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Effects of physical mixing on the environment of satellite lakes and dams of lake Victoria, Kenya 20
Guya, F.; Wakwabi, E.; Jembe, T.; Osumo, W.; Sitoki, L.; Ogutu, Z..
In the Lake Victoria (Kenya) catchment are found several small lakes and dams. The satellite lakes and dams are important aquifers and buffer zones for the lake. Besides the water bodies are important water sources both for livestock and domestic use. A study conducted in the water bodies between January 2003 and December 2004 showed that effects of eutrophication are wide spread in the lakes and dams. An investigation of primary productivity and effects of physical mixing and material transport was done. In Lake Sare, Lake Victoria waters are transported to the satellite lake during both day and night through Goye causeway that connects the two. The water bodies have higher rates of primary productivity than Lake Victoria. Spatial extent of oxygen...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Dams; Eutrophication; Water reservoirs; Inland waters; Water bodies; Eutrophication; Primary production; Lake basins; Water mixing; Artificial lakes; Oxygen depletion; Endemic species; Pollution effects; Eutrophication; Dams; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Grow-out mariculture techniques in tropical waters: A case study of problems and solutions in Hong Kong. 5
Wu, R; Lee, J.
Raft culture is practised and trash fish is being used as feed in Hong Kong. Culture space is limited and most of the culture sites are over-crowded. Food conversion ratio is poor (about 10-15), grow-out mortality is high (30-50%) and fish kills caused by oxygen depletions, algal blooms and red tides occur frequently. Disease and water pollution are also problems.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sparidae; Pisces; Indicator species; Diseases; Water pollution; Cage culture; Artificial feeding; Food fish; Oxygen depletion; Mortality; Growth; Stocking density; Fish culture.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Impact du barrage d'Arzal sur la qualité des eaux de l'estuaire et de la baie de la Vilaine 5
Merceron, Michel.
The Arzal dam upon the Vilaine estuary provokes an aggravation of a recurrent summer hypoxia of the bottom waters in the bay of Vilaine.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Suspended sediments; Salinity; Coastal zone; Dam estuary; Oxygen depletion; Matières en suspension; Salinité; Zone côtière; Estuaire; Barrage; Anoxie.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Mortalites de poissons en baie de Vilaine (Juillet 1982) Causes - Mécanismes - Propositions d'action 5
Merceron, Michel.
The massive number of fish mortalities that occurred in July of 1982 in Vilaine Bay is due to a very pronounced oxygen depletion in the bay's bottom waters. This loss was caused by the chronic fragility of this area, associated with an abnormal weather pattern. The endemism of partial oxygen depletion has been brought to light. The latter could be economically more significant than the anoxia of 1982. Preventative and warning actions have been proposed.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Brittany; Dam; Estuary; Meteorological factors; Stratification; Phytoplankton; Oxygen depletion; Coastal waters; Fish kill; Estuaire; Facteurs météorologiques; Stratification; Prolifération planctonique; Déficit en oxygène; Eaux côtières; Mortalité de poisson.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Southampton water and the Solent: Biological effects of the multi-use of an estuarine system. 5
Lockwood, A.
An outline is provided of (1) some factors which have influenced the clam and oyster populations of the area (2) the effect of nutrient load on phytoplankton production (3) the correlation between Mesodinium blooms and the summer oxygen levels in the stratified part of the estuary and (4) a description of the fauna and flora in regions adjacent to some industrial inputs.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquatic communities; Ecosystems; Coastal zone management; Oyster fisheries; Oxygen depletion; Algal blooms; Phytoplankton; Estuaries; Environmental impact.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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