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Assessing economic incentives for dairy sheep farmers: A real options approach 31
Tzouramani, Irene; Sintori, Alexandra; Liontakis, Angelos E.; Alexopoulos, George.
New policy measures have been introduced to transform Greece’s agriculture into a more modern and environmentally friendly agriculture. Adopting new technology and environmentally friendly production systems involves risk and uncertainty, which in turn stress the need for well designed policy schemes. This study attempts to examine the effects of income variability upon the decision to adopt new technology and environmentally friendly production systems by introducing the real options analysis to dairy sheep farming in Greece. The real options procedure revealed that the investment in new technology in dairy sheep farms under organic scheme is profitable. Attractive economic incentives that are offered by the applied agricultural policy to young farmers...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural policy; Organic sheep farming; Real options; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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