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Acute toxicity of nitrite to matrinxã, Brycon cephalus (Günther, 1869), (Teleostei-Characidae) Ciência Rural
Avilez,Ive Marchioni; Aguiar,Lucia Helena de; Altran,Alexandre Eneas; Moraes,Gilberto.
Nitrite leads to many physiological and hematological disturbances followed by lethality. This work reports the lethal concentration of nitrite to juvenile matrinxã. Experiments were done at 24ºC, pH 6.7-7.0 under natural photoperiod. Fish were exposed to 0.2- 0.5- 1.0 and 2.0mg L-1 of nitrite N-NO2 for 96h. The 96-h LC50 of nitrite-N was calculated by the trimmed Spearman-Karber method (0.86±0.05mg L-1; 0.57-1.30 to 95%CI) and it was concluded that matrinxã is very sensitive to environmental nitrite. Therefore, care must be taken to prevent accumulation of nitrite in intensive culture systems of matrinxã.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: LC50; Nitrite; Matrinxã; Brycon cephalus; Toxicity.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Behavior of Staphylococcus aureus and autochthone microbiota in fresh sausages added of sodium nitrite and stored under refrigeration Ciência Rural
Correia,Lucyanne Maria Moraes; Pereira,Juliano Gonçalves; Pinto,José Paes de Almeida Nogueira; Barcellos,Vinicius Cunha; Bersot,Luciano dos Santos.
Fresh sausages are cured meat products that may be contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus during the manufacturing procedure, which is frequently related with inadequate handling practices. The use of nitrite in meat products has proven efficacy against Clostridium botulinum, and studies indicate that bactericidal action against S. aureus depends on factors that are intrinsic and extrinsic to the product. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of nitrite concentration, and pH on S. aureus and psychrotrophic autochthone microbiota in fresh sausages stored at different times and temperatures. Fresh sausage were produced at nitrite concentrations 50, 150 and 200ppm and contaminated with S. aureus. The sausages were storage at...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fresh sausage; Nitrite; Psychrotrophic; S. aureus; Temperature.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Interaction between afternoon aeration and tilapia stocking density Animal Sciences
Lima, Francisco Roberto dos Santos; Cavalcante, Davi de Holanda; Rebouças, Vanessa Tomaz; Sá, Marcelo Vinícius do Carmo e.
The present study aimed at determining the effects of the interaction between afternoon aeration and stocking density of Nile tilapia on variables of water and soil quality, growth performance and effluent quality. The experiment was a 3 x 2 factorial randomized block design, with three stocking densities (8, 12 and 16 fish per tank or 43.5, 65.3, and 87.0 g m-3) under two mechanical aeration regimes, absence (control; three replicates) and afternoon aeration (four replicates). The afternoon aeration was carried out from 12.00 a.m. up to 18.00 p.m. from the 3rd week until the end of the experiment. Except for the 16-fish tanks, the lowest concentrations of total ammonia nitrogen were found in the tanks with higher density of fish provided with afternoon...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Piscicultura; Tilápia fish farming; Total ammonia nitrogen; Unionized ammonia; Nitrite.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Mortadella sausage formulations with mechanically separated layer hen meat preblended with antioxidants Scientia Agricola
Trindade,Marco Antonio; Castillo,Carmen Josefina Contreras; Felício,Pedro Eduardo de.
At the end of the laying cycle, layer hens can be used for production of mechanically separated meat (MSML) for sausage manufacture. However, mechanically separated meats are susceptible to lipid and pigment oxidation during storage, problems that could be prevented by the use of antioxidants present in curing additives traditionally used in meat processing. The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality and stability of Mortadella produced with MSML added of sodium erythorbate (1000 ppm) and sodium nitrite (150 ppm) through preblending or during chopper processing (control treatment), after long term frozen storage of raw meat ingredient. The products were stored for 40 days at 7ºC and evaluated in regard to the oxidative stability of lipids...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Poultry meat; Nitrite; Erythorbate; Oxidative stability; Sensory evaluation.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Nitrate uptake and metabolism by roots of soybean plants under oxygen deficiency. Braz. J. Plant Physiol.
Brandão,Andrea D.; Sodek,Ladaslav.
Nitrate is reported to improve tolerance of plants towards oxygen deficiency enabled by waterlogging of the root system, but the mechanism underlying the phenomenon remains poorly understood. We studied the metabolism of nitrate in roots exposed to hypoxia, using soybean plants growing in a hydroponic system after suspending aeration and covering the surface of the nutrient solution with mineral oil. Nitrate depletion from the medium was more intense under hypoxia than normoxia, but in the presence of chloramphenicol, consumption under hypoxia was significantly reduced. Nitrite accumulated in the medium in the state of hypoxia and this effect was partially eliminated by chloramphenicol. Nitrate consumption sensitive to chloramphenicol was attributed to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Glycine max; Hypoxia; Nitrate reductase; Nitrite; Waterlogging.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Solos calcimorficos da sub-regiao do Abobral, Pantanal Mato-Grossense. Infoteca-e
As "cordilheiras" da sub-regiao do Abobral, Pantanal Mato-Grossense, tem como material de origem, conchas de moluscos transportadas da planicie de inundacao do rio Miranda, de aguas e sedimentos alcalinos. Os solos, desenvolvidos sobre material essencialmente carbonatico (calcimorficos), constituem-se em ilhas com vegetacao de mata semicaducifolia, isolada nas planicies inundaveis de solos acidos do rio Abobral. Os solos em condicoes de hidromorfismo temporario formam um epipedon molico sobre um horizonte petrocalcico. Pela classificacao do Departamento de Agricultura do E.U.A. de 1949 sao denominados de Calcissolos e de Aeric Petrocalcic Calciaquoll pela Soil Taxonomy. A vegetacao original e a secundaria (ruderal) sao descritas. O desmatamento e o cultivo...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Solo calcimorfico; Rio Abobral; Forrageira; Deficiencia de ferro; Nitritos; Plant; Iron defficiency; Nitrite; Petrocalcic calciaquoll; Brachiaria; Clorose; Planta; Solo Ácido; Pantanal; Chlorosis; Forage; Soil.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Assis,Tatiane M. de; Schilichting,Marcos V.; Lopes,Carla L.; Kunz,Airton; Gomes,Simone D..
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to monitor the stabilization of a sequential batch reactor (SBR) regarding the partial nitritation of poultry slaughterhouse wastewater, aiming at preparing it for a reactor with bacteria that promote anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox). A cylindrical reactor with a useful volume of 3.5 L, mechanical agitation (50 rpm), and suspended biomass was used in the experiment. The strategies adopted for nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) inhibition were cycle time (CT: 24, 16, 6, 5, 4 h and real-time monitoring), free ammonia accumulation, alkalinity restriction and low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO). The ammonification process, observed at all experimental phases, negatively influenced the control of partial nitritation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anammox; Deammonification; Nitrite; Nitrate; Nitrafying.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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The Influence of Stirring Speed, Temperature and Initial Nitrogen Concentration on Specific Anammox Activity BABT
Martins,Tiago H.; Souza,Theo S.O.; Varesche,Maria Bernadete Amâncio.
ABSTRACT This study evaluates the influence of initial nitrogen concentration, temperature and stirring speed on specific anammox activity (SAA). The biomass was tested in single batch reactors with different initial nitrogen concentrations (Assay 1) ranging from 60 to 140 mg Ntotal/L in equimolar ratio (NO2--N/NH4+-N) and in another test to 67.3 mg NH4+-N/L and 92.2 mg NO2--N/L (close to anammox stoichiometric ratio). The anammox biomass was also tested in single batch at different temperatures (from 20 to 37° C) to determine the short-term effects on SAA (Assay 2). In the third assay the stirring speed ranged from 50 to 150 rpm in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) at 37 ºC. SAA was affected by the stoichiometric molar ratio but not by equimolar initial...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: SBR; Ammonium; Nitrite; Specific anammox activity; Anammox.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Validation of spectrophotometric method to detect and quantify nitrite in ham pate BJPS
Reis,Patrícia Barros; Ramos,Rodrigo Mauro; Souza,Leonardo Francisco de; Cançado,Silvana de Vasconcelos.
The objective of this work was to validate the spectrophotometric method to detect and quantify nitrite using ham pate as a source. The validated analytical conditions were 540 nm wavelength and the samples reading between 40 to 70 minutes after addition of coloring agents. The tested performance criteria were: linearity, matrix effect, selectivity, detection and quantification limit, accuracy, precision and robustness. As the results have obtained linearity in the studied zone (0.125 to 3 g/mL) and matrix effect was not observed, there was not any interference from ascorbic acid, but interference occurred from sodium eritorbate, in concentrations above 2.5 mg/100g. The detection limit was defined as 12.5 mg of nitrite/kg for pate and the quantification...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Validation; Nitrite; Spectrophotometric method; Ham pate.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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