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Early weaning of marine fish larvae onto microdiets: Constraints and perspectives ArchiMer
Person, L.
Weaning small sized marine fish larvae at first feeding directly onto compound pellets is still difficult, while good results can be obtained when used in combination with live prey or when a prefeeding period on live prey is provided up to a size of about 2-3 mg. Microdiets are generally well ingested as their acceptability and visual detection may be improved using feeding activators and increasing good perception contrast. In theory, food may be processed to have a correct nutritional balance, selection of high digestible components is very important as larval digestive system is not fully functional during the first 2 or 3 weeks of life.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hatching; Fatty acids; Amino acids; Nutritional requirements; Feeding behaviour; Stomach; Digestive system; Enzymes; Digestion; Physiology; Diets; Pellet feeds; Feeding; Fish larvae.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Etude cytologique ultrastructurale des anomalies hepatiques du loup, de la daurade, et de l'anguille, induites par une alimentation artificielle ArchiMer
Bac, N; Biagianti, S; Brusle, J.
In the three species Dicentrarchus labrax, Sparus auratus , and Anguilla anguilla an artificial feeding (dry pellets) disturbs liver cells as revealed at ultrastructural level. In hepatocytes, anomalies consist of lipids storage (liposomes) considered as deviation in fatty acids metabolism. Moreover are observed cellular alterations (mitochondrial vacuolization, nuclear pycnosis) related to degenerative process. It is of great interest to understand wether liver modifications are just a reaction to an unbalanced feeding or a true trophic pathology.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dicentrarchus labrax; Serranidae; Pisces; Natural populations; Fish culture; Lipids; Fatty acids; Cytology; Ultrastructure; Cells; Diseases; Pellet feeds; Metabolism; Liver; Artificial feeding; Nutrition disorders.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Larval rearing and weaning of seabass, Lates calcarifer (Block), on experimental compounded diets ArchiMer
Fuchs, Jacques; Nedelec, Georges.
Larval rearing trials of seabass larvae, either imported from Singapore or obtained from the captive broodstock of IFREMER/C.O.P. at Tahiti, were carried out since 1987, by testing different technologies originally used in South East Asia (green-water culture, sequential water changes) or developed by IFREMER for other species (clear water system, preys enrichment, continuous water renewal).
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lates calcarifer; Diets; Survival; Fish larvae; Brood stocks; Mortality; Pellet feeds; Artificial feeding; Swimming; Abnormalities; Swim bladder; Growth.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Nutrition of the seabass Lates calcarifer ArchiMer
Cuzon, Gerard; Chou, R; Fuchs, Jacques.
The Primary Production Department of Singapore (PPD) studies covered the weaning of seabass from fingerlings stage onwards and the dietary protein requirement of early grow-out fish. Dietary protein requirement of early grow-out seabass was demonstrated to be between 40-50%, at dietary lipid level of 12%, using fishmeal protein. Nevertheless fish growth was significantly higher with trashfish feed, but apparent protein retention was significantly better with formulated feed.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lates calcarifer; Fry; Nutritional requirements; Biochemistry; Food absorption; Growth rate; Fish meal; Seed (aquaculture); Dietary deficiencies; Fingerlings; Lipids; Proteins; Diets; Pellet feeds.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Selection of finfish species (seabass) as candidates for aquaculture in French Polynesia ArchiMer
Fuchs, Jacques; Gasset, Eric; Nedelec, Georges.
Species with a very high potential for aquaculture, allowing development projects on a short terms basis: the seabass originating from S.E. Asia. Species, potentially interesting but presenting some drawbacks, as difficulties to perform larval rearing or presenting pathological problem. Species considered as difficult to rear and not retained like Siganus argenteus , Siganidae or Caranx ignobilis , Carangidae. The future development of finfish in Polynesia is emphasized and a project of sea bass netcage culture in Polynesian lagoon is presented.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Siganus argenteus; Oreochromis; Coryphaenidae; Epinephelus microdon; Serranidae; Lates calcarifer; Centropomidae; Pisces; Fry; Fish larvae; Lagoons; Cage culture; Pellet feeds; Sexual reproduction; Spawning; Growth.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Shrimp aquaculture in New Caledonia ArchiMer
Galinie, C.
In New Caledonia, there is no indigenous shrimp species for commercial aquaculture and it is necessary to control the complete cycle in captivity. Since 1973 and the creation of the Station d'Aquaculture de Saint-Vincent (S.A.S.V.), a joint project between IFREMER, France-Aquaculture and the territory of New Caledonia, nine species have been tested and for one of these, P. stylirostris , (introduced in 1980), we are now in a commercial scale production with the tenth generation obtained in captivity.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: New Caledonia; Penaeus stylirostris; Rearing; Stocking density; Larvae; Growth; Pellet feeds; Intensive culture.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Status and potential of Australian Lates calcarifer culture. ArchiMer
Mackinnon, M.
Lates calcarifer is distributed widely in northern Australia and is important to both commercial and recreational fisheries. There is the research on hatchery production of the species in 1984 and this work is continuing. Hatchery reared fish have been stocked to reservoirs in northern Queensland and have been used in experimental grow-out trials. Fish weaned onto formulated diets by the age of 25 days were reared to marketable size (> 500 g) in freshwater tanks. Despite suboptimal water temperatures the fish reached market size by the age of twelve months. Taste panel analysis showed that the pellet fed fish were of good quality. The sensitivity of growth rates to water temperature was demonstrated in both grow-out trials and reservoir stockings.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lates calcarifer; Pisces; Fresh water; Fingerlings; Hatcheries; Cage culture; Water temperature; Food conversion; Pellet feeds; Culture tanks; Diets; Growth.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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