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Evaluation of a soybean threshing machine for small scale farmers CIGR Journal
Adekanye, Timothy Adesoye; Osakpamwan, Adams Blessing; Osakpamwan, Adams Blessing; Osaivbie, Idahosa Endurance; Osaivbie, Idahosa Endurance.
A soybean threshing machine was designed, fabricated and evaluated at Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria, to determine its performance and ease the drudgery problems associated with threshing of soybean by the small scale farmers. Evaluation was carried out with TGX 1448 soybean variety at different levels of moisture contents; 10%, 16% and 22% (wet basis) and at different drum speeds; 320 r/min, 385 r/min, 450 r/min, 515 r/min, with constant mass input of 600g and constant concave clearance of 23 mm.  The overall mean results obtained for performance indicators in terms of threshing efficiency, cleaning efficiency, percentage of damage seed, percentage of blown seeds, percentage of seed loss and throughput capacity were 99.51%, 77.91%,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultural Engineering / Crop Processing soybean; Threshing; Separation; Efficiency; Small scale farmers.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Finger Millet Genetic Male-sterile Line INFM 95001 Open Agri
Palavras-chave: Self pollination; Alleles; Heterosis; Segregation; Millets; Threshing; Crossing over; Sexual reproduction; Grain; Breeds (animals).
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Grain mold resistance in advanced sorghum B-lines Open Agri
Reddy, P.S.,( P. Sanjana Reddy ).
Palavras-chave: Grain; Fungi; Sorghum; Threshing; Replication; Breeds (animals); Cereals; Wet season; Humus; Tropical zones.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Guidelines for Farmer-Level Sorghum Seed Production and Marketing in Northern Somalia Open Agri
Manyasa, E..
Palavras-chave: Seed production; Sorghum; Threshing; Seed treatment; Seed quality; Purity; Capacity building; Grain; Seed dressing; Markets.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Mechanical properties of castor beans subject to different drying temperatures aiming to disrupt the bean coat REA
Bastos,Adriano C.; Ferraz,Antonio C. De O..
In castor oil extraction process, the bean coat is abrasive to the equipment and releases substances that modify the oil color, reducing its quality. A potential solution would be to run the extraction by compressing only the endosperm. Due to lack of information, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of forced air drying at 40, 60, 80 and 100 ºC and farmyard drying, in the mechanical properties of the beans, aiming to break the bean coat. Castor beans were subjected to compression tests, in two perpendicular directions, at a strain rate of 0.6 mm.s-1. Average values of force, deformation energy, strain, all at rupture, and stiffness were used to evaluate the effects of dehydration. It was observed that the heat treatments did not alter...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conditioning; Threshing; Decortication; Compression.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Performance Assessment of Manual Rice Harvesting Methods under Farmer’s Field Conditions CIGR Journal
Amponsah, Shadrack Kwadwo; Addo, Ahmad; Djidohopkin, Ella; Olaye, Romaric Biaou.
A better understanding of field performances for traditional harvesting methods and tools is essential in facilitating future improvement on design and overall efficiency. Performance of different manual harvesting tools and methods was evaluated under farmer’s field conditions for IR841 and Nerica L20 rice varieties in Benin. Results from evaluation showed that an average of 84 to 161 man-hours was required to thresh a hectare of rice field using either the threshing by impact “bambam” or bag beating method.  Less time was however required to thresh IR841 than Nerica L20 varieties, irrespective of manual threshing method used. Similarly, between 58 to 95 man-hours was required to harvest a hectare of field using either a cutlass or sickle. However, to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Harvesting; Threshing; Nerica; Drudgery; Field capacity; Cutlass; Sickle.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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