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Heterotrophic Bacteria Show Weak Competition for Nitrogen in Mediterranean Coastal Waters (Thau Lagoon) in Autumn 5
Trottet, Aurore; Leboulanger, Christophe; Vidussi, Francesca; Pete, Romain; Bouvy, Marc; Fouilland, Eric.
The importance of heterotrophic bacteria relative to phytoplankton in the uptake of ammonium and nitrate was studied in Mediterranean coastal waters (Thau Lagoon) during autumn, when the Mediterranean Sea received the greatest allochthonous nutrient loads. Specific inhibitors and size-fractionation methods were used in combination with isotopic N-15 tracers. NO3 (-) and NH4 (+) uptake was dominated by phytoplankton (60 % on average) during the study period, which included a flood event. Despite lower biomass specific NH4 (+) and NO3 uptake rates, free-living heterotrophic bacteria contributed significantly (> 30 %) to total microbial NH4 (+) and NO3 (-) uptake rates in low chlorophyll waters. Under these conditions, heterotrophic bacteria may be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bacteria; Phytoplankton; Inhibitors; Size fractionation; Nitrogen uptake; Dissolved inorganic nitrogen.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Iron isotope fractionation in iron-organic matter associations: Experimental evidence using filtration and ultrafiltration 5
Lotfi-kalahroodi, Elaheh; Pierson-wickmann, Anne-catherine; Guénet, Hélène; Rouxel, Olivier; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Bouhnik-lecoz, Martine; Vantelon, Delphine; Dia, Aliou; Davranche, Mélanie.
Colloids have been recognized as key vectors of pollutants in aqueous environment. Amongst them, those formed by iron (Fe) and organic matter (OM) are of major importance due to their ubiquity in the surface environment and strong affinity for metals. In the recent years, Fe stable isotopes have been increasingly used to elucidate the sources and biogeochemical cycling of Fe in Earth's surface environments. In this study, we aim to elucidate (i) the possible Fe isotopic signature resulting from the Fe/OM colloid formation and (ii) the mechanisms involved in the development of such isotopic signature. For this purpose, Fe-OM associations were synthesized through binding and titration experiments. Various pH levels were used in order to study the isotope...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Filtration; Size fractionation; Isotope fractionation; Colloidal; Dissolved; Fe isotopes.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Photosynthesis and bacterial utilization of phytoplankton exudates - results from pre-incubation and post-incubation size fractionation 5
Ward, Bb.
Size fractionation 14C02 experiments were used to investigate the pathways of carbon assimilation in the small ( <: 1 J.lm) fraction of natural plankton populations. Label distribution among the fractions provided evidence for the transfer of recently incorporated labeled carbon from "phytoplankton" to "bacterial" fractions. In the < 1 J.liD fraction, both photosynthetic C02 assimilation and heterotrophic assimilation of labeled exudates contributed significantly to carbon assimilation, comprising up to 18 and 33 % of the who le sample assimilation, respectively.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Exsudats planctoniques; Fractionnement en taille; Phytoplankton exudates; Size fractionation.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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