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A potential nutritional modifier for predicting primary productivity of Pinus radiata in New Zealand using a simplified radiation-use efficiency model Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Bown,Horacio E; Mason,Euan G; Watt,Michael S; Clinton,Peter W.
H.E. Bown, E.G. Mason, M.S. Watt, and P.W. Clinton. 2013. A potential nutritional modifier for predicting primary productivity of Pinus radiata in New Zealand using a simplified radiation-use efficiency model. Cien. Inv. Agr. 40(2): 361-374. The 3-PG (Physiological Principles in Predicting Growth) radiation-use efficiency model has been widely used and tested for predicting the primary productivity of forests all over the world. This radiation-use efficiency model accounts for plant nutrition through a user-defined dimensionless fertility parameter (fN) that determines the effects a unit of radiation. Currently, this fertility parameter has to be entered by the user based on intuition or experience. The goal of this study was to propose a fertility...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Nutritional modifier; Pinus radiata; Primary productivity; Radiation-use efficiency; Soil C/N; Soil N.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Benítez,Hugo; Briones,Raúl; Jerez,Viviane.
Para Ceroglossus chilensis se realizo un análisis de Asimetría Fluctuante (AF) en poblaciones presentes en plantaciones de Pinus radiata de diferentes edades y tipos de manejo, ubicadas en la cordillera de la costa y precordillera andina de la Región del Bío-Bío, Chile. El objetivo fue comparar en diferentes poblaciones de C. chilensis niveles de AF, a través de medidas del tercer segmento antenal. Para ello los insectos se recolectaron mediante trampas de intercepción entre diciembre 2004 y enero 2005, en plantaciones de 6-7, 10, 13 y 22-24 años. Nuestros resultados mostraron para el total de individuos (n = 128), diferencias significativas en los valores de AF en plantaciones de 6-7 (post primer raleo) y 10 años (previo raleo comercial) para ambas...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Pinus radiata; Agroecosistema; Asimetría; Adecuación biológica.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Assessing understory development in forest plantations using laser imaging detection and ranging (LiDAR) RChHN
Forestry plantations are expected to be managed in ways to conserve biodiversity while producing goods and services. This goal implies a significant challenge as plantations tend to reduce species richness. The presence of well developed understory enhances the value of plantations as habitat for native fauna. Here, we develop a straightforward method to assess the availability of understory in forestry stands using laser imaging detection and ranging (LiDAR) data and aerial RGB high resolution images. Based on field and airborne acquired data for Pinus radiata stands in central Chile, the digital crown model (DCM), derived from the subtraction of the digital terrain model (DTM) from the digital surface model (DSM) is a more reliable predictor of...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Forestry plantations; Kriging; LiDAR; Pinus radiata; Understory height.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Alvear,Marysol; Astorga,Marcia; Reyes,Francisco.
El impacto de los residuos vegetales provenientes de manejos silvícolas sobre la dinámica de nutrientes en suelos forestales es aún desconocida. Es necesario determinar el efecto de los residuos provenientes de la poda y el raleo dejados sobre la superficie del suelo, ya que tienen un impacto directo sobre las propiedades físico-químicas y en las actividades microbianas del suelo. El objetivo de este estudio fue cuantificar y comparar el efecto de residuos vegetales provenientes de dos tratamientos silvícolas (poda y raleo) sobre algunas actividades biológicas medidas después de 10 años de manejo en invierno y en primavera. Este fue realizado en un Ultisol plantado con Pinus radiata D. Don. Nosotros determinamos: la hidrólisis de la fluoresceína diacetato...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Manejos silvícolas; Biomasa microbiana; Actividades enzimáticas; Pinus radiata.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Effect of the geographical origin, culture media, and pH on the growth dynamic of the edible ectomycohrrizal mushroom Suillus luteus Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Santelices,Rómulo; Espinoza,Sergio; Brunel,Nidia; Palfner,Gotz.
Suillus luteus is the most important wild edible ectomycorrhizal mushroom harvested and exported in Chile. This introduced species forms mycorrhizal symbiosis with Pinus radiata, the most important exotic forest tree. To obtain optimized protocols for the controlled infection of P. radiata trees with this species, it is important to determine the appropriate culture conditions. Therefore, we studied the effect of the geographical origin (three localities from the Maule Region of Chile), culture media (Modified Melin and Norkrans (MMN) and Malt Extract Agar (MEA) 2%), and pH (5.0, 5.8, and 6.5) on the in vitro growth dynamics of S. luteus over 37 days. The results showed significant differences in the growth rate and colony diameter as a consequence of its...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Ectomycorrhizal; Edible fungi; Fungi; Pinus radiata; Suillus luteus.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Growth of radiata pine families in nursery and two years after field establishment Scientia Agricola
Meza,Sergio Enrique Espinoza; Ivković,Miloš; Arce,Marco Aliro Yáñez; Díaz,Carlos Renato Magni; Moya,Rómulo Eduardo Santelices; Ariza,Antonio María Cabrera.
ABSTRACT: Pinus radiata D. Don is the most widely planted exotic species in Australia, Chile, New Zealand and Spain. In this study, growth and survival of P. radiata were compared in 30 open pollinated families grown under two contrasting watering regimes in nursery (well-watered cf. water-stress conditions) and planted on a drought-prone site with Mediterranean climate in central Chile. This study assessed phenotypic plasticity in growth and survival at nursery stage and two years after establishment in the field. Family plasticity at nursery stage was estimated by the angular phenotypic change index (APCI), while the relationship between nursery and field traits was estimated by genetic correlations (rg) and the Pearson coefficient of correlation (rxy)....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pinus radiata; Survival; Phenotypic plasticity; Nursery-field correlations; Dry sites.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Identification of proanthocyanidins extracted from Pinus radiata D. Don bark Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Cortés,Soledad; Pulgar,Hugo; Sanhueza,Verónica; Aspé,Estrella; Fernández,Katherina.
The bark of Pinus radiata D. Don is recognized as a rich natural source of proanthocyanidins (PAs). Barks of Pinus radiata D. Don were extracted to produce a raw extract, and then purified to produce 4 fractions, with the aim of correlating its structural characteristics with the extract antioxidant capacity. The structural characterization was performed by acid catalysis in presence of phloroglucinol, foliowed by the detection of the components by High Precision Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The subunits identified in the bark of Pinus radiata were: epicatechin- (4ß-2) - phloroglucinol (EC-P), catechin- (4á-2) - phloroglucinol (C-F) and (+) -catechin (C). The purified fractions showed different mean degree of polymerization (mDP), average molecular weight...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Antioxidant activity; Bark; Pinus radiata; Tannins.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Impact of mycorrhizae and irrigation in the survival of seedlings of Pinus radiata D. Don subject to drought Gayana Botánica
In drought condition, plants increase survival chance by adjusting their functional traits and by biological associations. Mycorrhizae association and artificial watering have been shown to increase plant survival under drought, especially at early developmental stages when plants are more susceptible. In Chile, Pinus radiata is the most important forest species. It is grown mainly in Central Chile, where precipitations are predicted to drop in 40% and change in frequency in the future due to climate change. Rhizopogon luteolus is an ectomycorrhizae usually associated with Pinus species and has been found to increase drought tolerance. We addressed the effect of R. luteolus inoculation on survival and functional traits of P. radiata seedlings exposed to...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Pinus radiata; Rhizopogon luteolus; Climate change; Ectomycorrhizae; Drought tolerance.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Reproductive consequences of flower damage in two contrasting habitats: The case of Viola portalesia (Violaceae) in Chile RChHN
The indirect impact of flower herbivory on plant reproduction depends on the pollination environment, particularly on the presence or absence of pollinator species with the ability to discriminate damaged from undamaged flowers. The change in pollinator assemblages, due to habitat modification, may modify the impact of flower herbivory on plant reproductive success. In this work, we evaluate the effect of flower herbivory on the seed production of Viola portalesia (Gay) in two contrasting environments, a native and low-disturbed habitat and an extensively transformed habitat characterized by Pinus radiata plantations. Even though the two habitats differed substantially in the composition of pollinator assemblages and visitation rate, the flower damage...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Flower herbivory; Habitat loss; Maulino forest; Pinus radiata; Pollination.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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The influence of N and P supply and genotype on N remobilization in containerized Pinus radiata plants Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Bown,Horacio E; Watt,Michael S; Clinton,Peter W; Mason,Euan G.
A large proportion of the nitrogen (N) used in the current-year growth of the widely grown plantation species Pinus radiata D. Don is N that was stored in plant tissues the previous year. However, the extent to which an imbalance between levels of phosphorus (P) and N may change the capacity of plants to remobilize N is unknown. In this study, the N remobilization responses of four P. radiata genotypes to a factorial combination of N and P additions were assessed in containerized plants in a two-year greenhouse experiment. N supply was enriched with 15N at 2.5%o(labeled N) during the first year. Plants were then transferred to clean sand and grown for another year with 15N at levels close to natural levels (0.3664899 atom percent 15N, δ15N...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Genotypes; Nitrogen; Nutrient remobilization; Phosphorus; Pinus radiata.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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