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Life Satisfaction Over Time Among Rural Low-income Mothers AgEcon
Mammen, Sheila; Bauer, Jean W.; Lass, Daniel A..
Replaced with revised version of paper 11/05/09. Former title: Life Satisfaction among Rural Low-income Mothers: The Influence of Health, Human, Personal, and Social Capital
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Satisfaction with life; Rural low-income mothers; Health capital; Human capital; Personal capital; Social capital; Homeostatis; Labor and Human Capital; I30; I31; I32; I39.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The Earned Income Tax Credit and Rural Families: Differences between Participants and Non-participants AgEcon
Mammen, Sheila; Lawrence, Frances C.; St. Marie, Peter; Berry, Ann A.; Knight, Suzanne Enzian.
The differences between rural low-income mothers who were participants and non-participants in the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) were examined. One-third of the 224 eligible mothers in a multi-state study did not claim the tax credit. Non-participants were more likely to be Hispanic, less educated, with larger families, borrowing money from family, and living in more rural counties. Participating mothers, on the other hand, were more food secure, perceived their household income as being adequate, reported recent improvements in their economic situation, were satisfied with life, and lived in states with a state EITC. Analysis of qualitative data revealed that rural mothers had many misconceptions about the EITC. These findings contribute to family and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: EITC non-participants; EITC participants; Rural low-income mothers; State EITC; Rural low-income families; Consumer/Household Economics; Financial Economics; I38; J16; J18.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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