Registros recuperados: 27 | |
Berger, Laurent; Poncelet, Cyrille; Trenkel, Verena. |
Fish schools can be insonified simultaneously with multifrequency echosounders (e.g. Simrad EK60s) and a multibeam echosounder (e.g. Simrad ME70). This paper presents a method for combining these data to improve estimates of the relative frequency response r(f) of fish schools. Values of r(f) are now commonly used to classify echoes in fishery surveys. The data from the roll- and pitch-stabilized, high-resolution ME70 are used to correct beam-width effects in the multifrequency EK60 data. First, knowing the exact position and orientation of the transducers and the position of the vessel, the echoes are placed into a common geographic coordinate system. Then, the EK60 data are rejected if they do not include a significant percentage of the fish school... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Species identification; Scomber scombrus; Sardina pilchardus; Pelagic fish; Acoustics. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/publication-6590.pdf |
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Scalabrin, Carla; Masse, Jacques. |
Echo sounder data were used to investigate the spatio-temporal variability of shoal behaviour in the Bay of Biscay. Data collected from annual surveys were processed using MOVIES-B software in order to mcasure this variability. The software was designed to measure morphological, energetic and space-time distribution descriptors from the acoustic signal received from fish shoals. Two surveys, DAAG 90 and DAAG 91, provided the appropriate characteristics for such an analysis. The survey's objective was to obtain relative abundance indices for the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) biomass in the Bay of Biscay. The surveys were carried out in the same area (southern Bay of Biscay), at the same period (April) within one year interval (1990 and 1991), using the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Fish shoal; Fisheries acoustics; Bay of Biscay; Pelagic fish. |
Ano: 1993 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00190/30111/28580.pdf |
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Véras, Luísa Queiroz; Capello, Manuela; Forget, Fabien; Tolotti, Mariana Travassos; Véras, Drausio Pinheiro; Dagorn, Laurent; Hazin, Fábio Hissa. |
Catches of pelagic fish associated to anchored Fish Aggregating Devices have been responsible for increases in income, fish consumption, and even cultural identity of artisanal fishing communities in many developing countries worldwide. Nonetheless, in Brazil, aFAD fishing is still poorly developed and studied. In this experiment, FADs were anchored offshore the city of Recife (Northeastern Brazil) to investigate the potential of moored buoys in the aggregation of commercially important pelagic species near the coast, as an alternative fishing site for artisanal fishers. The behavior of acoustically tagged fish was investigated to assess whether they were attracted to the FADs and how long they remained associated to them. The results indicated that,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Associative behavior; Acoustic tagging; Moored FADs; Pelagic fish; Artisanal fishing. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00665/77751/79875.pdf |
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Tolotti, Mariana Travassos; Forget, Fabien; Capello, Manuela; Filmalter, John David; Hutchinson, Melanie; Itano, David; Holland, Kim; Dagorn, Laurent. |
Several pelagic fish species are known to regularly associate with floating objects in the open ocean, including commercially valuable species. The tuna purse seine industry takes advantage of this associative behavior and has been increasingly deploying free-drifting man-made floating objects, also known as fish aggregating devices (FADs). Using passive acoustic telemetry, this study describes the associative dynamics of the main targeted tropical tuna species (Thunnus albacares, T. obesus and Katsuwonus pelamis), as well as three major bycatch species, silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis), rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata) and oceanic triggerfish (Canthidermis maculata). Short-term excursions away from the FADs were frequently performed by all tuna... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Behavior; Acoustic telemetry; Residence time; Floating objects; Pelagic fish; Tropical tuna. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00609/72077/71042.pdf |
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González, N.; Solís, E.. |
En Ecuador se han reportado cuatro especies de pinchagua: Opisthonema bulleri, O. libertate , O. medirastre, O. berlangai, difíciles de distinguir a través de sus características morfológicas externas durante los desembarques, por lo que para estas investigaciones se las ha agrupado a nivel de género (Opisthonema spp.). Su captura se la destina para la elaboración de enlatados, prohibiéndose su utilización para la elaboración de harina de pescado. Se ha registrado una considerable declinación de este recurso a partir de 1985, hasta llegar a un mínimo desembarcado de 6 895 t durante el 2003; en el 2009 acumuló 22 528 t. El rango de longitudes fluctúa entre 9 y 33 cm LT. Por lo general, un gran porcentaje de los individuos capturados no alcanzan la talla... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: Pelagic fish; Processed fishery products; Catch composition; Sexual maturity; Fishery biology. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/4792 |
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Samb, B.. |
The marine waters off Northwest Africa are very productive because of the active upwelling that takes place at different intensities along the coast and which supports important fish resources (among which the small pelagics are the most abundant). The fishery sector plays an important role in the economies of the different countries of the region. Despite their relatively low commercial value, the pelagic fish are dominating the catches and is important to both the industrial and artisanal sectors. Several assessment studies of these resources have been carried out,and the management recommendations given calls for a control of effort in the mackerel and horsemackerel fisheries, whereas a catch level not to be exceeded has been defined for sardinella. The... |
Tipo: Proceedings Paper |
Palavras-chave: Pelagic fish; Upwelling. |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/279 |
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Ould Taleb Ould Sidi, M.M.. |
Résumé : En 1990, la pêcherie pélagique en Mauritanie s’est caractérisée par d’importantes variations – tant en termes d’effort et de rendement qu’au niveau de la composition spécifique des captures – par rapport aux années antérieures. En effet, l’effort, exprimé en jours de pêche standards, a atteint 9761 jours de pêche standards ; ce qui constitue une augmentation de plus de 21% par rapport à 1989. Aussi, avec 372000 tonnes, les captures totales ont enregistré une augmentation de 4,4%. Pour sa part, la Prise par Unité d’Effort (PUE) a enregistré un recul sensible passant de 44 tonnes/jour de pêche (t/jp) en 1989 à 38 t/jp en 1990. La composition spécifique des captures a été marquée par une augmentation importante de la contribution des sardinelles qui... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: PUE; Pelagic fish; Catch/effort; Capture fisheries. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/232 |
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Ould Taleb Ould Sidi, M.M.. |
Résumé: L’effectif des bateaux de pêche pélagique qui ont opéré dans la zone économique exclusive mauritanienne en 1989 s’élève à 63. L’effort de pêche standard de la flottille chalutière étrangère a atteint 8021 jours de pêche. Les prises effectuées sont de l’ordre de 356.000 tonnes dont 76% réalisés par la flottille de l’Union Soviétique et 23,5% par celle de la Roumanie. La composition spécifique est dominée par les chinchards avec 47%. Les sardinelles représentent environ 18% et la sardine plus de 15%. Les sabres et la rubrique divers occupent respectivement 6,26 et 7 ,40%. |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: Catch/effort; Pelagic fish. |
Ano: 1995 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/254 |
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Gutiérrez Delgado, A. R.; Alvarez Cruz, A.; Frías, M. del P.; Alfonso, I.. |
Esta investigación muestra los efectos del evento ENOS 1997-1998 en la temperatura superficial del mar (TSM) y en la abundancia de larvas de peces de las familias Thunnidae, Carangidae y Lutjanidae en las aguas oceánicas adyacentes a Cuba. La data histórica está integrada por 37 cruceros oceanográficos realizados entre los años 1966 y 1999. De ellos, 3 cruceros fueron realizados bajo el efecto del ENOS 1997-1998 en los meses de diciembre de 1997, septiembre de 1998 y mayo de 1999. También fue utilizada la serie de TSM desarrollada en el Centro Meteorológico Nacional de la NOAA para la cuadrícula de Cuba 23º-24ºN y 74º-85ºO entre los años 1966 y 1999. Las anomalías térmicas de la TSM, durante septiembre de 1998, provocaron un aumento tanto de la... |
Tipo: Book |
Palavras-chave: Temperature; Water levels; Spawning; Pelagic fish; Fish. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/5789 |
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Agbesi, E.N.. |
Environmental factors other than fishing effort, contribute to influencing marine pelagic fish population dynamics and abundance. There is evidence from environmental modelling and bioeconomic analysis of the Ghanaian marine inshore pelagic fisheries. Ghana is a West African country and lies on the Greenwich Meridian. It is bordered at the South by the Gulf of Guinea. The official language of Ghana is English, but is surrounded by French speaking countries. The inshore fishery is a multi-specie, multi-fleet fishery, consisting of artisanal and inshore purse seine fleets. The coastal inhabitants depend mainly on the marine fisheries as source of employment and livelihood. Fisheries constitute 5% of Agriculture GDP. The two fisheries types in the inshore... |
Tipo: Working Paper |
Palavras-chave: Pelagic fish; Fishery economics; Environmental impact. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/670 |
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Dempster, Tim; Taquet, Marc. |
We reviewed the literature concerning fish aggregation devices (FADs) to determine areas of relative research deficiency. Using specific searches of the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts ( ASFA) database from 1978 to December 2003 and a classical search of the pre-1978 literature, we collected 407 references on FADs. Publications before 1980 were predominantly peer-reviewed, although non-peer reviewed literature has dominated since 1980, due to the numerous technical reports produced as FADs became more widely used in artisinal and large-scale industrial. sheries in the 1980s. Most studies of the ecology of FAD-associated fish were descriptive, with few mensurative experimental studies and even fewer manipulative experimental studies that tested... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Tuna; Pelagic fish; Literature review; FAD; Fish Aggregation Device; Association. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2004/publication-721.pdf |
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Leonarduzzi, E.; Di Marco, E.J.; Pájaro, M.. |
The daily spawning females fraction (S) of Argentine anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) in relation to the year, length, proportion of females, temperature and salinity variables was studied using generalized linear models. Samples were collected during eleven research surveys carried out in the main spawning seasons and areas during 1993-2008 (Southwest Atlantic Ocean, Argentine Sea). The aim of this work was to identify the factors that affect the spawning activity. No temporary differences were observed and an S 0.12 average value was estimated. The poor explanatory percentage of the models analyzed did not allow to clearly detect the variables that could affect S. Length and temperature were the only variables that related positively, which suggests that... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: Pelagic fish; Reproduction; Biomass; Spawning; Mathematical models. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/5492 |
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Kolega, Ante; Radman, Marija; Markovina, Jerko. |
The consumption of fish in Croatia is relatively low for a Mediterranean country. One of the main reasons for this is the inadequate supply of fish. The supply of fish is usually limited to expensive species of whitefish, while the supply of pelagic fish is very scarce. Pelagic fish can rarely be found in restaurants, and in the fish- markets it reaches very high prices. The basic goal of the project "Srdela Snack" (srdela - Croatian word for sardine) was to set up and test a new model of commercialization of pelagic fish through franchise "fast - food" outlets. In the paper we will describe the concept of this new model which includes the whole distribution channel, from fishermen, through processors, restaurants to consumers. In this model fishermen... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Innovation; Commercialization; Pelagic fish; Franchise; Agribusiness. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/10090 |
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Eymard, Sylvie. |
Critical steps of the process of horse mackerel surimi manufacturing were identified. This led to propose technical and chemical solutions in order to limit development of lipid oxidation reactions. In this way, analytical methods of lipids and lipid oxidation compounds were adapted to the studied products. A method to determine hydroperoxyde concentrations was developed. The front face fluorescence technique was tested to evaluate the degree of surimi alteration. Lipid oxidation kinetics were determined during horse mackerel storage on ice or at 17°C. The formation of lipid oxidation products was followed during manufacturing and horse mackerel surimi frozen storage. The impact of raw material freshness on the development of lipid oxidation during surimi... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Processing; Conservation; Surimi; Pelagic fish; Lipid oxidation; Lipids; Transformation; Conservation; Surimi; Petits pélagiques; Oxydation des lipides; Lipides. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2003/these-2.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 27 | |