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A review of some south american species of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) described by Mello-Leitão from Brasil, with resolution of the genus Asaphobelis Biota Neotropica
Edwards,G. B.; Rinaldi,Isabela M. P.; Ruiz,Gustavo R. S..
The types of 18 species of Salticidae described by Mello-Leitão from Brasil were re-examined and redescribed if necessary. The following nomenclatorial changes are made: New Synonyms: Akela quinquevittata Mello-Leitão 1947 = Ilargus coccineus Simon 1901; Asaphobelis pluripunctatus Mello-Leitão 1947 = Asaphobelis physonychus Simon 1902; Asaracus elegantulus Mello-Leitão 1947 = Chira thysbe Simon 1902; Breda nigrotaeniata Mello-Leitão 1947 = Breda flavostriata Simon 1901; Phiale duplocellata Mello-Leitão 1947 = Phiale tristis Mello-Leitão 1945. New Combinations: Akela longibarba Mello-Leitão 1943 = Phiale longibarba (Mello-Leitão 1943); Marpissa broadwayi Peckham & Peckham 1892 (= Naubolus aureocomosus Mello-Leitão 1943) = Platycryptus broadwayi...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mello-Leitão; Brasil; Araneae; Salticidae; New Synonyms; New Combinations; Redescriptions.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Diopsis (Diopsidae, Diptera) with unusual wing spots: two new species from Malawi with a longer eye span in females than in males Naturalis
Feijen, H.R.; Feijen, C..
Diopsis malawiensis spec. nov. and D. vanbruggeni spec. nov. are described from Malawi. Subgeneric grouping of Diopsis Linnaeus, 1775, is briefly discussed, but the genus awaits revision. A redescription is given of Diopsis micronotata Brunett i, 1926, from the D.R. of Congo, as this species might be confused with D. vanbruggeni. The two new species and D. micronotata are closely related and are tentatively placed in the absens Brunett i group. Diopsis surcoufi Séguy, 1955, from Mozambique and Tanzania, is redescribed because of its superficial resemblance to D. malawiensis. All four species are characterised by tiny, but distinct, apical or subapical wing spots. In D. malawiensis, D. micronotata and D. vanbruggeni, eye span is, in absolute and relative...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Diopsidae; Diptera; Diopsis; New species; Redescriptions; Africa; Sexual dimorphism; 42.75.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Four new species of Pteromalus Swederus (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae) and redescriptions of three other species Naturalis
Gijswijt, M.J..
A key to the European species of the Pteromalus altus group is presented. The relationship between this group and species of the genus Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) is confirmed. One new species: P. villosae, associated with Euphorbia villosa Waldst. & presented. Two new species of the albipennis group: Pteromalus almeriensis and P. costulata are presented. In addition one species of the P. vibulenus group: P. tethys is added. Information on P. sylveni Hedqvist, P. osmiae Hedqvist and P. discors Graham is given.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Chalcidoidea; Pteromalidae; Pteromalus; New species; Redescriptions; Spain; Portugal; France; Greece; Euphorbia; 42.75.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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New and redescribed encrusting species of Alcyonium from the Atlantic Ocean (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea: Alcyoniidae) Naturalis
Stokvis, F.R.; Ofwegen, L.P. van.
Three new species of Alcyonium are described and illustrated: Alcyonium megasclerum and A. rubrum from the Cape Verde Islands, and A. profundum from the Mid Atlantic Ridge. Two species are redescribed and figured: A. grandiflorum Tixier-Durivault & d’Hondt, 1975 and A. maristenebrosi Stiasny, 1937. Pseudoalcyonium novum Tixier-Durivault & d’Hondt, 1975 is synonymized with Alcyonium bocagei (Saville Kent, 1870).
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Octocorallia; Alcyonacea; Alcyoniidae; Alcyonium; New species; Redescriptions; Atlantic Ocean; Deep water; 42.72; 42.70.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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New and redescribed species of Alcyonium Linnaeus, 1758 (Anthozoa: Alcyonacea) Naturalis
Verseveldt, J.; Ofwegen, L.P. van.
Four new species of Alcyonium are described and figured: Alcyonium compactofestucum from the east coast of South Africa, A. rudyi from the west coast of the United States, A. senegalense from Senegal and A. spitzbergense from Spitzbeigen. A. antarcticum Wright & Studer, 1889, A. gruveli TixierDurivault, 1955, A. monodi Tixier-Durivault, 1955, A. patagonicum (May, 1899) and A. sollasi Wright & Studer, 1889, are redescribed and figured. A. paessleri May, 1899, is synonymized with A. antarcticum Wright & Studer, 1889.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Octocorallia; Alcyoniidae; New species; Redescriptions; Atlantic Ocean; Indo-Pacific Ocean; 42.72.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Redescrição de Phaonia californiensis (Malloch) comb.n. e Phaonia houghii (Stein) (Diptera, Muscidae) da região Neártica Zoologia
Coelho,Sônia Maria Prevedello.
Bigotomyia californiensis Malloch, 1923 and B. houghii (Stein, 1898) are transferred to Phaonia, redescribed and illustrated. A lectotype is designated for the former.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Muscidae; Phaonia houghii; Phaonia californiensis; Redescriptions; Lectotype designation.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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The family Rhynchocinetidae Ortmann (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea) on the Brazilian coast Zoologia
Melo,Gustavo A. S. de.
The family Rhynchocinetidae Ortmann, 1890, presently in the superfamily Nematocarcinoidea Smith, 1884 and the genus Rhynchocinetes H. Milne Edwards, 1837, has always had a complex and controversial classification. Until recently, the only species known from the Brazilian coast was Rhynchocinetes rigens Gordon, 1936, which was transferred to the genus Cinetorhynchus. Rhynchocinetes typus H. Milne Edwards, 1837, the type-species of the genus, was known only from the eastern Pacific; but in the carcinological collection of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, a specimen of this species collected at Ubatuba, São Paulo was found; this is the first record of this species for the Brazilian coast. These two species are redescribed and illustrated.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brazilian waters; Cinetorhynchus; Redescriptions; Rhynchocinetes.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The genus Agelaia Lepeletier (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae) in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Rev. Bras. entomol.
Hermes,Marcel Gustavo; Köhler,Andreas.
The genus Agelaia Lepeletier 1836 belongs to the swarming genera of the Polistinae, with species distributed from Mexico to northern Argentina. Fifteen of the 31 described species are found in Brazil. Four species occur in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, two of them recorded herein for the first time. Redescriptions and a key to these species are provided.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agelaia; New records; Redescriptions; Rio Grande do Sul.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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The genus Teleopsis Rondani (Diptera, Diopsidae): discussion of its taxonomic position and revision of the species occurring in the Philippines Naturalis
Feijen, H.R..
Generic issues around Teleopsis are discussed: it is proposed to maintain the genera Teleopsis Rondani, 1875 s.s., Megalabops Frey, 1928 and Cyrtodiopsis Frey, 1928 s.s. Four Teleopsis Rondani species are described from the Philippines: T. cobiae spec. nov., T. freyi spec. nov., T. nitidifacies spec. nov. and T. nitidiscutum spec. nov. Five Teleopsis species from the Philippines are redescribed: T. boettcheri Frey, 1928, T. motatrix Osten Sacken, 1882, T. pharao Frey, 1928, T. selecta Osten Sacken, 1882, and T. shillitoi Tenorio, 1969. For T. boettcheri and T. motatrix lectotypes are designated and for T. pharao a neotype. Four other Teleopsis were, based on misidentifications, previously recorded for the Philippines: T. belzebuth (Bigot, 1874), T....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Diopsidae; Diptera; Teleopsis; New species; Redescriptions; Philippines; 42.75.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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