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Cycles sédimentaires dans le système turbiditique du Congo : nature et origine 5
Picot, Marie.
Turbidite systems are huge submarine sedimentary fans located off rivers, at the foot of the continental slope. They constitute the most distal terrigeneous deposits of a fluvial system. Their internal structure, defined as a stacking of channel-levee systems, show architectural changes through time. Forcing factors of these architectural changesare still poorly understood, and the respective role of internal (related to the own functioning of the system) or external forcing factors (climate, seal-level variations, tectonics) remains debated. To better understand the role of these controlling factors, a detailed study of the Congo system architecture was carried out. This study was conducted as part of the Reprezaï research project (Ifremer/IUEM, since...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Système turbiditique; Congo; Quaternaire terminal; Cycles sédimentaires; Progradation et rétrogradation; Avulsion; Lobes; Paléoclimat; Sismique; Carottes sédimentaires; Turbidite system; Congo; Quaternary; Sedimentary cycles; Progradation; Retrogradation; Avulsion; Lobes; Paleoclimate; Geophysical data; Sedimentary cores Thèse.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Effect of the concentrations of maltogenic α-amylase and fat on the technological and sensory quality of cakes 116
Bedoya-Perales,Noelia Soledad; Steel,Caroline Joy.
The characteristics that define cake quality can be improved by the use of adequate ingredients and a correct balance of the formulation. Fat is used for its effect on softness and because it imparts flavor and calories. Enzymes such as maltogenic α-amylase can also have a positive effect on cake texture during storage by decreasing amylopectin re-crystallization and thus delaying starch retrogradation providing longer-lasting crumb softness. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of different concentrations of maltogenic α-amylase and fat on the technological and sensory characteristics of cakes. Therefore, balanced formulations with three different fat concentrations (20, 40, and 60 g/100 g, based on the flour content) were used to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Formulation balancing; Cake quality; Crumb firmness; Retrogradation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Modified arrowroot starch and glucomannan for preserving physicochemical properties of sweet bread 64
Damat,Damat; Setyobudi,Roy Hendroko; Soni,Peeyush; Tain,Anas; Handjani,Hany; Chasanah,Uswatun.
ABSTRACT Sweet bread is associated with smooth texture and high carbohydrate content, tasty and filling - quality that makes it preferred for snack. The key is in formulating raw material and other components. Commonly, sweet bread has short shelf life. Frozen dough could be the solution to this problem, and glucomannan addition during freezing process should be able to improve its physicochemical characteristics. This research aims to determine the effect of adding modified arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L.) starch (MAS) as substitution, and glucomannan as frozen dough cryoprotectant toward sweet bread’s physicochemical. Randomized Complete Block Design Factorial (RCBD) was applied, and two factors were studied. The first factor was modified arrowroot...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cryoprotectant; Frozen dough; Resistant fiber; Retrogradation; Shelf life.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Optimizing the texture and retrogradation properties of Niangao (Rice Cake) made with naturally fermented rice flour 116
FENG,Nianjie; TANG,Shimiao; ZHOU,Mengzhou; LV,Zhejuan; CHEN,Yuanyuan; LI,Panheng; WU,Qian.
Abstract Niangao is prepared from polished round-grained or waxy rice flour and it is a popular and traditional steamed rice cake in China, but its preparation is different. In this study, Niangao was produced with naturally fermented rice flour and the effects of fermentation on physical properties and rheological characteristics were investigated. The results suggest that the water-holding capacity, texture, and color of the samples were significantly improved after natural fermentation, while amylose content was decreased. Additionally, fermentation had a marked effect on retarding the retrogradation of Niangao because fermented Niangao exhibited lower degree of retrogradation compared with the control. Control means Niangao which was produced by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fermentation; Niangao (rice cake); Retrogradation.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Propriedades Tecnológicas de Amidos Isolados de Plátanos e Bananas da Coleção de Germoplasma da Embrapa. 14
TAKEITI, C. Y.; REIS, R. C.; CARVALHO, C. W. P. de; VIANA, E. de S.; OLIVEIRA, N. A. de; JESUS NETA, P. de; OLIVEIRA, L. A. de.
A banana assume grande destaque na produção mundial, sendo que o Brasil ocupa a terceira posição da produção. As bananas podem ser consumidas cruas, enquanto os plátanos são consumidos necessariamente cozidos ou na forma de farinhas devido ao seu elevado teor de amido, constituindo assim uma oportunidade interessante para uso como ingrediente na indústria alimentícia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o amido extraído de 12 genótipos, dentre plátanos e bananas, pertencentes ao banco ativo de germoplasma da Embrapa. Os amidos apresentaram teor considerável de amilose (29,7% a 37,8%), baixos teores de fósforo (0,01% a 0,03%) e de lipídios (< 0,1%), larga faixa de temperatura de gelatinização (66,9 ºC a 90,8 ºC), estrutura granular heterogênea com...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Food technology; Amylose; Pasting properties; Retrogradation; Ingredients; Viscosity.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Retrogradation of heat-gelatinized rice grain in sealed packaging: investigation of moisture relocation 116
JUNG,Kyung-jin; LEE,Hyunah; LEE,Sang Hyun; KIM,Jae Cherl.
Abstract The aggregation of water molecules inside heat-gelatinized rice grain due to retrogradation of the grain was investigated by textural change and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of cooked grains after storage at 11 °C in a sealed package. Relaxation tests using a disc-type tip showed an increase in hardness (strength) of the cooked grain as the degree of retrogradation increased with increasing storage time, measured by the α-amylase–iodine method. SEM analysis of the vacuum-dried cooked rice grain showed a gradual increase in crevices, which further developed into holes at the center of the granule with increasing storage time. The results suggest that the disruption of hydrogen bonds between water and starch molecules is the first...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rice grain; Starch; Gelatinization; Retrogradation; Texture; Structure.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Rheological, pasting, thermal and retrogradation properties of octenyl succinic anhydride modified potato starch 116
WON,Chuin; JIN,Yong Ik; CHANG,Dong-Chil; KIM,Misook; LEE,Youngseung; GANESAN,Palanivel; LEE,Yun-Kyung; CHANG,Yoon Hyuk.
Abstract The objective of the present study was to investigate the rheological, pasting, and thermal properties of octenyl succinic anhydrate (OSA)-modified potato starch. Potato starch was modified using different concentrations of OSA (0, 1, 3, and 5%, v/v). The degree of substitution (DS) for the OSA-modified starch ranged from 0.0012 to 0.0055. The amylose leaching values of native and OSA-modified potato starch with different DS levels were in the range of 47.09-87.32%. The gel strength values of the OSA-modified starch were lower than those of native potato starch. Rapid Visco Analyzer data showed that peak, hot pasting, final and setback viscosities of the native starch decreased after OSA modification. Dynamic shear rheological tests, conducted at...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Potato starch; Octenyl succinic anhydride; Rheological property; Pasting property; Retrogradation.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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The Staling and Texture of Bread Made Using the Yudane Dough Method 19
Yamauchi, Hiroaki; Yamada, Daijyu; Murayama, Daiki; Marvin Santiago, Dennis; Orikasa, Yoshitake; Koaze, Hiroshi; Nakaura, Yoshiko; Inouchi, Naoyoshi; Noda, Takahiro; 山内, 宏昭; 折笠, 善丈; 小疇, 浩.
White breads with Yudane dough (Yudane bread) were made from commercial hard flour by the no first fermentation method. Yudane dough was prepared by mixing boiling water and flour at a ratio of 1:1. The dough at 20 and 40% (w/w, flour base) was added to the total bread dough. In the Yudane bread making method, an extended final proof, lower dough gas retention and gassing power, as well as specific loaf volume were observed compared to conventional bread making (control) without Yudane dough. Also, the moisture content of the Yudane breads increased with increasing water absorption for bread making. The total and reducing saccharide and maltose contents in the water-soluble fraction of Yudane bread also increased with the volume of added Yudane dough. The...
Palavras-chave: Bread; Staling; Texture; Starch; Retrogradation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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