Zubioli,Arnaldo; Batista,Marcia Regina; Stefanello,Talitha Fernandes; Carrara,Marcia Aparecida; Bazotte,Roberto Barbosa. |
The performance of lab tests (LT) and blood testing devices (BTD) to monitor glycemia vs. glycated hemoglobin A1c (A1c) were compared. In addition, the performance of blood glucose, total cholesterol (TC) and triacylglycerol measured by LT and BDT were compared. All parameters were measured based on the same blood samples from overnight fasted type 2 diabetic patients (T2DP). Linear regression analysis was used for all comparisons. The results showed that A1c correlated better with LT-glucose (r = 0.58) than BTD-glucose (r = 0.42). Moreover, LT vs. BTD showed r values of 0.90, 0.82 and 0.92 for glucose, TC and triacylglycerol, respectively. It was concluded that the performance of LT-glucose was better than BDT-glucose. Moreover, since triacylycerol and TC... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Laboratory tests; Glycated hemoglobin; Glycemia; Total cholesterol; Triacylglycerol; Type 2 diabetes. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1984-82502011000300020 |
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Fabrizzi,Fernando; Moraes,Gilberto; Hackbarth,Araceli; Almeida,Luciana Cristina de; Arbeláez-Rojas,Gustavo; Nunes,Cleujosí da Silva. |
In fish, studies on a wide variety of physiological effects of exercise have been reported since a long time. It has been attributed special attention to some types of exercise, however, its application as a healthful practice in the rearing and welfare of farming fish is rising in last few years. In this particular, long-term intermittent sustained swimming (ISS) has been not yet explored. In this work, the freshwater fish Brycon amazonicus was submitted to (ISS) for 30 days at velocity of 1.0 body-length sec-1 for 12h interspaced by 12h under still water. Hematology and metabolism were evaluated. Exercised fish decreased 30% the erythrocyte number and hemoglobin was unvaried. The stores of liver glycogen and muscular triacylglycerol (TAG) were increased... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Adaptation; Exercise; Fish; Glycogen; Metabolism; Triacylglycerol. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1679-62252013000200425 |
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ABSTRACT Dyslipidemias are associated with the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, hypertension and hepatic steatosis, being the cause of morbidity and mortality. This study investigated the effects of lychee peel flour (PF) on serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein (LDL-c), triacylglycerols (TAG) and various parameters related to obesity, in rats fed a hypercholesterolemic diet. Therefore, 20 male rats were used. In the first 21 days, the animals were fed a hypercholesterolemic diet, except for control group. In the following 21 days, their diets were modified, and they received a standard diet (Control); hypercholesterolemic (Hyper); hypercholesterolemic + 5% PF (PF5) and hypercholesterolemic + 10% PF (PF10).... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Cholesterol; Lipid peroxidation; Steatosis; Triacylglycerol; Weight gain. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0001-37652018000100267 |
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Barbalho,Sandra Maria; Spada,Ana Paula Machado; Oliveira,Erick Prado de; Paiva-Filho,Márcio Emilio; Martuchi,Karla Aparecida; Leite,Náyra Coelho; Deus,Renata Maeda; Sasaki,Vivianne; Braganti,Lucas Silva; Oshiiwa,Marie. |
The aim of this study was to demonstrate the effects of Mentha piperita juice and tea on plasma lipids of Wistar rats. The animals were divided in control group (CG) and four treated groups: TG1 treated with tea and TG2 treated with juice (both receiving commercial rat chow); TG3 and TG4 were fed with supplemented fat chow (with hydrogenated fat and soybean oil) and treated respectively with tea and juice. Both tea and juice were administered by intra-gastric route (gavage) two times a day for 30 days. TG2 and TG4 animals showed significant decrease in triacylglycerols and increase in HDL-c levels. TG1 and TG2 also showed lower cholesterol values. The levels of LDL-c increased in CG but decreased in the treated groups. Animals of TG1, TG2 and TG4 showed... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Mentha piperita; Cholesterol; HDL-c; LDL-c; Triacylglycerol. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-89132009000500011 |
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Verago,J.L.; Grassi-Kassisse,D.M.; Spadari-Bratfisch,R.C.. |
Stress hormones can alter metabolic functions in adipose tissue and liver, as well as the sensitivity of rat white adipocytes and rat atrial responses to ß-adrenergic agonists. In this study, we examined the effects of three daily footshock stress sessions on the plasma corticosterone, glucose, glycerol and triacylglycerol levels of fed, conscious male rats, and on the plasma glucose, glycerol and triacylglycerol levels of the same rats following iv infusions of ß-adrenergic agonists (isoproterenol: 0.4 nmol kg-1 min-1, noradrenaline: 5.0 µg kg-1 day-1, and BRL 37344 ([±]-[4-(2-[(2-[3-chlorophenyl]-2-hydroxyethyl)amino]propyl)phenoxy]acetic acid), a selective ß3-adrenoceptor agonist: 0.4 nmol kg-1 min-1). Plasma corticosterone levels increased... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Glucose; Glycerol; Triacylglycerol; Triglycerides; Beta-adrenergic agonist; Corticosterone; Infusion. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-879X2001000900014 |
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相沢, 修; 齋藤, 優介; 西, 繁典; 小疇, 浩; 弘中, 和憲; 小嶋, 道之. |
ワイルドライス(Zizania palustris L.、K2 品種)は、炭水化物(68%)が主要成分のデンプン性種子で、他にタンパク質14%、灰分2%、脂質1.4%などを含有していた。また、種実に含まれる脂質は、中性脂質が75%で、リン脂質15%と糖脂質10%から成り、中性脂質の主要クラスはトリアシルグリセロール(TG)で、全脂質の68%を占めていた。品種間における脂質成分と組成割合には、ほとんど差異は認められなかった。TG の主要分子種は、パルミトイルジリノレン(PLL)、パルミトイルリノレオイルリノレニン(PLLn)、ジリノレオイルリノレニン(LLLn)、トリリノレン(LLL)、オレオイルリノレオイルリノレニン(OLLn)などで60%を占め、他に少なくとも11 種類の分子種が認められた。また、TG の構成脂肪酸位置分析により、sn-1、3 位には16:0、18:2および18:3 が、sn-2 位には18:2、18:3、18:1 および16:0 が認められた。また、4 種類のステロール脂質;遊離ステロール(FS)、ステロールエステル(SE)、ステリルグリコシド(SG)、アシルステリルグリコシド(ASG)の構成デスメチルステロール(DeMS)は、全てシトステロール>カンペステロール>スチグマステロールの順であったが、SE の構成デスメチルステロールであるスチグマステロールの割合は、他クラスのそれに比べて約10%程度低い値を示した。また、種実のポリフェノール含量は0.04%-0.06%、種皮のそれは0.18%-0.28%であり、品種により含量が顕著に異なっていた。しかし、種実ポリフェノール組成は、品種間では同様で、分子量が534 及び564の2 種類の構造未知のポリフェノールであった。 |
Palavras-chave: 脂質; トリアシルグリセロール; 分子種; ポリフェノール; ワイルドライス; Lipids; Triacylglycerol; Molecular spaces; Polyphenol; Wild-rice. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/1608 |
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Cazita,P.M.; Castilho,L.N.; Carvalho,M.D.T.; Sesso,A.C.; Oliveira,H.C.F.; Quintão,E.C.R.. |
We determined the influence of fasting (FAST) and feeding (FED) on cholesteryl ester (CE) flow between high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and plasma apoB-lipoprotein and triacylglycerol (TG)-rich emulsions (EM) prepared with TG-fatty acids (FAs). TG-FAs of varying chain lengths and degrees of unsaturation were tested in the presence of a plasma fraction at d > 1.21 g/mL as the source of CE transfer protein. The transfer of CE from HDL to FED was greater than to FAST TG-rich acceptor lipoproteins, 18% and 14%, respectively. However, percent CE transfer from HDL to apoB-containing lipoproteins was similar for FED and FAST HDL. The CE transfer from HDL to EM depended on the EM TG-FA chain length. Furthermore, the chain length of the monounsaturated... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Cholesteryl ester transfer protein; Fatty acid; Emulsion; Triacylglycerol; HDL; Lipoproteins. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-879X2010001200001 |
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