Molin,Rochele Fernanda; Valduga,Alice Teresa; Di Luccio,Marco; Dartora,Nessana; Cichoski,Alexandre José; Pistore,Mônica; Rigo,Elisandra. |
This work aimed to study the oxidation of leaves of Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil, in a process similar to the oxidation of Camellia sinensis, with the purpose of developing new products based on yerba maté. So far, no previous systematic study about the oxidation of yerba maté has been found elsewhere. A Plackett-Burman experimental design was used for the screening of the significant parameters that affected the oxidation. The oxidation was indirectly quantified by following the changes in the product color, water activity, and pH with the time of processing. The factors that most influenced the process were the age of the leaves and the relative humidity of the oxidation chamber. The differences between the treatments were more evident after 3, 6 12 and... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Physicochemical parameters; Yerba maté; Leave; Extract; Experimental design. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-89132011000200016 |
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Zeola,Nivea Maria Brancacci Lopes; Sobrinho,Américo Garcia da Silva; Hatsumura,Carla Tiemi; Borghi,Thiago Henrique; Viegas,Carlos Renato; Barbosa,José Carlos. |
The objective of this study was to evaluate production, chemical composition, and estimates of total solids and fatty acid profile of milk from 1/2 Lacaune × 1/2 Ile de France ewes fed control and soybean seeds-supplemented diets. Additionally, Roquefort type cheese was also produced and subjected to sensory analysis. Twenty four 1/2 Lacaune × 1/2 Ile de France ewes were divided into three groups and fed a control diet and diets containing 70 and 140 g kg-1 soybean as fed, during the lactation period. The remainder milk was used to produce Roquefort cheese. The experimental design was completely randomized, with three treatments (0, 70, and 140 g of soybean kg-1 as fed) and eight repetitions. The diets did not affect significantly the performance (56.72 kg... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Fatty acid profile; Milk secretion; Physicochemical parameters; Roquefort type cheese; Sensory analysis. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-35982015000400146 |
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Molin,Rochele Fernanda; Dartora,Nessana; Borges,Ana Cláudia Piovezan; Gonçalves,Itamar Luís; Di Luccio,Marco; Valduga,Alice Teresa. |
Ilex paraguariensis is a native species to South America. Its economic importance is in the use of its leaves and twigs in the processing of a product popularly known as "chimarrão". The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlations between some physico-chemical process parameters in the oxidation of I. paraguariensis leaves oxidation. The leaves of Maté with age 1.0, 6.5 and 12.0 months were subjected to an oxidation process for 3 h under different relative humidity conditions (80, 90 and 99%) at 26°C. The extracts were evaluated using the experimental design techniques to maximize the oxidation conditions for the total polyphenols, antioxidant capacity, water activity and color. The condition of 90% humidity and leaf age 6.5 months resulted in lower... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Yerba-mate; Oxidative process; Physicochemical parameters; Antioxidant activity. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-89132014000600997 |
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