chemical composition.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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