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A low-cost apparatus for transforming Drosophila and detecting green fluorescent protein (GFP) genetic markers Genet. Mol. Biol.
Deprá,Maríndia; Sepel,Lenira Maria Nunes; Loreto,Élgion Lucio da Silva.
We describe the transformation of white mutant Drosophila simulans with a piggyBac transposon vector and a green fluorescent marker (GFP) and show how to construct inexpensive micro-manipulation and epifluorescence equipment for use in transposon-mediated germ-line transformation. Although the number of G0 adult flies (16) obtained in relation to the number of injected eggs was very low (12.5%) it was comparable to the proportion described by other authors and can be considered as a good rate of transformation.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Transgenic Drosophila; PiggyBac; GFP; Transposable elements.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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The DNA puff BhB10-1 gene is differentially expressed in various tissues of Bradysia hygida late larvae and constitutively transcribed in transgenic Drosophila BJMBR
Monesi,N.; Sousa,J.F.; Paçó-Larson,M.L..
We extended the characterization of the DNA puff BhB10-1 gene of Bradysia hygida by showing that, although its mRNA is detected only at the end of the fourth larval instar, BhB10-1 expression is not restricted to the salivary gland, the tissue in which this gene is amplified. Different amounts of BhB10-1 mRNA were detected in other larval tissues such as gut, Malpighian tubules, fat body, brain and cuticle, suggesting that this gene is expressed differentially in the various tissues analyzed. Analysis of transgenic Drosophila carrying the BhB10-1 transcription unit and flanking sequences revealed that the tested fragment promotes transcription in a constitutive manner. We suggest that either cis-regulatory elements are missing in the transgene or factors...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: DNA puff; Gene expression; Development; Ecdysone; Transgenic Drosophila.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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