Registros recuperados: 102 | |
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Brooks, Laura. |
A deterministic model for the economic impact of African Horse Sickness (AHS) on the equine breeding industry was developed for South Africa. It was applied to the case of the 2007/2008 outbreak of AHS in the Eastern Cape as a pilot application of the model, using data from breeders in the province. It was concluded that the deterministic model’s extension to include other areas of equine livelihoods could be effective in exposing the need for further research into the control and treatment of AHS in South Africa. |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: African horse sickness; Economic impact; South Africa; Environmental Economics and Policy. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/107456 |
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Nieukerken, E.J. van; Geertsema, H.. |
A grapevine leafminer found recently in table grape orchards and vineyards in the Paarl region (Western Cape, South Africa) is described as Holocacista capensis sp. n. It has also been found on native Rhoicissus digitata and bred on that species in the laboratory. It is closely related to Holocacista salutans (Meyrick, 1921), comb. n. (from Antispila), described from Durban in KwaZulu-Natal, but widespread in southern Africa and a native leafminer of various Vitaceae: Rhoicissus tomentosa, R. digitata, R. tridentata and Cissus cornifolia. Holocacista capensis has been found on Vitis vinifera both in Gauteng and Western Cape, the earliest record being from 1950 in Pretoria. The initial host shift from native Vitaceae to Vitis must have occurred much... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Host shift; Leafminers; Vitaceae; Viticulture; Table grapes; Rhoicissus; Cissus; DNA barcode; Genitalia; Holocacista; Antispilina; Antispila; Afrotropics; South Africa; Zimbabwe; India. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/648754 |
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Ortmann, Gerald F.; King, Robert P.. |
The objective of this research is to investigate whether agricultural cooperatives can facilitate smallholder farmer access to input and product markets. Farmers in two case study communal areas of KwaZulu-Natal face high transaction costs as reflected primarily in their low levels of education and literacy, lack of market information, insecure property rights, poor road and communication infrastructure, and long distances to markets. Analysis of the reasons why cooperatives were originally established in various parts of the world suggests that most of the causes (such as poverty, market failure and high transaction costs) also apply to the study farmers, as do the seven international principles of cooperation. Smallholder farmers in both case study... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Agricultural cooperatives; Small-scale farmers; High-value crops; Transaction costs; South Africa; Agribusiness. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/10124 |
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Treguier, Anne-marie; Boebel, O; Barnier, B; Madec, G. |
A 1/6degrees resolution primitive equation model of the Atlantic circulation is analyzed in the Agulhas region. The model has a realistic level of eddy kinetic energy, and produces anticyclonic Agulhas rings as well as cyclonic structures. In the model as well as in the data, ring trajectories undergo a transition between a turbulent character in the Cape Basin and a steady propagation in the rest of the South Atlantic. The topography of the Walvis Ridge does not seem to play a part in generating this contrast in the model. The model shows that cyclones are primarily generated from the negative shear vorticity side of the Agulhas Current as it leaves the coast, and they are most of the time paired with anticyclones in dipolar or tripolar structures.... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: South Africa; South Atlantic Ocean; Numerical model; Ocean currents; Oceanic eddies; Eddy flux. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2003/publication-453.pdf |
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NGUYEN, Thu-Thuy; MOTSIRI, Mono Sophie; TAIOE, Moeti Oriel; MTSHALI, Moses Sibusiso; GOTO, Yasuyuki; KAWAZU, Shin-Ichiro; Molifi THEKISOE, Oriel Matlhahane; INOUE, Noboru; 河津, 信一郎; 井上, 昇. |
A total of 231 serum samples were collected from sheep (n=9), goats (n=99) and cattle (n=123) in northeastern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Trypanosome infection was detected using Trypanosoma brucei brucei crude antigen (TbbCA) and T. congolense crude antigen (TcoCA) ELISA assays. Recombinant antigen (T. evansi GM6 which consisted of 4 repeat domains, TeGM6-4r) ELISA and immunochromatographic test (ICT) were also used. Crude antigen ELISA, TeGM6-4r-ELISA and ICT detected 27.3%, 29% and 19.9% of trypanosome seropositive samples, respectively. Trypanosome infection prevalence in cattle and goats was 35.8–46.3% and 0–9.1%, respectively. Out of 9 sheep serum samples, 2–4 sera (22.2–44.4%) were positive. The detection performance of crude and recombinant... |
Palavras-chave: Animal African trypanosomosis; ELISA; Immunochromatographic test; Serodiagnosis; South Africa. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4034 |
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Schleyer, M.H.; Celliers, L.. |
Southern African coral communities form a continuum from the more typical, accretive reefs in the tropics of Mozambique to the marginal, southernmost African distribution of this fauna in KwaZulu- Natal. While the latter are limited in size, they are gaining increasing attention as they provide a model for the study of many of the stresses to which these valuable systems are globally being subjected. Soft coral cover, comprising relatively few species, exceeds that of scleractinians over much of the southern reefs, and the coral communities attain a high biodiversity at this latitude on the East African coast. A long-term monitoring programme has revealed small yet significant changes in community structure on the reefs in recent years, concurrent with... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Coral reefs; South Africa; 42.79. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/220567 |
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Registros recuperados: 102 | |