Coiffec, Gaelle; Duhamel, Erwan; Biseau, Alain; Danzart, Marc. |
Since 1993 the yearly amounts of sardine landings for the Bay of Biscay fishing ports have experienced a constant increase (10,000 tonnes in 1993); on that account sardine is the first species landed in the fishing ports of the Bay of Biscay (15,000 tonnes in 2003). It is sold 0.54 / kg (constant price over ten years) which means a 8,100 k turnover in 2003 and the 12th rank in value landed in the fishing ports of Bay of Biscay. Though anchovy landings have decreased over the last ten years, especially since 2001, this species occupies the 3rd rank of the highest landings (7,300 tonnes) of the Atlantic shoreline in 2003.The decrease of anchovy landings over the last ten years may account for the high increase of its constant sale price of 1.5 / kg from... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Purse seiner; Midwater pair trawler; Sardine; Anchovy; Pelagic; Bay of Biscay; Recrutement; Senneur; Chalutier pelagique; Bolincheur; Sardine; Anchois; Pelagique; Golge de Gascogne. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2006/rapport-2287.pdf |
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