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Étude expérimentale de la turbulence dans les zones à forts courants et de son impact sur les hydroliennes ArchiMer
Ikhennicheu, Maria.
French waters have a strong potential for tidal turbines applications. In these areas of strong currents, intense velocity fluctuations are observed in the water column. They ultimately come from variations in seabed bathymetry and can have a strong impact on tidal turbine energy production and fatigue. In order to understand the turbulent structures generation in the wake of obstacles and to build a data base for future numerical studies, the Alderney Race conditions are reproduced experimentally, in a wave and current tank, in Froude similitude and with a Reynolds number as high as possible. In this study, real bathymetric variations are represented using canonical elements : a cube, a cylinder, an inclined plane or a combination of all three. Cases with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbulence; Essais expérimentaux; Hydroliennes; Obstacles; Sillage; PIV; LDV; POD; Turbulence; Experimental trials; Tidal turbines; Obstacles; Wake; PIV; LDV; POD.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Produção e utilização de silagem de milho e sorgo. Infoteca-e
Cultivares de milho e sorgo para ensilagem; Tecnicas de ensilagem; Ponto de colheita; Picagem do material; Compactacao do material no silo; Vedacao do material ensilado; Tempo minimo para abertura do silo; Retirada da silagem; Fases do processo fermentativo; Fase aerobia; Fase anaerobia I; Fase anaerobia II; Fase de estabilidade; Fermentacoes apos a abertura do silo; Uso de aditivos na silagem de milho e sorgo; Avaliacao de silagens de milho e sorgo; Avaliacao inicial; Analise da silagem; Coleta e manuseio das amostras; O que analisar; Materia Seca (MS); Fibra detergente acido (FDA); Fibra detergente neutro (FDN); Proteina bruta (PB); Utilizacao de silagens de milho e sorgo em dietas para bovinos.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Alimentacao animal; Food; Maize; Production; Silagem de milho; Silagem de sorgo; Sillage; Sorghum; Use; Uses; Uso; Utilizacao; Alimento Para Animal; Alimentação; Animal; Ensilagem; Fermentação Anaeróbica; Milho; Nutrição Animal; Produção; Silagem; Sorghum spp; Sorgo; Zea Mays; Animal feeding; Animal nutrition; Silage making; Silage.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Simulation du comportement d’hydroliennes : modélisation de l’influence de la turbulence ambiante et des effets d’interaction ArchiMer
Carlier, Clement.
The development of marine current turbines arrays has been an active research topic for some years. However, many studies are still necessary in order to fully understand the behaviour of such arrays. One of these studies is the impact of the ambient turbulence on the behaviour of marine current turbines. Indeed recent studies have shown that ambient turbulence intensity highly modifies the behaviour of horizontal axis marine current turbines. Consequently numerical simulations have to represent the ambient turbulence or at least its effects on the performance and wake of the turbines. An other one of these studies is the assessment of interaction effect between turbines in close proximity. In order to highlight these interaction effects, experiments were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Simulation numérique; Hydrolienne; Turbulence ambiante; Synthetic-Eddy-Method; Hydroliennes en interaction; Essais expérimentaux; Sillage; Performance.; Numerical computations; Marine current turbine; Ambiant turbulence; Synthetic-Eddy- Method; Interacting turbines; Experimental trials; Wake; Performence.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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