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Differential Marketing of Agricultural Products Dominated by Rural Cooperative Economic Organizations AgEcon
Li, Guang-ming.
Differential marketing is a strategy opposed to competitive convergence mainly characterized by seeking development in differences. Therefore, marketing of agricultural products dominated by rural cooperative economic organizations has an important practical role. Taking Manas County in Xinjiang Province as an example, agricultural marketing system dominated by rural cooperative economic organizations develops rapidly, mainly reflected in ① constructing agriculture industry association based on characteristic industry and superior industry ② establishing professional economic association, ③ setting up professional technique research association based on scientific research institutes and institutions of higher educations, ④ forming professional...
Tipo: Thesis or Dissertation Palavras-chave: Rural cooperative economic organization; Differential marketing; Agricultural product; China; Crop Production/Industries; Industrial Organization; Marketing.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Profit and Costs of the Development of Rural Cooperative Economic Organizations AgEcon
Guo, Huai-Liang; Wei, Xin.
Through analyzing the economic profits of rural cooperative economic organizations, the following conclusions are obtained. The rural cooperative economic organizations can get the economic profits which are in accordance with the demands of market-oriented economy. The rural cooperative economic organizations can benefit from sharing the knight service provided by the government; reducing and avoiding various kinds of risks in operation; applying the agricultural technology and standardization production. Besides, the organizations can share the profits bought along by the standardization production of agricultural production and their members can enjoy the profits bought by socialized service system. In addition, the rural cooperative economic...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rural cooperative economic organization; Profit and cost. Preferential policy; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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