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Blood for Social Status: Preliminary Evidence from Rural China AgEcon
Chen, Xi; Zhang, Xiaobo.
Xi Chen acknowledges generous Doctoral Research Grant from the Institute for the Social Sciences at Cornell University and precious data set provided by the Development Strategy and Governance Division at IFPRI. Conference Travel Grant provided by the Department of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell is also acknowledged. We are grateful to Ravi Kanbur for invaluable comments, guidance and encouragement. This paper also benefited from helpful discussion and invaluable comments from Robert Frank, David Sahn, Marc Rockmore, and seminar participants in the Department of Economics at Cornell. Due to time limit, I have not incorporated all helpful comments and suggestions in this early draft paper. The views expressed herein and any remaining errors...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Blood Donation; Social Status; Poverty; Inequality; Relative Deprivation; Rural China; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Health Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; International Development; Labor and Human Capital; Political Economy; Production Economics; Public Economics; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Risk and Uncertainty; I32; J22; D13; D63.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Can Good Projects Succeed in Bad Villages? Project Design, Village Governance and Infrastructure Quality in Rural China AgEcon
Liu, Chengfang; Zhang, Linxiu; Huang, Jikun; Luo, Renfu; Rozelle, Scott.
This study seeks to explain the differences in infrastructure quality across China’s villages. Using primary data on three main types of infrastructure projects in rural China, we find that a.) between-project within-village quality differences are small and project design has little explanatory power; b.) between-village variations are larger; and c.) there are strong correlations between the ways villages govern themselves and project quality. We conclude that it is difficult to make good projects work in bad communities and that there is something at the village level that is making some projects succeed in some villages, but not in others.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Infrastructure Quality; Village; Rural China; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Public Economics; H41; H54; H71.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Difficulties and Countermeasures of Rural Human Resources Development in Minority Areas - A Case Study of Xinjiang Province, China AgEcon
Li, Guang-ming.
We introduce the development status of human resources in rural Xinjiang of China, analyze its obstacles and difficulties, and finally put forward related countermeasures for the rural human resources development in minority areas.
Tipo: Thesis or Dissertation Palavras-chave: Rural China; Human resources development; Countermeasures; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Labor and Human Capital; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Irrigation, poverty and inequality in rural China AgEcon
Huang, Qiuqiong; Dawe, David; Rozelle, Scott; Huang, Jikun; Wang, Jinxia.
This paper examines the impact of irrigation on rural incomes, poverty and the income distribution in rural China. The relationship between irrigation and income is examined using descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis. A simulation approach is used to explore the impact of irrigation on poverty incidence. To uncover the effect of irrigation on the income distribution, inequality is decomposed by source of income, by group according to access to irrigation and by estimated income flows as a result of specific household characteristics. The results show that irrigation increases income and reduces poverty and inequality.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Income; Inequality; Irrigation; Poverty; Rural China; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Land Reallocation and Its Impacts on Technical Efficiency --Evidence from China’s Agricultural Production AgEcon
Zhang, Yanjie; Wang, Xiaobing.
China’s economic reforms make the farmers face the risk of land reallocation and adjustment, raising the questions about the impact of land reallocation on farm productivity and efficiency. Deep understanding what determines land reallocation, whether and to what extent farm productivity and efficiency are affected by the frequency of land reallocation could help policy makers introduce better targeted rural development policies. The aim of this study is first to explore the determinants of land reallocation, and then analyze how land reallocation influences productivity and efficiency in agricultural production. This study is based on panel data set over 1995-2002 from rural households in Hubei and Yunnan provinces. Our results indicate that the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Land reallocation; Technical efficiency; Rural China; Land Economics/Use; Q12; Q15.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Migrant Labor Markets and the Welfare of Rural Households in the Developing World: Evidence from China AgEcon
de Brauw, Alan; Giles, John.
In this paper, we examine the impact of reductions in barriers to migration on the consumption of rural households in China. We find that increased migration from rural villages leads to significant increases in consumption per capita, and that this effect is stronger for poorer households within villages. Household income per capita and non-durable consumption per capita both increase with out-migration, and increase more for poorer households. We also establish a causal relationship between increased out-migration and investment in housing and durable goods assets, and these effects are also stronger for poorer households. We do not find robust evidence, however, to support a connection between increased migration and investment in productive activity....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Migration; Migrant Networks; Consumption; Poverty; Wealth; Rural China; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Consumer/Household Economics; Labor and Human Capital; O12; O15; J22; J24.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The New Cooperative Medical Scheme (NCMS) and its implications for access to health care and medical expenditure: Evidence from rural China AgEcon
Liu, Dan; Tsegai, Daniel W..
The New Cooperative Medical Scheme (NCMS) program was implemented in response to ‘illness-led poverty’ and poor state of healthcare in rural China. Supported by government subsidy, more and more poor rural households are now enrolled in the NCMS. This paper investigates the impact of the NCMS program on improving health care utilization and reducing medical expenditure with a specific focus on the endeavors to unravel the heterogeneous effects of the program for the different regions and income groups. We utilize the China Health and Nutrition Survey data (CHNS) to provide prolific cross section and longitudinal information. A total sample of 6,293 individuals and 2,058 households are included in the analysis. Propensity score matching method and bounding...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Rural China; Health insurance; Impact evaluation; Propensity score matching; Health Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Village Elections, Public Goods Investments and Pork Barrel Politics, Chinese-style AgEcon
Luo, Renfu; Zhang, Linxiu; Huang, Jikun; Rozelle, Scott.
A key issue in political economy concerns the accountability that governance structures impose on public officials and how elections and representative democracy influences the allocation of public resources. In this paper we exploit a unique survey data set from nearly 2450 randomly selected villages describing China’s recent progress in village governance reforms and its relationship to the provision of public goods in rural China between 1998 and 2004. Two sets of questions are investigated using an empirical framework based on a theoretical model in which local governments must decide to allocate fiscal resources between public goods investments and other expenditures. First, we find evidence—both in descriptive and econometric analyses—that when the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Democratization; Elections; Public goods; Rural China; Political Economy; Public Economics; H41; H54; H71.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Ito, Junichi.
The major objectives of this paper are to shed some light on the mechanism that generates interregional economic imbalances among communities in rural China. Central to this issue is the development of township and village enterprises (TVEs) because the presence of secondary industry is closely associated with the economic welfare of the people residing in rural communities. In rural Jiangsu, for example, spatial disparities have become more pronounced over the past two decades. This fact suggests that the influence of initial conditions—historical and geographical advantages of industrial frontrunners—has not been erased but rather continues to persist. This is attributed to a variety of factors, including the less efficient use of TVE resources in poor...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Economic imbalance; Rural China; Past-dependency; Institution; Allocation efficiency; Agglomeration economies; International Development.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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